In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 2005 Code have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 2005 Code
Location in 2020 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Art. I, Adoption of Code
Ch. 2, Adult Entertainment
Ch. 3, All-Terrain Vehicles and Snowmobiles
Ch. 457
Ch. 4, Animals
Ch. 107
Ch. 5, Attorney Fees
Ch. 305, Art. I
Ch. 6, Curfew
Ch. 7, External Fuel-Burning Devices
Ch. 235
Ch. 8, Earned Income Tax
Ch. 430, Art. I
Ch. 9, Firearms and Fireworks
Ch. 212
Ch. 10, Fire Prevention
Ch. 220
Ch. 11, Flood Damage Protection
Repealed 10-6-2014; see now Ch. 227
Ch. 12, Garbage, Rubbish, and Refuse
Ch. 396, Arts. I and II
Ch. 13, Hazardous Accidents and Materials
Ch. 197, Art. I
Ch. 14, Holding Tank Ordinance
Superseded 8-7-2017; see Ch. 390, Art. II
Ch. 15, Insurance Claims
Ch. 216
Ch. 16, Municipal Authority
Ch. 13
Ch. 17, Occupational Privilege Tax
Repealed 8-7-2017
Ch. 18, Prohibition of the Use of Internal Engine Decompression Device and Mufflers
Ch. 314, Art. I
Ch. 19, Property Maintenance Code
Ch. 349, Art. I
Ch. 20, Noise
Ch. 314, Art. II
Ch. 21, Non-Uniformed Employee Pension Plan
Repealed 1-6-2020
Ch. 22, Nuisances (High Grass)
Repealed 8-7-2017; see now Ch. 349, Art. III
Ch. 23, Occupations Requiring Permits
Repealed 8-7-2017; see now Ch. 283, Art. I
Ch. 24, Open Burning
Ch. 128
Ch. 25, Parks
Ch. 333
Ch. 26, Peddling and Soliciting
Ch. 338, Art. I
Ch. 27, Planning Commission
Ch. 68
Ch. 28, Plumbing
Ch. 344
Ch. 29, Privy
Superseded 8-7-2017; see Ch. 390, Art. II
Ch. 30, Realty Transfer Tax
Ch. 430, Art. II
Ch. 31, Salaries and Compensation
Ch. 82
Ch. 32, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Ch. 390, Arts. I, II and III
Ch. 33, Shade Tree Commission
Repealed 8-7-2017
Ch. 34, Skateboards and Other Self-Propelled Vehicles
Ch. 471
Ch. 35, Storage of Firewood
Ch. 349, Art. II
Ch. 36, Streets and Sidewalks
Repealed 8-7-2017; see now Ch. 411, Part 2
Ch. 37, Street Openings and Excavations
Ch. 411, Part 1
Ch. 38, Structures Not Reviewed Under the Uniform Construction Code
Ch. 143
Ch. 39, Subdivision and Land Development
Repealed 12-16-2013; see Ch. 415
Ch. 40, Surveillance
Ch. 419
Ch. 41, Swimming Pools (Fences)
Ch. 423
Ch. 42, Uniform Construction Code
Ch. 147
Ch. 43, Vehicles, Abandoned
Ch. 44, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 464
Ch. 45, Water
Ch. 485, Art. 1
Ch. 46, Zoning
Repealed 7-6-2020; see now Ch. 500
Ch. 47, Malicious Loitering
Ch. 286
Ch. 48, Terminating Police Department
Repealer only
Ch. 49, Prohibiting Aggressive Solicitation and Panhandling
Ch. 338, Art. II
Ch. 50, Garage Sales
Ch. 244
Ch. 51, Road Name Ordinance (5-5-2008)
Superseded 8-7-2017; see now Ch. 405
Ch. 52, Sewer Use
Ch. 390, Art. IV
Ch. 53, Local Services Tax
Ch. 430, Art. III
Ch. 54, Vacate Unopened Walnut Street
Ch. 55, Vacate Unopened Walnut Street, Sixth Street and Chestnut Street
Ch. 56, Progressive Fines
Superseded 8-7-2017; see now Ch. 349, Art. III
Ch. 57, Annual Tax Rate
Ch. 58, Auditor
Ch. 9
Ch. 59, Floodplains
Ch. 227
Ch. 60 Vacate Chestnut Street
Ch. 61, Ambulance Services
Ch. 5
Ch. 62, Fire and Rescue Services
Ch. 36
Ch. 63, Residential Building Construction
Ch. 64, Electrical Standards
Ch. 192
Ch. 65, Energy Conservation
Ch. 201
Ch. 66, Fuel Gas
Ch. 239
Ch. 67, Mechanical Standards
Ch. 298