[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Millvale 3-13-2018 by Ord. No. 2589. Amendments noted where applicable.]
A municipal fund entitled "Crime Reward Fund," to be administered by the Borough Manager, shall be established. The Fund shall be for the deposit of money for the payment of rewards to persons who have provided information leading to the offender's:
Apprehension; and
The revenue for deposit into the Crime Reward Fund shall initially be provided by donations. All monetary gifts, contributions or bequests accepted by the Borough for the purposes set forth herein shall be placed in the Fund. All gifts, contributions or bequests to the Fund which exceed $5,000 shall be submitted to Borough Council for acceptance or rejection. All gifts, contributions or bequests of $5,000 or less may be accepted or rejected by the Borough Manager. The Borough may elect to provide an appropriation to the fund in the budget each year.
The Borough of Millvale may offer and pay a reward in the following circumstances:
The arrest of a specified person or persons convicted of or charged with any criminal offense; or
The arrest and conviction of a person or persons committing a specific criminal offense.
The Chief of Police will determine when the need for public assistance is necessary and if an award shall be deemed useful.
Any person interested in seeking a reward under this chapter shall complete a form prepared by and available from the Chief of Police. In the event that the applicant is under 18 years of age, the applicant's parent or legal guardian must also sign the form indicating his or her consent to the submission of the application. The applicant shall mail the completed form to the Millvale Borough Police Department at the address indicated on the form. All applications must be submitted within 60 days of the date of the act referred to in the application. Elected officials and/or Borough employees and their families are not eligible to receive any rewards under this chapter.
The Department shall review the completed form and if it believes the applicant has met the criteria of this chapter for receiving an award, shall transmit a report to the Borough Manager recommending payment of a reward. In the event the information results in a final adjudication by Juvenile Court or placement in a supervised program by the probation officer, the name of the juvenile shall not appear in the report. The Department shall comply with the confidentiality provisions from the Pennsylvania Center for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention as well as Pennsylvania Title No. 237. If the Department determines that the applicant has not met the criteria to receive a reward, then the Department shall, in writing, notify the applicant. If the applicant disagrees with the determination of the Department, he or she may submit a written appeal to the Borough Council. The appeal shall set forth in writing the reasons why the person disagrees with the Department's determination. All appeals shall be submitted to the Borough Manager within 60 days after the date the notification is sent. The Borough Council decision on the appeal shall be final.
Upon the Manager's receipt of the Department's report recommending payment of a reward, the Borough Council may, by adoption of a motion, resolution or report, approve payment of a reward to the applicant and instruct the Borough Manager to file the necessary payment request to cause the reward to be paid from the Crime Reward Fund. The recipient of any award from said fund is required to complete a W-9 prior to distribution of funds.
The determination of whether a reward shall be paid by the Borough shall be at the sole discretion of the Borough Council, and neither the provisions of this chapter or the furnishing of information in response thereto shall create any legal right or claim to the payment of a reward.
The Borough Council shall have sole discretion in determining whether a reward shall be apportioned among two or more persons. In the event more than one person is entitled to share in the reward money, it shall be apportioned equally among claimants unless the Borough Council determines otherwise.
A reward shall be paid only to a natural person or persons, and no reward or portion thereof shall be paid to any corporation, business, club or other organization either directly or by virtue of any waiver or assignment on the part of a natural person who is the recipient of a reward.
No reward shall be paid to a public officer or employee whose employment includes law enforcement duties. Verification of eligibility shall be provided by the Department.
No reward shall be paid to any person who has already been or will be compensated by his or her employer or paid in any manner for engaging in the actions which form the basis for claiming the reward. Verification of eligibility shall be provided by the Department.
No reward shall be paid to any person who was involved in the crime. Verification eligibility shall be provided by the Department.
No reward provided for in this chapter shall be paid without the provisions of the chapter having first been satisfied and the Borough Council having first adopted a motion, resolution or report providing for payment of the reward.
Interest accruing on money deposited in the Crime Reward Fund shall remain in the fund for future distribution.
The Borough Manager shall report to the Borough Council regarding and identifying receipts into, and all expenditures out of, the Crime Reward Fund, as well as the purpose for which the expenditures were made. Each report shall cover a fiscal year.