The Township Administrator is designated to supervise and direct all inspections, regulations, enforcements and hearings on violations of the provisions of this code, unless expressly stated to the contrary. Other public officials or employees of the Township may be designated by ordinance or the Township Administrator to perform duties as may be necessary to the enforcement of this code including the making or inspections and holdings of hearings.
[Amended by Ord. No. 6-96]
All buildings and premises subject to this code are subject to inspections from time to time by the enforcing officer, or officers, of the Township. Inspections shall be mandatory prior to the conveyance of title of any real estate and upon the reletting of any tenancy of any real estate. In the event that the subject tenancy concerns a single-dwelling unit of a multiunit building, the inspection shall be required only with respect to that certain single-dwelling unit. Applications for the mandatory inspection must be made no less than 10 days prior to the desired date of the issuance of the inspection report or the date the real estate is to be occupied by the new owner or the new tenant. Applications for inspections shall be made in accordance with § 396-69.
In the event that any owner of real estate within the Township fails or neglects to obtain the mandatory inspection prior to any new occupancy or reletting of any real estate, the owner and/or landlord shall be subject to the maximum fines and penalties prescribed in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II, General Penalty, of the Code of the Township of Edgewater Park, concerning fines and penalties.
Enforcement officials and officers shall be supplied with official identification and upon request shall exhibit such identification when entering any structure or any part of any premises subject to this code. Inspectors shall conduct themselves so as to avoid intentional embarrassment or inconvenience to the occupants.
Where the enforcing official or his agent is refused entry or access or is otherwise impeded or prevented by the owner, occupant or operator from conducting an inspection of the premises, such person shall be in violation of this code and subject to the penalties hereunder.
Enforcing officials may, upon affidavit, apply to the judge of the Township for a search warrant setting forth factually the actual conditions and circumstances that provide a reasonable basis for believing that a nuisance or violation of this code exists on the premises, and if the judge is satisfied as to the matter set forth in the said affidavit, he shall authorize the issuance of a search warrant permitting access to and inspection of that part of the premises on which the nuisance or violation exists.
Where a violation of this code or the regulations hereunder is bound to exist, a written notice from the enforcing official shall be served on the person or persons responsible for the correction thereof.
The notice shall specify the violation or violations committed, what must be done to correct same, a reasonable period of time not to exceed 30 days to correct or abate the violation, the right of the person served to request a hearing, and that the notice shall become an order in 10 days after service unless a hearing is requested. The notice shall also advise the recipient that if the violation is not corrected or abated, the municipality may do same, the cost of which shall become a lien on the subject property.
Notice may be served personally or by prepaid telegram or by mail with postage prepaid, addressed to the last known address of the person to be served. In the case the premises are occupied, notice may be accomplished by posting upon the front door of the structure. Where it is ascertained the owner does not reside on the premises, the "last known address" shall be the address of the owner as shown in the office of the Tax Collector. If the last known address cannot be ascertained, service may be accomplished by mailing the notice with postage prepaid to the mortgagee, if there be one, and by posting the notice on the front door of the premises and printing the notice in the legal advertising media at least one time. The enforcing officer shall file and provide notice to any owner, operator or occupant of any violation at any address other than the last known address provided hereunder if such other address is filed with the enforcing officer personally or by certified mail addressed to the enforcing officer. Service upon an owner, operator or occupant may also be attained by service of any notice upon a member of the family over 14 years old of the owners, operator or occupant. Date of service of notice shall be determined where service is by mail as of the day following the date of mailing for notices to addresses within the Township and as of the third day after the day of mailing for notices to addresses outside of the Township. Where the day of service would fall upon a Sunday or other day where mail is not ordinarily delivered, then the day of service shall be the next regular delivery day.
Within 10 days of the date of service of a notice, the notice shall constitute a final order unless any person affected by the notice requests a hearing thereon, serves a written request within the ten-day period in person or by mail on the Township Administrator. Such request for a hearing shall set forth briefly the grounds or reasons on which the request is based and the factual matters contained in the notice of violation which are to be disputed at the hearing. The Township Administrator, upon receipt of the request, shall within 30 days therefrom and upon five days' notice to the party aggrieved set the matter down for a hearing.
At any hearing provided hereunder, the Township Administrator shall be vested with all the powers provided by law to compel the attendance of witnesses and parties in interest by issuance and service of subpoena the production of books, records or other documents at any such hearing which may be pertinent to matters to be determined by him and to enforce any such subpoena or secure any order for the enforcement of any such subpoena as provided by law. Determination shall be made within 10 days from the completion of the hearing. The Township Administrator shall issue an order either incorporating the determinations and directions contained in the notice, modifying the same or withdrawing the notice.
The Township Administrator may extend the time for correction or abatement of the violations for an additional period of time not to exceed 30 days, except where major capital improvements or renovations are involved, in which instance the time for completion may be extended for a period not to exceed 90 days beyond the expiration date of the original notice.
Where the violation or condition existing on the premises is of such a nature as to constitute an immediate threat to life and limb unless abated without delay, the Township Administrator may either abate the violation or condition immediately or order the owner, operator or occupant to correct the violation or condition within a period of time not to exceed three days, and upon failure to do so, the Township Administrator shall abate the condition immediately thereafter.
