[G.O. No. 994, § 3]
There shall be a Fire Department, the head of which shall be the Fire Chief. He shall be appointed by the Town Administrator with the consent of the Mayor and approval of the Council, and shall receive such annual compensation as is provided in the salary ordinance.
[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 3]
The Fire Chief shall devote his entire time to the discharge of the duties of his office and shall exercise supreme command at all fires and alarms of fire over all members of the Fire Department and all other persons who may aid the department at fires. In the absence of the Fire Chief at a fire or an alarm of fire, the Deputy chief of the uniformed force of paid firemen who shall be in charge of the firehouse shall be in command of the entire force, paid and volunteer.
[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 4; G.O. No. 1091, § 6]
The Fire Chief shall have charge of the apparatus and all other property of the department and shall assure himself by personal inspection that the several companies are kept at the highest point of efficiency, that the fire house is being properly conducted and kept in good order and that all property of the department is kept in condition for immediate and efficient service. He shall keep a record of all business transacted by the department and shall approve all bills for expenses of the department, except those rendered for fixed charges. He shall keep a record of the quantity, kind and condition of hose in the department with such other data as may be necessary to insure at all times accurate knowledge of its condition.
Editor's Note: Former § 11-17 was repealed by G.O. No. 1091, § 7.
[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 6; G.O. No. 1091, § 8]
The Fire Chief shall keep a record of all appointments, resignations, dismissals, removals and deaths of firemen as they take place, with such other particulars as may be necessary. He shall also keep a record of all fire badges distributed by him.
[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 7: G.O. No. 1091, § 9]
It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to see that all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders relative to the department are promptly enforced and obeyed, and that all derelictions or transgressions that may come to his knowledge are promptly investigated.
[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 8; G.O. No. 1091, § 10]
The Fire Chief shall promptly report to the Town Administrator any officer or member of the uniformed force who by reason of age, disease, accident or other disability cannot fully, promptly and properly perform full duty in the department.
[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 9: G.O. No. 1091, § 11]
The Fire Chief shall see that all laws and ordinances relating to fire prevention are observed and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the laws of the State.