It is hereby declared to be the intent of the TCMU District to establish reasonable standards to provide for a mix of residential and limited commercial and office uses. Furthermore, it is the intent of the article to:
Encourage economic development through the establishment of flexible standards that maintain the traditional Main Street environment and Abbottstown Borough's unique identity.
Encourage the retention of the historic Main Street streetscape by preserving the existing buildings to the greatest extent possible.
Promote the reuse of existing structures in a manner that maintains Abbottstown Borough's visual character and architectural scale.
Ensure that new buildings, additions, and renovations are consistent with and enhance the surrounding streetscape.
Encourage lively, human-scaled activity areas and gathering places for the community through encouraging a mix of uses.
Establish a walkable community by promoting pedestrian orientation of streets and buildings and providing a safe and convenient interconnected sidewalk network.
Accommodate parking in a convenient manner that does not interfere with the rhythm of the street.
All uses, activities, and development occurring within the TCMU District shall be undertaken only in strict compliance with the provisions of this section and with all other applicable local, county, and state regulations, codes, and ordinances.
Uses permitted by right.
Single-family detached dwellings.
Single-family semidetached dwellings (duplex).
Two-family dwellings.
Accessory dwelling units, per § 204-37A.
Personal service shops.
Including shops such as a tailor, barber, beauty salon, shoe repair, dressmaker, dry cleaner; or other similar personal service shops, excluding adult-oriented massage parlors.
Business offices.
Including offices such as real estate sales, travel agency, insurance sales, advertising, retail copying and printing services, or other similar business offices.
Professional offices.
Including offices such as those for the practice of medicine or other health services, or for law, engineering, architecture, accounting, or other similar professional offices.
Specialty retail shops.
Includes establishments for the sale of dry goods, variety and general merchandise, clothing, food, drugs, household supplies, beverages, hardware, furnishings, antiques, baked goods, greeting cards, plants and flowers; and the sale and repair of jewelry, watches, clocks, optical goods, musical, professional or scientific instruments, or other similar specialty retail shops. This use shall not include a convenience store.
Food service establishments.
Including establishments serving food or beverages to the general public, such as or similar to a restaurant, cafe, taproom, tavern, retail bakery, confectionery or ice cream shop, including walk-up windows, outdoor dining and pedestrian take-out windows, but excluding drive through facilities per § 204-37M.
Financial institutions, per § 204-37L.
Religious institutions and their associated uses.
Private clubs and fraternal organizations.
Commercial day-care facilities, per § 204-37G.
Instructional studios for the study or instruction of dance, music, art, photography or other similar uses.
Galleries and museums.
Theaters, including motion picture and stage plays.
Bed-and-breakfast inns and houses, per § 204-37D.
Undertaking establishments, per § 204-37HH.
Funeral homes, per § 204-37N.
Farmers markets.
Mixed-use structures, including any mix of the above uses in a single structure, per the requirements of § 204-37V.
Public spaces.
Government facilities.
Emergency service facilities and structures.
Home occupations, per § 204-37P.
No-impact home-based businesses, per § 204-37G.
Cottage industries, per § 204-37K.
Accessory buildings, structures and uses, per § 204-31C.
Alternative energy systems, per § 204-31F.
Small wireless facility use (within a right-of-way), per § 204-31N.
[Added 3-17-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
Uses permitted by conditional use.
Conversion apartments, per § 204-37J.
Adaptive reuse of industrial structures, per § 204-37B.
The following standards shall apply all uses, subdivisions, and land development plans within the TCMU District.
Minimum lot size: 3,500 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 35 feet.
Minimum front yard depth: five feet from the street right-of-way line.
Maximum front yard depth: 15 feet from the street right-of-way line.
Minimum side and rear yard setbacks: five feet or equal to the distance of a pre-existing structure on the property.
Maximum development density: The maximum development density for projects involving five or more dwelling units proposed initially or cumulatively from the effective date of this chapter shall be 12 dwelling units per acre.
Maximum lot coverage: 70%.
Maximum building height: 45 feet.
The following standards shall apply all uses, subdivisions, and land development plans within the TCMU District.
All dwellings or structures to be used for human occupancy shall be connected to public sewer and public water.
The standards of Article IX, General Regulations, shall apply to all properties and uses in the TCMU District.
The standards of Article X, Performance Standards, shall apply to all properties and uses in the TCMU District.
The standards of Article XI, Sign Regulations, shall apply to all properties and uses in the TCMU District.
The standards of Article XII, Parking and Loading Regulations, shall apply to all properties and uses in the TCMU District.