The Township is a community of lakes and streams in a natural setting, and their preservation constitutes a cornerstone of the development plan for the Township in general. The reviewing board, in ruling on a development plan application, shall take into consideration the effect which the proposed development will have on the lake and stream systems maintained in the Township and determine that no adverse effect leading to the destruction of the lakes and streams within the community or the geological or natural systems upon which the existence of the lakes and streams rely will occur. In general, the Board may utilize the data set forth within Technical Bulletin 72, prepared by the Urban Land Institute in evaluating the techniques employed in lake and stream management.
An applicant for development plan approval shall address in his application the effect which the proposal will have on lakes, ponds and streams, either on applicant's site, adjacent to applicant's site, or into which storm surface water drainage may be expected to flow. In particular, the applicant shall provide documentation that the proposal:
Adverse impact. Would not have an adverse effect on the ecosystem, geological, or other natural systems of the lakes, streams, ponds, and adjoining shorelines;
Suitability. Clearly establishes that the proposal is suitable for the site;
Conflicting uses. Clearly establishes the proposed uses which are contemplated for the lakes, ponds and streams to assure that conflicting uses will not destroy the character and value of the lakes, ponds and streams;
Downstream. Will not have an adverse effect in changing water quality or changing stream flow characteristics to the detriment of downstream property owners and interests;
Water levels. Maintenance of proposed water levels will not adversely affect the ability to maintain proper water level for existing lakes and ponds affected by applicant's proposal. In evaluating this proposal, it should be noted that pond levels be maintained at a six-foot to seven-foot depth;
Thermal stratification. Will not create adverse conditions as a result of thermal stratification. In the event that adverse conditions are created, the applicant may be required to provide artificial aeration and agitation;
Siltation. Adequately provide for prevention of adverse siltation conditions in the development through the use of approved soil erosion and sediment control methods;
Water quality. Maintain proper water quality through the elimination of contamination;
Eutrophication. Shall adequately provide for the control of organic pollution resulting from man's activities (i.e., fertilizers, detergents, sewage).