The provisions of this chapter do not require any changes or improvements to be made to lawfully existing structures. However, when an improvement is made to any existing structure, the provisions of below shall apply to such improvements.
All uses or structures in the identified floodplain area lawfully existing on the effective date of this chapter that do not conform with the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to be nonconforming. Such nonconforming uses or structures may be continued, maintained, repaired, and floodproofed, except as otherwise prohibited in this chapter. Such nonconforming uses or structures may be improved to comply with current Pennsylvania or Township health, safety or sanitary code specifications that are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions, subject to the following conditions:
No expansion or enlargement of an existing structure shall be allowed within any Floodway Area/District that would cause any increase in BFE.
No expansion or enlargement of an existing structure shall be allowed within AE Area/District without floodway that would, together with all other existing and anticipated development, increase the BFE more than one foot at any point.
Any modification, alteration, reconstruction or improvement of any kind to an existing structure to an extent or amount of 50% or more of its market value, shall constitute a substantial improvement and shall be undertaken only in full compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
The above activity shall also address the requirements of the 34 Pa. Code, as amended, and the 2009 IBC and the 2009 IRC or most recent revision thereof as adopted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Within any Floodway Area/District, no new construction or development shall be allowed, unless the appropriate permit is obtained from the Department of Environmental Protection Regional Office.
Within any AE Area/District without floodway, no new construction or development shall be located within the area measured 50 feet landward from the top-of-bank of any watercourse, unless the appropriate permit is obtained from the Department of Environmental Protection Regional Office.
Abandonment. Notwithstanding provisions in Article XI, Nonconforming Use Regulations, of Chapter 240, Zoning, to the contrary, no abandoned nonconforming use or structure shall be reestablished, repaired, or reoccupied except in conformance with this chapter. The Township may require the removal of any abandoned nonconforming use or structure, upon a determination that the use or structure constitutes a threat to public safety.
Any modification, alteration, reconstruction, or improvement of any kind to an existing structure, to an extent or amount of less than 50% of its market value, shall be elevated and/or floodproofed to the greatest extent possible.