Where abatement of any nuisance as defined herein, correction of a defect in the premises or the maintenance of the premises in a proper condition so as to conform to municipal ordinances or state law applicable thereto requires expending Township moneys therefor, the enforcing officer shall present a report of work proposed to be done to accomplish the foregoing to the Township Administrator with an estimate of the cost thereof along with a summary of the proceedings undertaken by the enforcing officer to secure compliance, including notices served upon the owners, operators, lessors or agents, as the case may be, and hearings and orders of the Township Administrator, with reference thereto. The Township Administrator may thereupon order the abatement of the nuisance, correction of the defect of work necessary to place the premises in proper condition and in compliance with ordinances of the Township and laws of the state. The enforcing officer may thereafter proceed to have the work performed in accordance with the order at Township expense not to exceed the amount specified in the order, and shall upon completion thereof submit a report of the moneys expended and costs to the Township Administrator. After review of the same, the Township Committee may approve the expenses and costs whereupon the same shall become a lien against the premises collectible as provided by law. A copy of the resolution approving the expenses and costs shall be certified by the Township Clerk and filed with the Tax Collector of the Township, who shall be responsible for the collection thereof, and a copy of this resolution shall be sent by certified mail to the owner.
Where there exists a violation of this code, an owner or operator, upon receipt of a notice of violation, if unable to eliminate the violation by peaceable means within such period, may take legal action to dispossess, evict or eject the occupants who cause the violation. No further action hereunder shall then be taken against the owner or operator so long as the action aforesaid is pending in the court and is prosecuted expeditiously and in good faith.
Violations may be prosecuted without notice by the filing of a complaint by the enforcing officer in the municipal court. No notice shall be required on the enforcement of the removal of accumulated snow or ice from paths, walks, driveways, parking lots and parking areas used by pedestrians and automobiles where such snow or ice remains uncleared within 24 hours after the termination of the snowfall.
Where the Township Administrator, after hearing, shall determine that there was a violation and a notice was served upon the owner, operator or occupant, whether or not said violation was abated prior to the issuance of an order, if thereafter within the space of one year there shall be a second violation by the same owner, operator or occupant of the same provision of this code discovered on the same premises, the offender may be prosecuted on the second violation without the enforcing officer first giving notice and opportunity for a hearing to the owner, operator or occupant, by the filing of a complaint by the enforcing officer in the municipal court. Where the Township Administrator has on two different occasions found violations by the same owner, operator or occupant on the same premises and has issued notices on each and has held at least one hearing and issued an order thereon, upon discovering a third or subsequent violation by the same owner, operator or occupant on the same premises within the space of one year, whether the same sections or of any other sections of this code he may thereupon prosecute the offender by filing a complaint in the municipal court for the third or subsequent violation occurring within the period of one year without first providing notice and opportunity for a hearing by the Township Administrator.
For the purposes of enforcement of this code, the service of a notice on an owner, whether or not the owner is also the operator, shall constitute notice of violations set forth therein until violations are abated in conformity with this code and the other applicable ordinances of the Township.
Fines for violations. A violation of any section or subsection of this code shall be subject upon conviction to a penalty as prescribed in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II, General Penalty.
Meaning of "each violation." Each violation of a section or subsection of this code shall constitute a separate and distinct violation independent of any other section or subsection or any order issued pursuant to this code. Each day's failure to comply with any such section or subsection shall constitute a separate violation.
Additional penalty for second violation. Where an owner, operator or occupant has been convicted of a violation of this code, and within 12 months thereafter has been found by the judge of municipal court to be guilty of a second violation, the court may, if it finds that the second offense was wilful and inexcusable, sentence the offender in addition to or in lieu of the fine set forth to imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceeds 90 days.
Application to officers or agents. Where the defendant is other than a natural person or persons, the penalties shall also apply to any agent, superintendent, officer, member or partner who shall alone or with others have charge, care or control of the premises.
Fine as a lien. In the event of the imposition of a fine or penalty by the municipal court or any other court of competent jurisdiction against the owner, operator or lessor of any building or structure in the Township required to be registered for violation of any Township ordinance or any state law applicable to the Township, the fine or penalty shall be collectible as a lien against the premises, in addition to any other remedies now provided by law.
The repeal of any provisions of any other ordinances by this code shall not affect any action for prosecution or abatement under any such ordinance or any notice, complaint or order issued by any officer or agency of the Township prior to the adoption of this code or concerning which any prosecution or other steps of enforcement have been taken or are being taken within any administrative agency or in the municipal court for enforcement thereof.
The Township Administrator is authorized and empowered to promulgate such written rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper interpretation and administration of the provisions of this code, provided that such rules and regulations do not conflict with this code and conform to the general standards prescribed by this code. The Township Administrator shall file copies of such rules and regulations with the Township Clerk which shall be available during regular business hours. Such rules and regulations shall have the same force and effect as the provisions of this code, and the violations thereof shall be enforced as violations of the express provisions of this code as herein provided.