[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 1; G.O. No. 620; G.O. No. 634; G.O. No. 923, § 1; G.O. No. 1091, § 12; G.O. No. 1891, § I; amended 4-28-2015 by G.O. No. 2041]
The regular uniformed force of paid firemen shall consist of the following:
A Fire Chief.
No more than two Deputy Chiefs.
No more than six Battalion Chiefs.
No more than nine Lieutenants.
No more than 24 firefighters.
No more than 75 volunteer members.
The Town Administrator is designated as the appropriate authority and shall be responsible for the overall performance of the Fire Department. The appropriate authority shall promulgate and adopt rules and regulations for the governance of the Fire Department and for the discipline of its members.
[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 10; G.O. No. 1091, § 13]
Any temporary vacancy in the position of Fire Chief may be filled by the Town Administrator with the consent of the Mayor and the approval of the Council. Any temporary vacancy in the ranks of the uniformed force may be filled by the Fire Chief with the approval of the Town Administrator and consent of the Mayor.
[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 11; G.O. No. 1091, § 14]
Members of the uniformed force shall be appointed by the Fire Chief with the consent of the Town Administrator and the Mayor. No person shall be appointed unless he:
Is a citizen of the United States.
Is sound in body and of good health sufficient to satisfy the Board of Trustees of the police and firemen's retirement system of New Jersey as to his eligibility for membership in the retirement system.
Is able to read, write and speak the English language well and intelligently.
Is of good moral character.
Has not been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 12; G.O. No. 634; G.O. No. 1091, § 15]
The regular uniformed force of paid firemen shall be divided into four platoons or shifts. The members of such force shall be assigned to such platoon or shift from time to time by the Fire Chief.
[1932 Revision, Title 5, Ch. 1, Art. 2, § 13; G.O. No. 634; G.O. No. 670; G.O. No. 944, § 1; G.O. No. 965, § 1; G.O. No. 1091, § 16]
Each paid member of the Fire Department of the Town shall be on actual duty for an average of 42 hours per week in any eight-week cycle.
Editor's Note: Former § 11-27 was repealed by G.O. No. 1091, § 17.