Control of potential adverse effects. This chapter has established a list of land uses that possess characteristics that may result in adverse effects on adjoining properties if not properly controlled and regulated. The Board of Supervisors is empowered to authorize these land uses, contingent upon meeting certain safeguards, standards and conditions that are intended to limit any potential adverse effects from such uses. These standards shall supersede any standard or regulation contained elsewhere in this chapter and shall be regarded as conditions that are necessary for the approval of any conditional use.
Compliance with special standards. The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with these standards and must furnish evidence as may be necessary to demonstrate such compliance. The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant, and the Board of Supervisors may reject any purported evidence or proof offered in support of an application if the Board finds that the evidence or proof is not compelling or adequate. All conditional uses shall also comply with the standards for uses in the zoning district in which the conditional use is to be established, unless provisions in this article require different standards, in which case the more stringent standards shall apply. These standards shall be continually complied with.
Additional conditions. In granting any conditional use, the Board of Supervisors may attach such reasonable conditions and safeguards, in addition to those expressed below, as it may deem necessary to implement the purposes of this chapter.
Use of experts. In hearing and deciding upon applications for any conditional use, the Board of Supervisors may call upon any experts or authorities it may deem necessary to assist it in arriving at a fair and impartial determination.
Fees. Fees for hearing and deciding upon conditional uses may be assessed in accordance with a fee schedule adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
Hearings. The Board of Supervisors shall hold a hearing on all applications for conditional uses, following the procedures in Article XIII of this chapter.
Referral to the Planning Commission. All applicants for conditional uses are requested to attend a meeting of the Township Planning Commission, to allow the Planning Commission to make recommendations to the Township Supervisors.
Lot area. The lot area shall not be less than 20 acres.
Location. Not more than 20% of the area may be located upon prime agricultural soils.
Setbacks. All camp sites shall be set back not less than 100 feet from all lot lines.
Density. Not more than eight campsites per gross acre shall be permitted.
Parking. Not less than one parking space per campsite shall be provided.
Circulation. Roadways shall be composed of dustless surfaces such as gravel or asphalt.
Recreation areas. All outdoor recreation areas shall be set back not less than 100 feet from all lot lines and shall be screened from adjoining residential properties.
Refuse. All sanitary and refuse collection facilities shall be set back not less than 200 feet from any lot line. Such facilities shall be screened from adjoining residential properties unless natural features or vegetation are present.
Retail uses. Campgrounds may include accessory retail or service facilities for the exclusive use of the campground's registered guests and their visitors. All accessory commercial uses and related parking shall be screened from adjoining residential parcels and shall be set back not less than 200 feet from all lot lines.
Access. All campgrounds containing more than 100 campsites shall have vehicular access to a major or minor collector road.
Signs. Not more than one two-sided sign is permitted per roadway frontage, not to exceed eight square feet per side.
Coverage. Roadways, camp sites, or impervious surfaces may cover not more than 5% of the site.
Other regulations. All applicable Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection regulations shall be met. The Chester County Health Department shall approve proposed methods of sewage disposal.
Permanent structures. Campgrounds are not to be used for permanent habitation. Permanent structures (or any structure used for more than 90 continuous days) may be used for recreational, storage or administrative functions.
Plan for controlling nuisances. The applicant shall submit a plan for controlling noise, stormwater runoff, light, litter, traffic and trespassing. Events such as concerts or outdoor activities that involve music or amplified sounds shall be set back not less than 500 feet from any residential area.
Maximum road grade. Maximum road grades shall be 10%.
Maximum slope. No areas with slopes greater than 15% shall be disturbed.
Screening. The Township may require screening at the periphery of the parcel.
Manufacturing, warehousing and commercial storage, laboratories. The following conditions shall be applied to manufacturing, warehousing and commercial storage, and laboratory uses existing (on the date of the ordinance amendment); after that date, such uses are no longer permitted in Newlin Township, thereby implementing the Unionville Area Regional Comprehensive Plan.
