For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
Includes any soliciting of support for political, charitable or other noncommercial causes.
The City requests that any organization covered by this article notify the City Clerk of its intention to solicit support of a nonmonetary nature within the City.
The City Clerk shall maintain a list of all organizations who have furnished notice of intent to solicit.
There shall be no fee assessed for providing notice under this article.
In the event any organization shall seek to solicit contributions or other financial support, such organizations must comply with the "Charitable Organizations and Solicitations Act," Act 169 of P.A. 1975, as amended, or must be exempt from registration under the Act. Each such organization must register with the City Clerk at least five days prior to soliciting funds (MCLA § 400.271 et seq.). The applicant, in registering, must furnish the name of the organization, proof of charitable status, and evidence of compliance with Act 169 of P.A. 1975 as amended or prove exemption therefrom, but no license fee or license shall be required.
Street solicitation, whether for funds or support, shall be allowed only on City rights-of-way; street solicitation in public parks and playgrounds is hereby prohibited. Street solicitation shall be allowed only for organizations with a stated benevolent, philanthropic, governmental, patriotic, or eleemosynary purpose; commercial solicitation is hereby prohibited on all streets. Solicitors for street solicitation must also be registered and in good standing with the Attorney General of the state as required by the Charitable Organizations and Solicitations Act referred to herein, produce sufficient evidence of such standing to satisfy the City, and must further give notice to the City Clerk at least five days prior to soliciting and furnish all information required.
Solicitors for funds and solicitors for street solicitation that have had a fixed place of operation in the City for over two years shall be exempt from registering under the article for solicitation for funds or street solicitation by any organization if conducted solely by its own membership. However, the organization, if soliciting by other than its own membership, shall have on file with the City Clerk a list of names and addresses of the hired to solicit, and such solicitors shall obtain and wear an official solicitor's badge as required in the case of commercial solicitors under this chapter. Further, the organization must be in compliance with the Charitable Organizations and Solicitations Act referred to herein.