This article includes procedures for processing and reviewing applications for subdivision and land development.
Referrals. All preliminary and final subdivision or land development plans shall be referred to and reviewed by the Planning Commission and shall be approved or disapproved by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with the procedures specified in this article and in other sections of this chapter.
Overview of procedures. The following steps shall be followed sequentially, and may be combined only at the discretion of the Township. Section 185-16B(1), (4), and (5) below are optional but are encouraged as recommended steps that will speed the review process and may result in lower costs for the project. All plans shall be submitted in electronic format (the format is to be determined by contacting the Township Secretary).
Preapplication meeting (optional).
Submission of existing resources and site analysis plan, as described in § 185-18C of this article.
Site inspection by Planning Commission and applicant.
Sketch plan preapplication conference (optional)
Submission of sketch plan overlay and review (optional)
Submission of preliminary plan, preliminary resource conservation plan and sewage planning module: review by Township and County Planning Commissions, Township Engineer and County Health Department, and approval by the Supervisors on advice of the Planning Commission. (In the Flexible Rural Residential District, the four-step design process described in § 185-29 of this chapter shall be followed.)
Final plan, including information contained in the preliminary plan
Approval conditions, documentation of all other agency approvals, as applicable.
Final plan submission: determination of completeness, review, and approval or disapproval.
Action and signature by Board of Supervisors
Recording of approved final plan by the Chester County Planning Commission and recording by Chester County Recorder of Deeds
Subdivisions that meet the following conditions shall be classified as minor subdivisions and may be submitted as final plans required in § 185-14 of this chapter. The Board of Supervisors may waive the submission of any required item in § 185-14 upon finding that the submission of such item is not necessary for the preservation of any sensitive environmental feature. All other plans shall be submitted pursuant to the requirements of § 185-13 of this chapter.
Tracts subdivided into lots of not less than 20 acres each for agricultural or residential use and with not more than one dwelling unit per lot; or
A subdivision of less than three residential lots.
Lot line adjustments. Changes to lot lines between existing lots in single and separate ownership shall be permitted when:
No lot or tract is created which is smaller than any minimum area as required by Chapter 240, Zoning, or which is capable of bring further subdivided; and
Drainage easements or rights-of-way are not altered; and
Access to affected parcels is not altered; and
Street alignments are not altered; and
No new lots are created.
Applicability. A sketch plan (§ 185-12 of this chapter) is strongly encouraged for all proposed minor or major subdivisions. Sketch plan overlay sheets shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors for review by the Planning Commission. Such plans are for informal discussion only. Submission of a sketch plan does not constitute formal filing of a plan with the Planning Commission, and shall not commence the review period as required by § 508 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.[1] The procedures for submission of a diagrammatic sketch plan overlay sheet are described below, and may be altered only at the discretion of the Township.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10508.
Preapplication meeting. A preapplication meeting is encouraged between the applicant, the site designer, and the Planning Commission (and/or its planning consultant), to introduce the applicant to the Township's zoning and subdivision regulations and procedures, to discuss the applicant's objectives, and to schedule site inspections, meetings and plan submissions as described below.
Existing resources and site analysis plan. Applicants shall prepare and furnish an existing resources and site analysis plan in accordance with the requirements contained in § 185-13D of this chapter. The purpose of this submission is to familiarize Township officials with existing conditions on the applicant's tract and within its immediate vicinity, and to provide a complete and factual reference for them in making a site inspection. This plan shall be provided prior to or at the site inspection, and shall form the basis for the diagrammatic sketch plan (or the preliminary plan, if the optional sketch plan is not submitted).
Site inspection. After preparing the existing resources and site analysis plan, the applicant shall arrange for a site inspection by the Planning Commission and other Township officials. The applicant, site designers, and the landowner are encouraged to accompany the Planning Commission. The purpose of the visit is to familiarize Township officials with the parcel's existing conditions and special features, to identify potential design issue and discuss site design concepts, including the general layout of greenway lands (if applicable), and potential locations for proposed buildings and street alignments.
