[CC 1986 § 73.010]
No person shall own, keep or harbor any dog over the age of three (3) months within the City limits unless such dog is licensed and immunized against rabies as provided in this Chapter.
[CC 1986 § 73.020; Ord. No. 18-014, 7-1-2020]
Written application for a license shall be made to the City Clerk, stating the name, address and telephone number, if any, of the owner, and the name, breed, color, sex and distinguishing marks of the dog. A license fee of five dollars ($5.00) for neutered or spayed dogs and ten dollars ($10.00) for non-neutered and non-spayed dogs shall be paid to the City Clerk at the time of making application, and a certificate of immunization by a recognized veterinarian showing the dog to have been immunized against rabies every three (3) years shall be filed with the City Clerk, and the license tag shall then be issued for one (1) year from June 1 to May 31 of the following year.
[CC 1986 § 73.030]
The City Clerk shall issue a receipt and a numbered metallic or plastic tag for each dog licensed, and shall maintain duplicate records of issuance of same, numerically and/or alphabetically of owner's name, for two (2) years, which records shall be open for inspection at reasonable times.