[G.O. No. 1421, § II]
There is hereby established a position known as special law enforcement officer in the Police Department of the Town of Westfield.
[G.O. No. 1421, § II]
Town Council of the Town of Westfield as it deems necessary from time to time may appoint special law enforcement officers sufficient to perform the duties and the responsibilities for such officers established by this article and authorized by N.J.S.A. 40A-14-118, subject to the conditions and limitations as are established pursuant to law in this article.
[G.O. No. 1421, § II]
No person may be appointed as a special law enforcement officer unless such person:
Is a resident of this state during the term of appointment;
Is able to read, write and speak the English language well and intelligently and has a high school diploma, or its equivalent;
Is sound in body and of good health;
Is of good moral character;
Has not been convicted of any offense involving dishonesty, or which would make that person unfit to perform the duties of office;
Has successfully undergone the same psychological testing that is required for all full-time police officers of the Town of Westfield;
Shall not have been appointed as a special law enforcement officer in another municipality at the same time, and shall not be a permanent regularly appointed full-time police officer of any other municipality.
[G.O. No. 1421, § II]
Before any special law enforcement officer is appointed pursuant to this article, the Chief of Police, or his designee, shall acertain the eligibility and qualifications of the applicants and report these determinations in writing to the Town Council.
[G.O. No. 1421, § II]
No person may commence his duties as a special law enforcement officer unless he has successfully completed a training course approved by the police training commission established in the Department of Law and public safety (hereinafter referred to as "commission"), and no special law enforcement officer may be issued a firearm unless he has successfully completed the basic firearms course approved by the commission for permanent regularly appointed police, and annual re-qualification examinations. There shall be two classifications for special law enforcement officers. The commission shall prescribe by the rule or regulation the training standards to be established for each classification. Training may be in a commission approved academy, or in any other training program which the commission may determine appropriate. Classification shall be based upon the duties to be performed by such special law enforcement officers as follows:
Class 1. Offices of this class shall be authorized to perform routine traffic details, spectator control and similar duties. The use of a firearm by any officer of this class shall be strictly prohibited, and no Class 1 officers shall be assigned any duties which may require the carrying or use of a firearm.
Class 2. Officers of this class shall be authorized to exercise full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, regularly appointed full-time police officer. The use of a firearm by an officer of this class may be authorized only after the officer has been fully certified as successfully completing training as prescribed by the commission.
[G.O. No. 1421, § II]
Special law enforcement officers shall be appointed for terms not to exceed one year, and the appointments may be revoked by the Town Council for cause after an adequate hearing. Nothing herein shall be construed to require reappointment upon expiration of the term. The special law enforcement officers so appointed shall not be members of the police force of the Town of Westfield, and their powers and duties pursuant to this Code and the "Special Law Enforcement Officers Act," shall cease upon the expiration of the term for which appointed. No special law enforcement officer may carry a firearm except while engaged in actual performance of the officer's official duties, and when specifically authorized by the Chief of Police, or his designee, to carry a firearm, and only if that officer has satisfactorily completed the basic firearms course required by the commission for regular police officers, and annual re-qualification examinations as required for permanent regularly appointed full-time officers.
[G.O. No. 1421, § II]
A special law enforcement officer shall be under the supervision and direction of the Chief of Police of the Town of Westfield or in the absence of the chief, his designee, and shall perform his duties only in the Town of Westfield unless in fresh pursuit of any person pursuant to Chapter 156 of Title 2A of the New Jersey Statutes. The chief may appoint supervisors from among the special law enforcement officers to perform supervisory duties among the special law enforcement officers.
[G.O. No. 1421, § II]
Special law enforcement officers may not be employed for more than 20 hours per week except without limitation as to hours during periods of emergency.
[G.O. No. 1421, § II]
The number of special police officers of Class 2 category shall not exceed 25% of the total number of regular police officers.