In order to provide more suitable sites for building and other uses, improve surface drainage, and control erosion, the following requirements shall be met:
All lots, tracts, or parcels shall be graded to provide proper drainage away from buildings and dispose of the runoff without ponding, and all land within a development shall be graded to drain and dispose of surface water without ponding, except where other arrangements are approved by the Board of Supervisors.
All drainage provisions shall be designed to adequately handle the surface runoff and carry it to the nearest suitable outlet such as a curbed street, storm drain, or natural watercourse. Where drainage swales are used to divert surface waters away from buildings, they shall be paved, sodded or planted and shall be of such slope, shape and size as to conform with the requirements of the Township.
Concentration of surface water runoff shall only be permitted in swales or watercourses that lead to a natural watercourse or drainage structure.
Grading will not be done in such a way so as to divert water onto the property of another landowner without the expressed consent of the Township and the affected landowner.
During grading operations, necessary measures for dust control will be exercised.
Topsoil shall be preserved and redistributed as cover and shall be expeditiously planted with perennial grasses or ground cover.
Grading equipment will not be allowed to cross perennial streams. Provision will be made for the installation of culverts or bridges. Emergency crossings may be permitted through permission of DEP.
Lawn areas shall be designed and constructed to maintain a minimum of 1.5% slope, or utilize underdrain to avoid creating prolonged saturated soils. Areas of ponding within lawn areas discovered after construction and/or vegetation is established, shall be regraded to drain, or underdrained.
Cut-and-fill slopes shall not be steeper than 3:1 unless stabilized by a retaining wall or cribbing except as approved by the Township Engineer when handled under special conditions.
Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent surface water from damaging the cut face of excavations or the sloping surfaces of fills.
Cut-and-fills shall not endanger adjoining property.
Fill shall be placed and compacted so as to minimize sliding or erosion of the soil.
Fills shall not encroach on natural watercourses or construction channels.
Fills placed adjacent to natural watercourses or constructed channels shall have suitable protection against erosion during periods of flooding.
Proposed retaining walls must be set back from a property line a distance of the height of wall or minimum five feet to allow maintenance of wall structure.