All executive and administrative functions, powers and duties of the town, except as otherwise expressly provided by the charter, shall be allocated and assigned by ordinance among and within departments, boards, or other administrative agencies so far as practical according to major purpose. The head of each department shall be a single executive who shall be appointed by the administrator, with the approval of the mayor and council. A department head may be removed by the administrator for cause with the approval of the mayor and council upon notice and an opportunity to be heard.
All departments, boards or other administrative agencies shall keep, maintain and have available for examination by council all records, reports, publications, documents and papers pertaining to the operation and function of such departments, boards or administrative agencies and shall, upon request of council, furnish such information as council may from time to time direct.
Department heads shall promulgate rules and regulations with respect to their departments and shall, with the approval of the administrator and consent of the mayor, appoint employees within their respective departments and may remove such employees subject to the provisions of the general law and ordinances; provided, however, that council may provide by ordinance for the appointment and removal of specific boards or commissions by the mayor.
The office of the town administrator may be established by the council, and, if so established, the administrator shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval of the council to serve for a definite term. He shall be chosen solely on the basis of his executive and administrative qualifications. At the time of his appointment he need not be a resident of the town or state, but during his term of office he may reside outside the town only with the approval of the mayor, with the consent of the council. He may be removed by the mayor with the approval of council prior to the expiration of his term of appointment for cause and upon notice and an opportunity to be heard.
Subject to the direction and supervision of the mayor, the administrator shall:
direct and supervise the administration of the departments of the town government, except as otherwise provided by general law or ordinance;
provide for the organization of the work of the departments, subject to the requirements of an administrative code as hereinbefore provided in this charter to be adopted by the town council;
review the administration and operation of each of the departments and recommend to the mayor from time to time such measures as he may deem necessary or desirable for the purpose of improving the efficiency and the economy of the town government;
review, analyze and forecast trends in town services and finance, and report and recommend thereon to the mayor;
prepare an annual current expense budget and an annual capital budget for consideration by the council and recommend long-range capital improvement programs;
enforce and execute the provisions of the charter and all other laws, resolutions and ordinances;
perform such other functions and duties as may be prescribed by ordinance or resolution.
The town budget shall be prepared by the administrator under the supervision and with the assistance of the mayor. The administrator shall require all department heads to submit requests for appropriations for the ensuing budget year, and to appear before the administrator upon his request.
The administrator shall submit to the council his recommended budget together with such explanatory comment or statement as he may deem desirable. The budget shall be in such form as is required by law for municipal budgets and shall, in addition, have appended thereto a detailed analysis of the various items of expenditure and revenue. The council may add or delete, increase or reduce, any items in the budget by a vote of a majority of the council.
The council shall, where practicable, provide for the maintenance of a system of work programs and periodic allotments for operation of the budget. It shall be the duty of the officer or department administering any such program to develop and report appropriate unit costs of budgeted expenditures.