Unless otherwise specified by the Township, all work shall be performed in accordance with the New Jersey State Highway Department Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction - 1961, or later revision. These specifications shall govern the installation and construction of improvements in all sections of subdivisions whose final plats have not received formal Township approval prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, and to all construction work hereafter performed on previously approved final plats where adherence to the new specifications will not impose an unnecessary hardship by reason of prior commencement of such construction, prior commitments of contracts or prior delivery of materials.
Wherever in these design specifications the term "engineer" is used, it shall refer to and designate the engineer duly authorized by Edgewater Park Township to supervise the construction of the improvements contemplated herein, or his duly appointed assistant or representative, or the Edgewater Park Township Director of Public Works, who shall have the same authority as the engineer.