It is the purpose of these requirements to provide for adequate off-street parking and loading facilities for each use of land. Minimum requirements are based on the anticipated demand for parking created by each land use. These requirements shall apply to all districts, unless superseded in other sections of this chapter.
Size. The size of a parking space for one passenger vehicle shall be not less than 200 square feet of unobstructed space and shall be not less than 10 feet wide.
Access. Except on residential lots, parking facilities shall be designed so that a vehicle may enter and exit the parking space without requiring the moving of any other vehicle; i.e., stacked or tandem parking spaces shall not be used to meet minimum parking requirements. Access drives shall not be considered to satisfy minimum parking requirements, except for driveways at single-family dwellings. All driveways shall be constructed to permit vehicles to drive forwards into the road, instead of backing onto the road. Facilities providing more than 20 spaces in one location shall provide separate in and out lanes.
Surface. Parking facilities shall be constructed with an erosion-resistant surface, such as macadam, stone, concrete or similar material. Unless superseded in other parts of this chapter, all parking at commercial and retail facilities requiring more than 20 parking spaces shall be constructed with either a concrete or bituminous material.
Location on same lot and separation from lot lines. All required parking spaces shall be located on the lot containing the land use for which it is providing parking, except as modified in § 240-103E below. Parking areas or driveways in residential areas shall not be located within five feet of a lot line, except when abutting a public roadway or when a joint-use driveway is used. Parking or driveways at nonresidential districts shall not be within 10 feet of a lot line. These distances shall not apply where a driveway abuts or provides access to a roadway. Accessory garages shall comply with the provisions of § 240-37 of this chapter.
Location on other lots. Parking spaces may be placed on a lot located adjacent to the property for which it is providing parking spaces, subject to the following:
No required parking spaces shall be located more than 500 feet from the land use for which parking is being provided, and convenient and safe pedestrian access shall be provided between the lots.
The applicant shall demonstrate long-term control over the off-site parking area, such as by lease, ownership, or other similar agreement.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 801E(3), concerning off-site parking areas in a Floodplain Conservation Overlay District, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 7-10-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-03.
The same off-site parking space shall not be allocated to more than one user at a time, unless the applicant demonstrates that the demands for the off-site parking space do not occur at the same times.
The Township may require screening along all lot lines abutting residential areas.
Adequate off-street loading and unloading space shall be provided on the same premises for every use that involves the delivery or shipment of goods or other materials in bulk. This space shall be arranged so as not to interfere with the normal movement of traffic on the site and on the roadway. No roadway space shall be used for loading or unloading for any nonresidential use.
Vehicles or trailers without current inspection stickers shall not be stored on any property for a period of more than 30 days, unless stored in an enclosed building. This shall not apply to agricultural vehicles or implements or vehicles undergoing noncommercial restoration.
Not more than two dwellings shall share a common driveway from a public road.
Required minimum parking. Not less than the following amounts of off-street parking areas shall be provided according to Table 9:
Table 9- Minimum Parking Requirements
Land Use or Activity
Minimum Parking Spaces
Auditorium, place of assembly, and similar facility
1 per each 3 seats or 1 per each 50 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater
Bed-and-breakfast, guest room house
1 per unit
1 per campsite
2 per dwelling
Farm business or occupation
5 per business or occupation
Group home, lifecare facility and related facility
1 1/2 per dwelling or bed
Home occupation
2 per occupation
Office and similar commercial facility
1 per each 400 gross square feet of floor area
Recreation facility - interior
1 per 1,000 square feet
Recreation facility - exterior
1 per 40,000 square feet
1 per each 100 gross square feet of floor area
Retail facility
1 per each 200 gross square feet of floor area
School and similar facility
1 1/2 per each instruction room
Uses not specifically mentioned
Adequate space to accommodate the daily average number of vehicles expected to use the facility