Presketch conference. Following the site inspection and prior to the submission of a sketch plan, the applicant shall meet with the Planning Commission to discuss the findings of the site inspection and to develop a mutual understanding on the general approach for subdividing and/or developing the tract in accordance with the four-step design procedure described in this chapter, where applicable. At the discretion of the Planning Commission, this conference may be combined with the site inspection.
Sketch plan submission and review.
The sketch plan, meeting the requirements set forth in § 185-12B of this chapter, should be submitted to the Township Secretary during business hours for distribution to the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission, and the Engineer at least 14 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the sketch plan is to be discussed. The sketch plan illustrates initial thoughts about a conceptual layout for greenway lands, house sites, and street alignments, and shall be based closely upon the information contained in the existing resources and site analysis plan. The sketch plan should also be designed in accordance with the four-step design process described in § 185-29, and with the design review standards listed in this chapter.
[Amended 1-14-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01]
The Planning Commission shall review the sketch plan in accordance with the criteria contained in this and other applicable ordinances. It shall provide informal dialogue with the applicant and advise him/her, as promptly as reasonably possible, of the extent to which the proposed subdivision or land development conforms to the standards of this chapter, and will discuss possible plan modifications that would increase its degree of conformance. Aspects of the sketch plan that shall specifically be evaluated include but are not limited to:
The location of all areas proposed for land disturbance (streets, foundations, yards, septic disposal systems, stormwater management areas, etc.) with respect to notable features of natural or cultural significance as identified on the applicant's existing resources and site analysis plan and on Map 3-4 ("Scenic, Historic and Cultural Resources Map") of the Newlin Township Open Space, Recreation and Environmental Resources Plan;
The potential for street connections with existing streets, other proposed streets, or potential developments on adjoining parcels;
The location of proposed access points along the existing road network;
The proposed building density and impervious coverage;
The compatibility of the proposal with respect to the objectives and policy recommendations of the Unionville Area Regional Comprehensive Plan and the Open Space, Recreation and Environmental Resources Plan; and
Consistency with Chapter 240, Zoning.
The Planning Commission may request the applicant to submit additional drafts of the sketch plan to ensure that its comments have been properly incorporated into the revised plan.
Preliminary plan. Applicants shall submit to the Township Secretary, at least three weeks prior to the date of the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting at which official review is requested, 15 copies of a complete preliminary plan and all other required documents and information, including the same number of copies of the existing resources and site analysis plan drawn at the same scale (generally one inch equals 100 feet or one inch equals 200 feet, at the discretion of the Zoning Officer). All applications shall be accompanied by full payment of the required fees and escrow deposits established in accordance with the terms of this chapter for proposed subdivisions. The Township Secretary shall note the date of receipt of the application, fees, and escrow deposit.
Date of receipt. The said date of receipt is subject to review by the Township Secretary and the Board of Supervisors to determine if all required materials, fees and escrow deposits have been submitted by the applicant. If the application is defective or incomplete, the applicant shall be notified orally or in writing within 15 days of the date of receipt and the application shall be null and void, and shall be returned to the applicant. If no such notice is given to the applicant that the application is defective or incomplete, then the date of filing is the date of the Planning Commission meeting next following the Board of Supervisors' receipt of the complete application. The Planning Commission meeting date shall occur within 30 days of the date of the application's receipt by the Board of Supervisors.
The applicant shall be responsible to notify all adjoining landowners, in writing, that the application has been filed and provide the date, time and location of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission when the application will be considered. Adjoining land is defined as property contiguous to the subject property including if separated by roadway, right-of-way or water body. The notice shall be sent by regular mail and certified mail, return receipt requested, to each adjoining landowner and mailed at least 10 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting when the application will be considered. The names and addresses of the adjoining property owners shall be obtained from the records of the Chester County Tax Assessment Office. At the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant shall provide a copy of each notification letter sent and certified green cards, if available. Review of the application shall not proceed unless such copies are provided.
[Added 1-14-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01]
Planning Commission review.
