Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the specifications in this article in any district whenever any new use is established or existing use is enlarged.
Parking areas in all zoning districts shall comply with the following standards:
Size. Each off-street parking space shall have an area of not less than 180 square feet, exclusive of access drives or aisles, shall have minimum dimensions of nine feet in width and 20 feet in length and shall be maintained free from obstruction. Parking areas shall be designed to provide sufficient turnaround area so that vehicles are not required to back onto the cartway of any public street.
Design. The minimum dimensions of aisles and driveways shall be as follows:
Minimum width of aisles providing two-way travel shall be 24 feet.
Minimum width of aisles providing one-way travel shall vary with the angle of parking, as follows:
Aisle Width
The minimum width of entrance and exit drives shall be:
For one-way travel: a minimum of 12 feet.
For two-way travel: a minimum of 24 feet.
A maximum of 35 feet at the street right-of-way line and 54 feet at the inside edge of the curb.
Adequate sight distance shall be provided, subject to review and approval by the Township Engineer. Driveways shall not exceed a slope of 10% within 12 feet of the street right-of-way line.
Access. Access to parking areas shall be provided in accordance with the following requirements:
Where an existing lot does not adjoin a public or private street, alley or easement of access, an access drive shall be provided leading to the parking area.
Access to off-street parking areas shall be limited to well defined locations, and in no case shall there be unrestricted access along the length of a street. In any district, other than a residential district, the street frontage shall be curbed to restrict access to the lot, except where access drives are proposed.
The number of access drives from a single lot or development to any public street shall not exceed two for every 400 feet of street frontage.
Except on corner lots, access drives shall be located at least 200 feet from the intersection of any two street right-of-way lines. Where a site has frontage on more than one street, access shall be provided from the street with the lower traffic volume, if physically practical.
Access drives entering state highways are subject to a highway occupancy permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). Access drives entering Township streets shall be subject to a driveway permit.
Each parking space shall have access directly to a driveway. Interior circulation of traffic shall be designed so that no driveway providing access to parking spaces shall be used as a through street. Interior traffic circulation shall be designed to ensure safety and access by emergency vehicles.
Joint use of facilities. Two or more uses may provide the required parking in a common parking lot, if the total spaces provided are not less than the sum of the spaces required for each use individually. However, the number of spaces required in a common parking facility may be reduced below the total as a use by special exception to be granted by the Zoning Hearing Board, provided that it can be demonstrated that the hours or days of operation or peak parking needed for the uses are so different that a lower total will provide adequately for all uses served by the facility.
Safety requirements. The Board of Supervisors shall consider whether safety requirements are warranted to reduce traffic hazards which endanger public safety. The developer shall be responsible for construction of any required islands, acceleration, deceleration or turning lanes and shall bear the cost of installing any required traffic control devices, signs or pavement markings within and adjoining the boundaries of the development site.
Marking. In paved parking areas which contain five or more spaces, all parking spaces shall be clearly delineated by painted lines or markers. All parking spaces shall be provided with bumper guards or wheel stops for safety or protection to adjacent structures or landscaped areas. All vehicular entrances and exits to parking areas shall be clearly marked for all conditions. Handicapped parking shall be appropriately marked by signage.
Location of parking areas.
Required parking spaces shall be located on the same lot with the principal use.
No parking area containing more than five parking spaces shall be located closer than 10 feet to any adjoining property line and parking authorized in front yards shall be located at least 10 feet from the street right-of-way line.
Screening and landscaping.
Parking areas containing more than five parking spaces shall be effectively screened by Buffer Area C, as defined by § 200-703B of this chapter, along any property line that adjoins a residential use or residential zoning district classification.
In addition, a planting strip at least five feet wide shall be provided between the edge of the right-of-way and any parking area authorized in any yard which fronts on a street. Planting strips between the right-of-way and the parking area shall be suitably landscaped and maintained in grass, ground cover or other landscaping material not in excess of three feet in height which shall not obstruct visibility for traffic entering or leaving the lot or traveling on the public street.
Surfacing. All parking areas and access drives shall be improved with a dust-free, all-weather surface.
Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking areas shall be designed to reflect the light away from the adjoining premises of any residential zoning district or residential use and away from any streets or highways. The lighting system shall furnish an average minimum of 2.0 footcandles during hours of operation.
Stormwater management. All paved parking areas shall be designed so that stormwater runoff shall not adversely affect adjacent properties. The method of stormwater management and the design of the proposed facilities shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 178, Subdivision and Land Development,[1] and to review and recommendation by the Township Engineer.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 171, Stormwater Management.
Any new use or change of use in any zoning district shall comply with the following minimum requirements for the provision of off-street parking spaces:
When the calculation of required parking spaces results in a requirement of a fractional parking space, any fraction shall be counted as one parking space.
Where more than one use exists on a lot, parking requirements for each use shall be provided.
The Table of Parking Requirements (Table 5) specifies the number of spaces required for various categories of uses in any zoning district.
All other uses shall provide one space for each three occupants at maximum permitted occupancy or one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater.
In all zoning districts, whenever a new use is established or an existing use is structurally altered, converted or enlarged, off-street loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of this section.
Off-street loading design.
Size. Each loading berth shall be at least 65 feet in length and 12 feet in width with an overhead clearance of 14 feet. The area used for loading berths shall not be used to satisfy parking area requirements and shall not block any driveway used for circulation through the site.
Access. Loading berths shall be designed to provide sufficient turnaround area so that vehicles are not required to back onto public streets and the design shall be subject to review and approval by the Township Engineer. Loading berths shall have direct access to a driveway and shall be maintained free from obstruction.
Location. All loading berths shall be located on the same lot with the principal use they are intended to serve. No loading berth shall be located in a required front yard. Loading berths shall be located at least 30 feet from the nearest point of intersection of any two streets.
Screening. Loading berths shall be screened by a six-foot-high dense, compact evergreen hedge, opaque fence or wall on all sides which face residential use or zoning district classification.
Surfacing. All loading berths shall have a paved, concrete or bituminous surface, graded with positive drainage to dispose of surface water.
Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate loading berths shall be designed to reflect from any adjoining residential use or zoning classification and away from any street or highway.
Off-street loading requirements. In all zoning districts, every use which requires the receipt or distribution, by tractor-trailer, of material or merchandise, shall provide off-street loading berths in accordance with the following requirements:
Department stores, freight terminals, industrial or manufacturing establishments, retail or wholesale stores, personal or business service establishments, storage warehouses or any similar uses which receive deliveries:
Gross Floor Area
(square feet)
Number of Berths Required
Under 10,000
10,000 to 19,999
20,000 to 39,999
40,000 to 65,000
For each additional 20,000
1 additional
Auditoriums, convention or exhibit halls, sports arenas, hotels, office buildings, restaurants, nursing homes, hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, public buildings and similar uses which receive deliveries by tractor-trailer:
Gross Floor Area
(square feet)
Number of Berths Required
Under 40,000
40,000 to 59,999
60,000 to 99,999
100,000 to 160,000
Over 160,000
In addition to required off-street parking and loading facilities, adequate storage areas for vehicles awaiting loading and unloading shall be provided. Under no circumstances shall vehicles be stored on or block access to a public right-of-way.