[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Westbrook. Amendments are noted in the schedule.]
This schedule is subject to amendment by Council order.[1]
Code Chapter/Section
Amendment Dates
Chapter 24 - Emergency Management
§ 24-10
Violation of chapter or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder
Not more than $500
Chapter 103 - Alarm Systems
§ 103-1
Third and fourth false alarms
3-18-2019 (2019-54)
Fifth and subsequent false alarms
12-21-2020 (2020-155)
Chapter 110- Animals
§ 110-13
Penalty for violation of chapter
Up to $450
§ 110-60
Civil penalty for violation of Article VI, Dog Parks
Up to $250
Chapter 131 - Cable Television
3-7-2022 (2022-29)
Failure to comply with a franchise or the Cable Ordinance
$250 per day per violation
Chapter 157- Events and Mass Gatherings
§ 157-9
Fine for violation of Article I, Events on City Property
Double the permit fee
3-18-2019 (2019-52)
§ 157-15
Civil penalty for violation of Article II, Mass Gathering Events
Chapter 162 - Fire Protection and Prevention
§ 162-1
False alarms, each third and successive alarm in a calendar year, residential and business/firm
$40 per occurrence
Chapter 184 - Housing and Property Maintenance
§ 184-4
Violations of Property Maintenance Code
$100 to $2,500
Chapter 188- Human Rights
§ 188-12
Initial violation
Second violation
Third and subsequent violations
$5,000 minimum to $50,000 maximum
Chapter 205 - Licenses and Permits
§ 205-10
Fine for violation of licensing article
§ 205-30
Fine for first violation of section prohibiting sale of tobacco to a minor
$100 maximum
Fine for second violation within one year
$200 maximum
§ 205-67
Fine for each violation of massage article provisions
§ 205-94
Fine for each violation of tattoo article provisions
Fine for violation of consumer fireworks permit or use requirements
First violation
Second violation
All subsequent violations
Chapter 216 - Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks
§ 216-10
Fine for violation of Article I
$100, plus costs
Chapter 230 - Parks and Recreation
§ 230-3
Fine for possession of alcoholic beverages in City parks
§ 230-9
Fine for each violation
Chapter 234 - Peace and Good Order
§ 234-9
First offense, smoking in a smoke-free zone
Second offense, same venue
Third and subsequent offenses, same venue
§ 234-15
Violation of Article II, Graffiti, first offense
Not more than $250
Second offense
Not more than $500
§ 234-24
Curfew violation, minor
$25; for each subsequent offense, the fine shall be increased by an additional $25 up to a maximum of $100 for the fourth offense
Curfew violation, parent
$100; for each subsequent offense, the fine shall be increased by an additional $25
§ 234-30
Violation of Article IV, Nude Entertainment, by the owner, lessee, licensee, permittee or operator of a premises
As provided in 30-A M.R.S.A. § 4452; minimum fine $500
Violation of Article IV, Nude Entertainment, by a person other than the owner, lessee, licensee, permittee or operator of any premises, first offense
Not less than $500
Second and subsequent offenses
Not less than $1,000
Chapter 241 - Plumbing
§ 241-2
Fine for beginning work without permit
Double the permit fee
Chapter 260 - Sewers and Wastewater Treatment
§ 260-38
Industrial users in noncompliance with pretreatment standards and requirements (civil or criminal)
$1,000 per day
§ 260-88
Minimum fine for violation of this chapter
$1,000 per day
Chapter 264 - Sex Offenders
§ 264-6
Minimum fine for violation of this chapter
Chapter 272- Solid Waste
§ 272-18
Fine for dumping without a permit
Chapter 310 - Vehicles and Traffic
3-18-2019 (2019-54); 6-1-2020 (2020-55)
§ 310-3
Maximum penalty for violation of chapter
$250 plus costs
§ 310-65
Skateboards and roller skates prohibited on roadways, sidewalks and other public places; violation by person 17 years of age or older
Not more than $50 for the first offense and not more than $100 for a second and subsequent offenses
§ 310-71
Parking in handicapped space (police discretion to tow vehicle)
§ 310-90
Parking exceeding time limit
Parking in taxi stand, bus stop or loading zone
Parking at night during the overnight winter parking ban
Parking double
Parking too near fire hydrant (police discretion to tow vehicle)
Parking in prohibited area
Parking on wrong side of street
Parking too near cross or corner
Parking in fire lanes (police discretion to tow vehicle)
Parking on a crosswalk
Obstructing snow removal (police discretion to tow vehicle)
Parking in front of a public or private driveway
Other parking violations
Parking in electric vehicle charging station space
Chapter 319 - Weapons and Explosives
§ 319-11
Penalty for misstatement or omission of information
$1,000 minimum
Chapter 335 - Land Use
Starting construction without a permit
Minimum penalty for a specific violation
$100 per day, up to a maximum of $2,500
Editor's Note: Impoundment fees under Ch. 110, Animals, and Ch. 307, Vehicles, All-Terrain, which appeared in this schedule have been moved to Ch. A400, Master Fee Schedule.