The Planning Commission shall review the plan and any recommendations made by county, state and federal agencies and the Township Engineer, to determine conformance of the plan to this chapter, Chapter 240, Zoning, and any other relevant ordinances.
After such review, the Planning Commission shall forward its recommendations and comments both to the Board of Supervisors and to the applicant, and shall cite specific sections of the statutes or ordinances relied upon.
If the applicant authorizes an extension of this review period, a written authorization to this effect shall be signed in duplicate, with a file copy being retained by the Planning Commission and by the applicant.
Board of Supervisors review.
When the Planning Commission has officially submitted the recommendations on the preliminary plan to the Board of Supervisors, such recommendations shall be placed on the Board of Supervisor's agenda for review and action.
In acting on the preliminary subdivision or land development plan, the Board of Supervisors shall review the plan and the written comments of the Township Engineer, the Planning Commission, the County Planning Commission and Health Department and all other reviewing agencies, and comments from public hearings. The Board of Supervisors may specify conditions, changes, modifications or additions which it deems necessary or appropriate, and may make its decision to grant preliminary approval subject to such conditions, changes, modifications or additions. Whenever the approval of a preliminary plan is subject to conditions, the written action of the Board of Supervisors shall:
Specify each condition of approval; and
Request the applicant's written agreement to the conditions within 10 days of receipt of the Board of Supervisor's written decision.
If the preliminary plan is not approved, the Board of Supervisor's decision shall specify the defects found in the plan, shall describe the requirements that have not been met, and shall cite in each case the provisions of this chapter relied upon.
Notwithstanding the foregoing procedure, unless the applicant extends the period for decision, the Board of Supervisors shall render a decision on all preliminary plans not more than 90 days from the date of the first regular meeting of the Planning Commission held after the complete application was filed. However, if that regular meeting of the Planning Commission occurred more than 30 days after the complete application was filed, the ninety-day period shall be measured from the 30th day following the date the complete application was filed.
The decision of the Board of Supervisors shall be in writing and shall be communicated to the applicant personally or mailed to him at his last known address not later than 15 days following the decision. The form and content of the decision shall comply with applicable requirements of the Municipalities Planning Code.
At the time a revised plan is submitted, it shall be accompanied by the applicant's written and executed authorization of the period for decision.
The decision of the Board of Supervisors shall also be communicated to the governing body of any adjacent municipality, if the plan includes land in that Township and/or directly abuts its boundaries.
Submission within one year of approval of conditional plan. Within one year after approval of the preliminary plan, a final plan and all necessary supplementary data shall be officially submitted to the Township Secretary. The final plan shall meet the requirements set forth in this chapter. It shall also conform to the preliminary plan as previously reviewed by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors, and shall incorporate all modifications required by the Township in its review of the preliminary plan.
Phased submission. The Board of Supervisors may permit submission of the final plan in phases, each covering not less than 25% of the entire proposed development as shown on the approved preliminary plan, provided that the first final plan phase shall be submitted within one year after approval of the preliminary plan. Each subsequent phase shall be submitted within one year of approval of the previous phase, provided all phases have been submitted within five years of original approval.
Failure to file final plan. Unless the filing deadline in this chapter is waived or extended by the Board of Supervisors, failure to make timely submission of final plans renders void a preliminary plan, and the applicant shall be required to file a new application and pay the fee for preliminary plan approval.
Contents of final plan. Official submission of the final plan to the Township Secretary shall consist of:
Three copies of the application for review of final subdivision or land development plan.
Copies of all applications made or notices provided to federal, state and county agencies by or on behalf of the applicant for permits, certifications, approvals or waivers required or sought for either subdivision or land development as proposed in the preliminary plan or in the final plan, including, but not limited to, applications or notices provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation District, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, PADEP, or the Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the County Department of Health.
Payment of application fees and deposit of escrow, if required, for plan review costs.
