[Ord. 2-1993, 5/10/1993, § 3.01]
No person shall uncover, shall connect with, shall make any opening into or shall use, shall alter or shall disturb, in any manner, any sewer or any part of the sewer system without first obtaining a permit, in writing, from the Authority.
[Ord. 2-1993, 5/10/1993, § 3.02]
Application for a permit required under § 121 shall be made by the owner of the improved property served or to be served or by the duly authorized agent of such owner.
[Ord. 2-1993, 5/10/1993, § 3.03]
No person shall make or cause to be made a connection of any improved property with a sewer until such person shall have fulfilled each of the following conditions:
Such person shall have notified the designated representative of the Authority of the desire and intention to connect such improved property to a sewer.
Such person shall have applied for and shall have obtained a permit as required under § 121.
Such person shall have given the designated representative of the Authority at least 48 hours' notice of the time when such connection will be made so that the Authority may supervise and inspect or may cause to be supervised and inspected the work of the connection and necessary testing.
If applicable, such person shall have furnished satisfactory evidence to the designated representative of the Authority that any fee that may be charged and imposed by the Authority against the owner of each improved property who connects such improved property to a sewer has been paid.
[Ord. 2-1993, 5/10/1993, § 3.04]
Except as otherwise provided in this section, each improved property shall be connected separately and independently with a sewer through a building sewer. Grouping of more than one improved property on one building sewer shall not be permitted, except under special circumstances and for good sanitary reasons or other good cause shown, but then only after special permission of the Authority, in writing, shall have been secured and only subject to such rules, regulations and conditions as may be prescribed by the Authority.
[Ord. 2-1993, 5/10/1993, § 3.05]
All costs and expenses of construction of a building sewer and all costs and expenses of connection of a building sewer shall be borne by the owner of the improved property to be connected; and such owner shall indemnify and shall save harmless this Borough and the Authority from all loss or damage that may be occasioned, directly or indirectly, as a result of construction of a building sewer or of connection of a building sewer to a sewer.
[Ord. 2-1993, 5/10/1993, § 3.06]
A building sewer shall be connected to a sewer at the place designated by the Borough or by the Authority and where, if applicable, the lateral is provided. The invert of a building sewer at the point of connection shall be at the same or a higher elevation than the invert of the sewer. A smooth, neat joint shall be made, and the connection of a building sewer to the lateral shall be made secure and watertight.
[Ord. 2-1993, 5/10/1993, § 3.07]
If the owner of any improved property benefited, improved or accommodated by a sewer, after 45 days' notice from this Borough, requiring the connection of such improved property with a sewer, in accordance with § 111, shall fail to connect such improved property and use the sewer system as required, this Borough may make such connection and may collect from such owner the costs and expenses thereof in the manner permitted by law.