It is hereby declared to be the intent of the CI District to establish reasonable standards to provide for a mix of residential and limited commercial and office uses. Furthermore, it is the intent of the article to:
Ensure that automobile-oriented uses, customarily associated with commercial areas along major roadways, are provided only in locations outside Abbottstown's historic core and surrounding residential areas.
Create industrial development patterns that are efficient in design and which will minimize hazardous traffic conditions on roads leading to and from Abbottstown.
Allow for the development of a variety of land uses within the commercial/industrial area of Abbottstown, thus providing flexibility within areas of the Borough containing both commercial and industrial uses and large vacant land parcels.
Encourage, whenever possible, the creation of common access driveways and parking areas serving adjoining commercial uses, thereby preventing excessive curb cuts, providing spacing between access point, and enhancing public safety.
Maintain and enhance attractive gateways along Route 30 forming entrances to the existing historic core area.
Provide for appropriate buffering, landscaping and onsite improvements in commercial and industrial areas to minimize off-site impacts and ensure that aesthetic and environmental qualities are maintained and enhanced.
Require appropriate building setbacks to allow for future road expansion, if necessary, and to provide an adequate buffer from nearby residential areas.
The following uses are permitted within the CI District.
Commercial uses permitted by right.
Any nonresidential use permitted by right by § 204-23A of this chapter.
Automobile, motorcycle, boat and other similar vehicle sales, service and/or repair, per § 204-37II.
Florists, nurseries, greenhouses and garden supply stores.
Food service establishments.
Including establishments serving food or beverages to the general public, such as or similar to a restaurant, cafe, taproom, tavern, retail bakery, confectionery or ice cream shop, including walk-up windows, outdoor dining and pedestrian take-out windows, including drive through facilities per § 204-37M.
Commercial recreation and personal fitness facilities.
Convenience stores, per § 204-37I.
Shopping centers, per § 204-37EE.
Hospitals, per § 204-37Q.
Medical/dental offices.
Business park, per § 204-37F.
Animal shelter.
Laundromats and dry cleaning.
Nightclubs, bars, pubs.
Nursing and residential care facilities, per § 204-37Y.
Repair services, including vehicles, per § 204-37CC.
Retail businesses.
Self-storage facilities, per § 204-37DD.
Undertaking establishments, per § 204-37HH.
Crematorium establishments, per § 204-37HH.
Veterinary and animal hospitals, per § 204-37JJ.
Accessory buildings, per § 204-31C.
Alternative energy systems, per § 204-31F.
Small wireless facility use (within a right-of-way), per § 204-31N.
[Added 3-17-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
Industrial uses permitted by right.
Light manufacturing and related accessory uses per § 204-37T.
Including, electronic goods, food and bakery products, non-alcoholic beverages, paper imprinting, household appliances, leather products, jewelry, food and bakery products, clothing apparel, and other similar uses.
Medium manufacturing and related accessory uses per § 204-37U.
Including, alcoholic beverages, glue, carpet, porcelain products for bathroom and kitchen fixtures, bleaching products, food additives and dyes, welding, furniture, sporting goods, and other similar uses.
Distribution and parcel delivery facilities, per § 204-37GG.
Service industries.
Building material and contractor supply stores and storage yards, per § 204-37E.
Scientific and commercial testing laboratories.
Home-related fuel sales.
Industrial park, per § 204-37F.
Accessory buildings, per § 204-31C.
Alternative energy systems, per § 204-31F.
Commercial uses permitted by conditional use.
Adult-oriented uses, per § 204-37C.
Adaptive reuse of industrial structures, per § 204-37B.
Continuing care retirement community, per § 204-37H.
Industrial uses permitted by conditional use.
Adaptive reuse of industrial structures, per § 204-37B.
Warehousing and wholesaling operations, per § 204-37GG.
Heavy manufacturing uses, per § 204-37S.
Including, concrete, tile, or brick manufacturing, automobile, truck, and tire assembly, ammonia, chlorine or other chemical production, metal casting or foundries, gas manufacturing, grain milling or processing, metal or metal ore production, refining, smelting, or alloying, petroleum or petroleum product refining, boat, pool and spa production, slaughtering of animals; glass production, paper production, wood or lumber processing, and other similar uses.
Junkyards, per § 204-37G.
Truck terminals, per § 204-37GG.
Recycled materials collection and processing facility, per § 204-37AA.
The following standards shall apply all uses, subdivisions, and land development plans within the CI District.
Minimum lot size. The following lot sizes shall apply in the CI District unless otherwise noted in this chapter.
Commercial uses, per § 204-27A and C: 20,000 square feet.
Industrial uses, per § 204-27B and D: one acre.
Minimum lot width: 120 feet.
Minimum yard setbacks. The following setbacks shall apply to all structures and uses in the CI District unless otherwise noted in this chapter.
Commercial Uses
(§ 204-27A and C)
Industrial Uses
(§ 204-27B and D)
Front yard
30 feet
40 feet
Side yards
20 feet
20 feet
Rear yard
25 feet
40 feet
Maximum building coverage: 40%.
Maximum lot coverage: 75%.
Maximum building height. The following maximum building heights shall apply to all structures and uses in the CI District unless otherwise noted in this chapter.
Commercial uses, per § 204-27A and C: 35 feet.
Industrial uses, per § 204-27B and D: 45 feet.
The following standards shall apply all uses, subdivisions, and land development plans within the CI District.
All dwellings or structures to be used for human occupancy shall be connected to public sewer and public water.
The standards of Article IX, General Regulations, shall apply to all properties and uses in the CI District.
The standards of Article X, Performance Standards, shall apply to all properties and uses in the CI District.
The standards of Article XI, Sign Regulations, shall apply to all properties and uses in the CI District.
The standards of Article XII, Parking and Loading Regulations, shall apply to all properties and uses in the CI District.