[CC 1986 § 93.010]
No person, partnership or corporation shall dig into or across, bore or tunnel under, any street or alley in the City unless such person, partnership or corporation shall have a written permit signed by the Street Commissioner of the City authorizing such work.
[CC 1986 § 93.020]
Any person, partnership or corporation desiring to obtain a permit to dig into or across, bore or tunnel under, any street or alley in connection with any water or sewer system or for other purposes shall file with the City Clerk or Street Commissioner an application, which shall state where the street or alley is to be dug into or across and how long it will take to do the work. Said application shall be in the following form:
To the City of Edgerton, Missouri:
Permission is hereby requested to
Said work being located on _______________________ Street, more specifically described as follows:
The undersigned agrees to perform the work under the supervision of the Street Commissioner of the City and to hold harmless the City for any damages of any nature whatsoever which may accrue to any person or property arising out of the performance of said work by the applicant. It is agreed that backfill or repair will be made subject to the approval of the Street Commissioner.
Accompanying this application is a certified check for one hundred dollars ($100.00) payable to the City to insure and guarantee to said City the proper performance of the work and the restoration of the street to as good condition as it was prior to excavation, subject to approval of the Street Commissioner.
[CC 1986 § 93.030]
If the Street Commissioner deems the work necessary, he/she shall issue a written permit stating how and when the work shall be done. Said permit shall be in the following form:
The application of
to (here describe work)
upon the following street, to wit:
is granted.
Applicant shall notify Street Commissioner when work is completed and street repaired for his/her inspection and approval.
Street Commissioner
[CC 1986 § 93.040]
After work has been completed and the street replaced in its original condition, the Street Commissioner shall be notified by applicant that the work has been completed, and upon the approval of the work by the Street Commissioner, said applicant will be released from further liability to the City. All applications shall be accompanied by a deposit in an amount as determined by the City, which will be returned when the street or alley repairs have been approved by the Street Commissioner. If work is not completed within a reasonable time, the Street Commissioner may make the necessary repairs and deduct the cost of same from the deposit and order the balance, if any, paid to applicant.
[CC 1986 § 93.050]
All permits shall be posted at or near location of work.
[CC 1986 § 93.060]
Breaks in water or sewer lines owned by the City shall be reported to the Street Commissioner, who shall open up the street or alley so that such water or sewer line may be repaired by the Water Commissioner or someone designated by him/her and after repairs are made, the Street Commissioner shall replace the street or alley in its original condition.
[CC 1986 § 93.070]
When any person shall open up, dig into or across any street or alley, there shall be placed thereon a barricade or lantern to warn the traveling public of danger, to remain thereon until the work is completed and approved by the Street Commissioner.
[CC 1986 § 93.080]
Every person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter, or refusing or neglecting to comply with any of the requirements thereof, shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation.