[Ord. No. 92 § 1 — 2, 4-15-2003]
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons owning, controlling, harboring, possessing, or having the management or care, in whole or in part, of any dog to allow such dog to run at large. For this Section, every dog, when on any street, alley, or other public place in the City of Ellsinore, that is not attached to a leash not to exceed ten (10) feet in length, the other end of which is securely held, or, when on private property within the City, that is either not attached to a leash, the other end of which is securely held or fastened, or that is not so confined as to prevent its straying from the premises, shall be deemed running at large.
Any dog not under control by its owner, and/or found running at large, will be impounded by the City of Ellsinore for a period of one (1) week before being disposed of in a humane manner. Any such animal impounded may be claimed by its owner within the three-day holding period. If such animal is claimed within said period of time, the owner must pay an impoundment fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), plus a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for each day or part thereof that the animal has been impounded.
[Ord. No. 92 § 3, 4-15-2003]
An annual license fee of two dollars ($2.00) for each male or spayed female and four dollars ($4.00) for each unspayed female dog is hereby imposed upon every resident person who owns, controls, manages, possesses, or has part interest in any dog four (4) months of age or older, kept any time during the year, or upon every resident person who permits a dog four (4) months of age or older to come upon, on or in, and to remain in or about his/her home, place of business or other premises in the area affected by this Article.
An applicant for a license shall present to the City Clerk a certificate of inoculation against rabies and distemper signed by a licensed veterinarian, which certificate shall show age and sex of animal, and, if female, whether it has been spayed. Certificate shall have been executed during the previous twelve (12) months.
Upon payment of the license fee, the owner will receive an original receipt, along with a suitable metal tag or tags. Tags are not transferable and no refunds shall be made on any license fee because of leaving the City or death of the animal before expiration of the license period.
Applications for license will be made and the license obtained on or before the first day of September of each year. The full license shall be collected for any part of that year. Any dog found on the streets of the City of Ellsinore without a City tag shall be deemed a stray and disposed of.
Seeing Eye dogs trained for the assistance of the blind are exempt from this Section.
[Ord. No. 92 § 4, 4-15-2003]
The enforcement of the provisions of this Article is hereby delegated to the Police Department of the City of Ellsinore, or to an individual appointed by the Mayor with full provisions as hereby contained.
[Ord. No. 92 § 5, 4-15-2003]
It is unlawful to counterfeit or attempt to counterfeit the tags provided for in Section 205.160 of this Article.
It is unlawful to take from any animal a tag legally placed upon it by its owner with the intent to place it on another animal, or to place such tag on another animal.
It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to break open the animal shelter or to attempt to do so, or to take or let out any animals therefrom, or to take or attempt to take from any officer, or duly appointed person, any animal taken up by him/her in compliance with this Article, or in any manner to interfere with or hinder such officer in the discharge of his/her duties under this Article.
[Ord. No. 92 § 6, 4-15-2003]
If any Section or part of this Article shall be or become invalid, the City Board hereby declares it would have enacted the remainder of this Article regardless of any part or parts that may be declared invalid and, therefore, the invalidity of any part or parts thereof shall not in any way affect the remainder of this Article.
[Ord. No. 92 § 7, 4-15-2003]
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Article is guilty of an ordinance violation and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00).