A sewer permit issued under the terms of this chapter, or a letter from the Director of Public Works as part of any other municipal review process stating that adequate sewer capacity exists for a proposed project ("letter of adequate capacity"), shall lapse, become invalid, and be of no further force or effect, if any one or more of the following occurs:
The sewer permit or letter of adequate capacity expires by its own terms.
A project approved by the Planning Board loses its approval for any reason, including the failure to timely commence or complete construction as required by applicable regulations or ordinances.
The building permit(s) for a particular structure or project expires or becomes invalid for any reason, including the failure to timely commence or complete construction as required by the terms of the permit itself or by applicable regulations or ordinances.
A project pending before the Planning Board is transferred to another owner of record, and the new owner fails to obtain a determination by the Planning Board that the new owner has adequate financial and technical capacity to complete the project and/or the new owner fails to provide the performance guarantees required by the Planning Board.
The applicant fails to comply with applicable time periods and deadlines for processing the application and fails to get an extension of time prior to the expiration of those time periods and deadlines.
The application is withdrawn by the applicant or by the Planning Board.