All utility service, except potable water, shall be connected to an approved public utility system, where one exists, if applicable and approved by the public utility. The connection of private water systems to public systems shall be optional. The connection of alternate energy sources should be made to public energy sources to insure continued service at desirable levels. The use or disposal of wastes from alternate sewerage treatment facilities should comply with existing local, state and federal regulations.
The developer shall arrange with the servicing utility for the underground installation of the utilities distribution supply lines and service connections in accordance with the provisions of the applicable standard terms and conditions incorporated as a part of its tariff as the same are then on file with the State of New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners.
The developer shall submit to the reviewing board, prior to the granting of final approval, a written instrument from each serving utility which shall evidence full compliance or intended full compliance with the provisions of this section; provided, however, lots which abut existing streets where overhead electric or telephone distribution supply lines and service connections have heretofore been installed may be supplied with electric and telephone service from those overhead lines, but the service connections from the utilities overhead lines shall be installed underground. In the case of existing overhead utilities, should a road widening, or an extension of service, or other such condition occur as a result of the development and necessitate the replacement, relocation or extension of such utilities, such replacement, relocation or extension shall be underground.
Where natural foliage is not sufficient to provide year-round screening of any utility apparatus appearing above the surface of the ground, other than utility poles, the applicant shall provide sufficient live screening to conceal such apparatus year-round. All screening shall be in accordance with Article 26, Buffers and Screening, of this chapter.
On any lot where by reason of soil conditions, wooded area, or other special condition of land, the applicant deems it a hardship to comply with the provisions of this chapter, the developer may apply to the reviewing board for an exception from the terms of this chapter. Where overhead lines are permitted as the exception, the alignments and pole locations shall be carefully routed to avoid locations along horizons, avoid the clearing of swaths through wooded areas by selective cutting and a staggered alignment, by planting trees in open areas at key locations to minimize the views of the poles and alignments, by following rear lot lines and other interior locations, and similar design and location considerations to lessen the visual impact of overhead lines.
Any installation under this chapter to be performed by a servicing utility shall be exempt from requiring performance guarantees, but shall be subject to inspection and certification by the municipal engineer.