[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Wyalusing 10-5-2017. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to support the County of Bradford Enhanced 9-1-1/Emergency Communications System to assist fire, rescue, ambulance companies, law enforcement agencies, the United States Postal Service, and the public in the timely and efficient provision of services to residents and businesses of Bradford County. This chapter will rename and renumber certain streets to comply with said policy.
This chapter is established in conjunction with the County of Bradford in implementing and developing a "Master Street Address Guide" and coordinating, designating and naming of addresses pursuant to the street naming and address policy. Enforcement of the chapter shall remain the responsibility of the Borough of Wyalusing; however, the County of Bradford shall coordinate and assist the Borough of Wyalusing in enforcement.
The Borough of Wyalusing shall establish street names as chosen by the Borough of Wyalusing, or land developer or landowner, and street or house numbers in accordance with the guidelines as amended and as set forth and described in Exhibit A: Bradford County Street Naming and Addressing Policy.[1] Establishment of any street names and addresses will be coordinated with the County of Bradford pursuant to the Street Naming and Addressing Policy. The designation of street names and addresses by the Borough of Wyalusing shall be submitted to the County of Bradford so as to coordinate such designations and to comply with the County of Bradford Street Naming and Addressing Policy. Wyalusing Borough adopts the Bradford County Street Naming and Addressing Policy as part of this chapter subject to the amendments set forth in § 405-5.
Editor's Note: Exhibit A is on file in the Borough offices.
Whenever the Borough of Wyalusing has reason to believe there has been a violation of any provision of this chapter, the Borough of Wyalusing, or the designee of the Borough of Wyalusing, shall give notice to the person or party failing to comply and order said person or party to take corrective action or measures within 30 days from the date of notification.
If such person or party fails to comply with the duly issued order, Borough of Wyalusing, or the designee of the Borough of Wyalusing, shall initiate necessary actions to terminate the violation through civil measures.
Civil enforcement. Subsequent to the thirty-day period following a notification of violation, any violation of any provisions of this chapter shall be punishable as set forth in § 405-7.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Borough of Wyalusing shall have the authority and option, per agreement with Bradford County, should both parties choose to do so, to designate Bradford County as designee for purposes of enforcement.
The following amendment shall apply for the Borough of Wyalusing to utilize the Bradford County Street Naming and Addressing Policy[1] and the Borough amends those sections of the County Policy to read as follows:
Under the Bradford County Street Naming and Addressing Policy, Section 2, Street Naming Policy, hereby deletes as follows:
A road with one Borough or state route number, or that crosses municipal boundaries, may only have more than one road name if the name change occurs at an intersection.
Under the Bradford County Street Naming and Addressing Policy, Section 2, Street Naming Policy, hereby adds as follows:
The following standards will be used:
A road that crosses a municipal boundary may have more than one road name if the name change occurs at an intersection or if the name change occurs in the middle of a block the municipalities involved identify the municipal boundary with entrance signs in each municipality.
Under the Bradford County Street Naming and Addressing Policy, Section 4, Addressing Policy, hereby deletes as follows:
Interfacing With Existing Systems
When interfacing with existing numbering systems, care should be taken in locating the last assigned number of the existing system. The Bradford County Office of Community Planning and Grants should utilize all possible sources to determine the last number used.
Municipalities with complete, or partial, city-style addressing shall remain unchanged unless: 1) the Bradford County Office of Community Planning and Grants determines a change is necessary, based on the criteria listed in this policy in Sections II and IV; or 2) the local municipality, post office, or an emergency response agency highlights a specific need for a change.
Under the Bradford County Street Naming and Addressing Policy, Section 4, Addressing Policy, hereby adds as follows:
Interfacing with Existing Systems
When interfacing with existing numbering systems, care should be taken in locating the last assigned number of the existing system. The Bradford County Office of Community Planning and Grants should utilize all possible sources to determine the last number used.
Municipalities with complete, or partial, city-style addressing shall remain unchanged unless: 1) the Bradford County Office of Community Planning and Grants determines a change is necessary, based on the criteria listed in this policy in Section II and IV; or 2) the local municipality, post office, or an emergency response agency highlights a specific need for a change.
Municipalities, specifically Wyalusing Borough, which currently utilize a city-style addressing, shall remain unchanged. The Bradford County Office of Community Planning and Grants shall not change any street number or street name in the Borough of Wyalusing without the specific approval of the Wyalusing Borough Council.
Editor's Note: The Bradford County Street Naming and Addressing Policy, referred to elsewhere in this chapter as "Exhibit A," is on file in the Borough offices.
Streets to be renamed and new name assignment.
Unnamed streets to be named.
New street names and address numbers are assigned as follows:
Council specifically changes Chestnut Street to Felter Way.
Council specifically changes SR 0006 to State Street (entering and exiting Borough to first intersection between Fifth Street and Bridge Street).
Council specifically changes State Street to Homet Heights Road.
Council specifically changes SR 0706 to Taylor Avenue (extends to the intersection of County Bridge Road or near the Borough line).
Council names the follows streets as private drives:
Dodco Drive.
Cayutas Avenue.
Keeler Drive.
Rocky Path Road.
Under the Bradford County Street Naming and Addressing Policy, Section VI, Violations and Penalties, hereby adds as follows:
Violations and Penalties.
Civil enforcement: Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall, upon being found in violation thereof, be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $600 per violation for each day of violation and for violation of each applicable section of the chapter. If the penalty is not paid, the Borough shall initiate a civil action for collection in accordance with the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure.
In addition, if found in violation, the violator shall be subject to the assessment for court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Borough in enforcement proceedings.
The Council delegates the initial determination of the chapter violation and service of notice of violation to the Code Enforcement Officer. The Borough may enforce the chapter in equity in the Bradford County Court of Commons.