Number of copies. Fifteen copies of the final plan and all required supplementary data shall be submitted to the Township Secretary together with the required fees and escrow deposit as prescribed by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. The Township Secretary shall note the date of receipt and shall then forward:
Five copies of the final plan and application to the Planning Commission; and
One copy to the Township Engineer;
Two copies to the Board of Supervisors;
Two copies for the Township files;
One copy, referral letter and sufficient fee to the Chester County Planning Commission;
One copy to other state and county agencies, including the Chester County Health Department;
One copy to the governing body of any adjacent municipality if the tract to be subdivided abuts or lies partially in that municipality;
One copy of the sedimentation and erosion control plan and application form to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service.
One copy of final as-built plan and title plan showing all final elements of the development approved addressed to the Township Secretary.
Where the final plan is for a minor subdivision, the applicant shall submit the plan in accordance with the requirements of § 185-17 of this chapter.
The final plan shall conform in all important respects to the preliminary plan as previously reviewed and approved by the Board of Supervisors, and shall incorporate all modifications and revisions specified by the Board in its approval.
The final plan and supporting data (including reports from PADEP, the Chester County Board of Health, the Chester County office of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Chester County Planning Commission) shall comply with the provisions of this chapter and those of Chapter 240, Zoning.
Planning Commission review.
The Planning Commission will review the final plan and the recommendations of the Township Engineer and any other reviewing agencies to determine its conformance with the requirements of this chapter and with those of Chapter 240, Zoning.
After such review, and within 60 days of the submission of a complete final plan package, the Planning Commission shall forward its recommendations, and its reasons to the Board of Supervisors and the applicant. If the plan includes land in any adjacent municipality and/or directly abuts its boundaries, then such notice and recommendation should also be transmitted to the governing body of the adjacent municipality.
No recommendations shall be made by the Planning Commission until the Township has received the written report of the County Planning Commission, the Township Engineer, PADEP, the Chester County Health Department and the Department of Transportation, if applicable, and the approval of the Chester County Soil Conservation District; provided, however, that if these reports are not received within 30 days after transmittal of the final plan to these agencies, then the Planning Commission may act without having received and considered such report.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Board of Supervisors review.
During or before the final plan review process, the Board of Supervisors should complete its review of the proposed Sewage Facilities Planning Module in accordance with PADEP and Chester County Health Department regulations and procedures. When approved or adopted by the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Module shall be forwarded to PADEP for review and approval.
No approval of the final plan shall be granted by the Board of Supervisors until notification of PADEP's approval of the Sewage Facilities Planning Module has been received by the Board of Supervisors. Should such notification not be received within the time limitations for final plan approval in accord with the Act, the time limitations shall be extended upon the authorization of the applicant.
When a recommendation on a final plan has been submitted to the Board of Supervisors by the Planning Commission, such plan shall be placed on the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for review and action.
Upon receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendation and other supporting information, the Board of Supervisors may, at one or more regular or special public meetings, review the final plan and shall, within the time limitations set forth herein below, either approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the plan. Whenever the approval of a final plan is subject to conditions, the written action of the Board of Supervisors shall:
Specify each condition of approval; and
Require the applicant's written agreement to the conditions within 10 days of receipt of the Board of Supervisor's written decision.
If the final plan is not approved, the decision shall specify the deficiencies found in the plan, shall describe the requirements that have not been met, and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of this chapter relied upon.
The decision of the Board of Supervisors shall be in writing and should be communicated to the applicant as required by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
If at any time the applicant submits a substantially revised preliminary plan, it shall be deemed a new application and shall not be accepted unless it is accompanied by the applicant's withdrawal of the previous plan. No new application fee shall be required for any revision submitted within two years of the first preliminary plan application.
Copies of the final plan, as finally approved with the endorsement of the Board of Supervisors, shall be distributed as follows:
At least three copies to the applicant of which two shall be recorded in accordance with this chapter.
One copy to the Township Planning Commission.
One copy to the County Planning Commission.
One copy to the County Health Department.
One copy to be retained in the Township files.
One copy to the Township Engineer. If a new street is proposed, an additional as-built plan with deed of dedication application shall be submitted.
The Board of Supervisors may require that the owners supply a title insurance certificate from a reputable company before any property may be accepted by the Township.
Where a subdivision plan has been approved and recorded under the terms and conditions of this chapter, purchasers and mortgagees of lots in the subdivision shall be relieved of any and all liability from any deficiency in, lack of, or failure to complete, the necessary grading and paving of streets and other street improvements, including, where specified in the approved plan, curbs, sidewalks, streetlights, fire hydrants, water mains, sanitary sewers and storm sewers. Failure to complete or properly complete said improvements shall not encumber any or all of the lots in the subdivision.
Conditions of final plan approval. Approval of any final plan shall, in addition to any other applicable provisions of this chapter, be subject to the following conditions:
The landowner shall execute a subdivision and land development agreement in accordance with this chapter.
Where applicable, the landowner shall execute an escrow agreement in accordance with this chapter.
The landowner agrees, if requested, to tender to the Township a deed of dedication in a form satisfactory to the Township Solicitor for streets and improvements thereto, including street paving, water mains, fire hydrants, storm sewers, inlets, pumping stations and other appurtenances as shall be constructed as public improvements within the public right-of-way, and are required for the promotion of public welfare, after all streets and improvements to be dedicated to the Township are completed and are certified as being satisfactory by the Township Engineer. The Board of Supervisors may require that the applicant provide a certificate from a duly licensed title insurance company certifying that the title to be conveyed is good and marketable, free of all liens and encumbrances, except utility easements, before any property is accepted by the Township.
Whenever the landowner is providing open space as part of the development, an easement in perpetuity restricting such open space against further subdivision or development shall be executed between the landowner and the Township or a conservation organization acceptable to the Township.
The landowner shall submit to the Township all required permits, approvals or waivers from agencies having jurisdiction over ancillary matters necessary to effect the subdivision or land development, such as Pennsylvania Departments of Transportation, Environmental Protection or Public Utility Commission, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service and Chester County Health Department.
All final approvals or waivers required by federal, state and county agencies for development in accord with the final plan, including, but not limited to, approval of the Sewage Facilities Planning Module by the PADEP, approval by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, and a highway occupancy permit, if required, from PennDOT shall be presented to the Township.
Disclosure of plan information. Prior to agreeing to the sale of any lot within a development plan, the developer shall provide to prospective purchasers a copy of the approved subdivision plan and all associated terms and conditions imposed on the plan as conditions of approval by the Township, and shall secure a statement from prospective purchasers that they have been offered an opportunity to review the plan.
Modifications. Applicants may request that one or more of the provisions of this chapter be waived or modified by the Board of Supervisors when the literal enforcement and compliance with such provisions is shown to the satisfaction of the Board of Supervisors to be unreasonable, to cause undue hardship, or when an alternative can be demonstrated to provide equal or better results, provided that such modification is not contrary to the public interest and that the purpose and intent of this chapter is observed. Requests for waivers or modifications shall follow the following procedures:
Requests for waivers. All requests for waivers or modifications shall be in writing and shall accompany and be a part of the application. The request shall fully state the grounds and facts of unreasonableness or hardship on which the request is based, the provisions of this chapter involved, and the proposed minimum modification or alternative standard. The request shall be accompanied by a plan prepared at least to the minimum standards as required for a sketch plan. Requests for waivers shall be submitted with the sketch plan or the preliminary plan.
Waiver requests submitted to the Planning Commission. The request shall be referred to the Newlin Township Planning Commission and Township Engineer for advisory comments.
Action by the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors shall review the request at a public meeting to determine if the literal compliance with any mandatory provision of this chapter is demonstrated by the applicant to be unreasonable or shall represent an undue hardship, and shall determine if the proposed alternative standard provides equal or better results, and whether the proposed modification is consistent with the public interest and that the intent of this chapter is preserved. The applicant shall demonstrate that the modification is the minimum necessary. If the Board of Supervisors finds that the applicant has met the standards in this paragraph, the Board shall grant the waiver.
Written records of waivers. The Board of Supervisors shall maintain a written record of all actions on all requests for modifications. Approvals shall be in writing and shall describe the specific waiver that has been granted. Denials of requested waivers shall also be in writing and shall specify the grounds for the denial.