[G.O. No. 1534, § I]
Where it shall be necessary and expedient for the preservation of the public health, safety, general welfare, or fire safety, as certified to the Town Attorney by the appropriate Town officials or officers after an inspection of the premises, the Town Attorney may give notice, by certified and regular mail to the owner, as shown in the Tax Collector's records of the Town, and/or the tenant of lands lying within the limits of the Town of Westfield, requiring such person, within 10 days, to remove from such premises and/or to destroy, brush, weeds (including ragweed), dead and dying trees, stumps, roots, obnoxious growths, filth, garbage, trash, and debris as permitted by N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.13.
[G.O. No. 1534, § I]
Where the owner or tenant is a natural person but not legally competent, notice shall be given to the executor, administrator, guardian, or other legal representative of that person. Where the owner or tenant is not a natural person, notice shall be given to any officer of the corporation, or its registered agent, if such is the owner or tenant, or in the case of partnership to any partner, if such is the owner of tenant.
[G.O. No. 1534, § I]
Where the owner or tenant has not complied with such a request within 10 days of receiving the notice, the Town Engineer or persons under his direction may enter the premises, and may remove from such premises and/or destroy any materials specified in the notice. The Town Engineer shall decide whether the materials will be destroyed and his decision shall be final.
[G.O. No. 1534, § I]
After the Town Engineer or persons under his direction have removed and/or destroyed any materials pursuant to the foregoing provisions, the Town Engineer shall prepare a certification for the Town Council. Such certification shall state the nature and the approximate weight of the materials removed and/or destroyed, shall state that notice to remove and/or destroy the materials was given based on a certification by the appropriate Town officials, but was not carried out by the owner or tenant, and shall state the itemized costs of destruction and/or removal. Such costs shall include labor cost and out-of-pocket cost. Attached to such certification shall be a copy of the notice to the owner or tenant, including the certification of the appropriate Town official as to the public need to be served by such removal, and a receipt or receipts for any out-of-pocket cost, if any.
[G.O. No. 1534, § I]
The Town Council shall examine such certification prepared by the Town Engineer. If the Town Council finds the certification to be correct, the Town Council may vote by resolution to cause the costs as shown thereon to be charged against said lands as provided by N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.14. The amount so charged shall be forwarded to the Tax Collector forthwith and become a lien upon such lands and shall be added to and become and form part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon such lands, the same to bear interest at the same rate as taxes, and shall be collected and enforced by the same officers and in the same manner as taxes.