[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 5; G.O. No. 1347, § II]
The keeping of any table upon which billiards, the game called pool, or any other similar game is allowed to be publicly played shall constitute the keeping of a billiard saloon under this article.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 5, § 1; G.O. No. 1347, § II]
No person shall open or keep any public billiard saloon within the Town unless such person shall have first obtained a license for such purpose.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 5, § 2; G.O. No. 943, § 1; G.O. No. 1347, § II]
The Town Council may, at its discretion, grant a license to any person to keep a public billiard saloon within the Town for any term not exceeding one year from the date of such license, upon the presentation of a written application therefor, signed by the applicant, setting forth the place or premises where he will keep his table, and the number and kind of tables which he proposes to use. Such application shall have the endorsement in writing of at least 10 reputable citizens and freeholders of the Town. The fees to be paid for such license shall be $10 for one table and $5 for each additional table.
Upon the expiration date of the license initially issued by the Town Council, the license may be renewed by filing a renewal application form with the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk will request inspection of the licensed premises, operation or device by the affected departments in accordance with inspection schedules approved by the Town Council to assure compliance with all Town codes on the part of the applicant. Violation of any section of any Town code will constitute a basis of denial of the application for renewal. The Town Clerk shall also request a statement from the Tax Collector as to the tax records of the applicant. Delinquent taxes shall be noted on the application, and shall constitute a basis of denial of the application for renewal. Delinquent taxes are hereby defined as taxes due from previous years. Upon receipt of departmental reports certifying that the premises, operation or device conforms with all Town codes, the Town Clerk shall issue a renewal of the license for the term as specified. The Town Clerk shall file a monthly report with the Town Council, listing the renewal licenses issued during the month. The report shall specify the following:
The type of license.
Address of the licensee.
The amount of fees received.
The Town Clerk shall also file a monthly report with the Town Council, listing the applications for renewal licenses which have been denied and the basis for the denial.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 5, § 3; G.O. No. 1347, § II]
Whenever the Town Council shall reject or refuse to grant the application of any person for a license, such person shall not apply again for such license at any time within one year thereafter. Before any license so granted shall be delivered to the applicant for the same, the license fee shall be paid to the Town Clerk, who shall pay the same over to the Town Treasurer. All licenses granted under this article shall be signed by the Mayor and Town Clerk.
[1932, Revision, Title 8, Ch. 5, § 4; G.O. No. 1347, § II]
Every person who may be granted a license under this article shall close his billiard saloon at 1:00 a.m. and remain closed until 6:00 a.m. the same day, except that on Saturdays, the same shall be closed at 12:00 Midnight and shall remain closed until 6:00 a.m. of the following Monday; provided, that the Mayor or chairman of the police committee may grant permission to any licensee to keep his saloon open after hours on any particular named day except Sundays.