Location and dimensional criteria:
Dimensional standards for manufacturing, warehousing, commercial storage and laboratory activities are listed in Table 8:
Table 8- Dimensional Standards for Manufacturing, Warehousing, Commercial Storage and Laboratory Activities
Minimum lot size
4 acres
Minimum street frontage
500 feet
Minimum lot width at building line
400 feet
Minimum yard regulations
Front: 60 feet
Side: 40 feet
Rear: 60 feet
Maximum impervious coverage
Maximum height
35 feet
Access shall be from a major or minor collector road (identified in Table 7).
Screening, landscaping and a greenbelt shall be provided according to the applicable provisions of Chapter 185, Subdivision and Land Development. Waste storage facilities shall be screened.
Parking shall be provided according to Article IX of this chapter, and shall not be located within the greenbelt as required in the applicable provisions of Chapter 185, Subdivision and Land Development .
Lighting shall not be directed towards adjacent lots.
All roof-mounted machinery shall be screened from view from adjacent lots.
The Township may require the applicant to perform a transportation impact analysis according to the applicable provisions of Chapter 185, Subdivision and Land Development.
The applicant shall provide a plan for controlling noise, waste disposal, litter, odors, air pollution, and for addressing any deficiencies identified in the transportation impact analysis.
The Township may require the applicant to demonstrate that the activity's anticipated water use shall not adversely affect nearby wells.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Section 703, Intensive agricultural uses, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 3-20-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-01.
Minimum lot size. Minimum lot size shall be two acres.
Setbacks. No storage of plants or materials shall be located within 25 feet of any lot line or road. No structure shall be within 100 feet of any lot line.
Vehicle setbacks. No motorized vehicles or equipment (i.e., backhoe, dump trucks, forklifts, etc.) shall be used within 75 feet of any lot line, except for property maintenance.
Screening. The Township may require screening to limit adverse effects on residential areas.
Access. All facilities involving sales areas of more than 10,000 gross square feet (both indoors and outdoors) shall have access to a major or minor collector road.
Parking. Parking shall be provided according to the provisions of Article IX of this chapter.
Intent. Newlin Township historically has included a number of nonagricultural land uses within the areas that had subsequently been zoned for agriculture. In some cases, these activities have supported the agricultural uses by providing supplemental income or services. In the interests of providing opportunities for limited supplemental income for agricultural areas, certain nonagricultural activities are therefore permitted, subject to the provisions of this section.
Permitted uses. Supplemental commercial activities may include light manufacturing, machinery or electronic repair, materials processing, office facilities, research facilities, mini warehouses, and similar activities, provided that the aggregate floor area of the activity shall not exceed 1,000 square feet. However, when an existing structure is used, there shall be no floor area limit or setback requirements. Taverns, bars, amusement arcades, and nightclubs are not supplemental commercial activities.
Number of commercial activities per site. Not more than one supplemental commercial activity is permitted per parcel. No supplemental commercial activity shall be permitted on parcels of less than 10 acres.
No subdivision. The commercial activity shall not be subdivided from the parent parcel at any time.
No additional construction. If an existing structure is used which exceeds 1,000 square feet of floor area, there shall be no construction of new facilities on the site for a period of two years.
Lighting. Lighting shall not exceed the minimum amount necessary to maintain safety. No pole- or building-mounted lights exceeding 15 feet above grade are permitted.
Screening. The Board may require all facilities to be screened.
Conversion to permitted uses. All structures shall be designed and constructed such that they can be converted to a permitted use upon the termination of the commercial activity without excessive reconstruction or expense.
Retail sales limitation. Not more than 200 square feet of the site shall be used for retail sales. Restaurants or taverns shall not be permitted.
Proximity to residential areas. Supplemental commercial activities shall not be located within 300 feet of any residential area.
Storage of materials. The Township may require that outdoor storage of supplies, materials and products be screened from adjoining roads and properties. The display of farm equipment for sale shall be excluded from this provision.
Signs. Notwithstanding provisions in Article X of this chapter to the contrary, not more than one outdoor sign shall be permitted for each business, not to exceed 16 square feet. The Township may limit the use of lighting of signs located within 100 feet of an off-site residential structure.
Control of nuisances. The Township may require the applicant to provide a plan for controlling noise, odors, traffic, vehicular movements, and hours of operation.
Utilities. The Township may require approval of sewage disposal facilities by the Chester County Health Department.