The Township reaffirms the delegation to the Washington County
Sewage Council to administer the requirements of Act 537 and the Township
ordinances governing all aspects of on-lot sewage collection, treatment
and discharge.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
ACT 537
The Act of January 24, 1966, P.L. 1535, as amended, 53 P.S.
§ 750.1 et seq., known as the "Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities
A certified Sewage Enforcement Officer, Code Enforcement
Officer, professional engineer, plumbing inspector, municipal secretary,
or any other qualified or licensed person who is delegated by the
municipality to function within the specified limits as the agent
of the municipality to carry out the provisions of this article.
The Cross Creek Township Board of Supervisors, Washington
County, Pennsylvania.
An individual employed by or in place as an independent contractor
by the municipality to administer and enforce other ordinances in
the municipality.
Any system, whether publicly or privately owned, for collection
of sewage from two or more residences or commercial buildings, and
the treatment and/or disposal of the sewage on one or more lots or
at any other site.
The Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania (DEP).
A system of piping, tanks or other facilities serving a single
lot and a single residence or commercial building and collecting and
disposing of sewage in whole or part into the soil or into any waters
of the commonwealth.
The condition which occurs when an on-lot sewage disposal
system or holding tank discharges sewage onto the surface of the ground,
into groundwaters of the commonwealth, into surface waters of the
commonwealth, backs up into the building connected to the system,
or otherwise causes a nuisance hazard to the public health or pollution
of groundwater or surface water or contamination of public or private
drinking water wells. Systems shall be considered to be malfunctioning
if any of the conditions noted above occur for any length of time
during any period of the year.
Anytime the Municipality's Sewage Enforcement Officer determines
a parcel or lot as having marginal soils after properly testing said
parcel or lot.
Cross Creek Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania.
A comprehensive plan for the provision of adequate sewage
disposal systems, adopted by the municipality and approved by the
Department of Environmental Protection, as described in and required
by the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act.
Any system for disposal of sewage involving pretreatment
and subsequent disposal of the clarified sewage into the soil for
final treatment and disposal, including both individual and community
sewage systems, including, but not limited to, drip irrigation, AB
soil and community systems and any other currently DEP-approved sewage
disposal systems or which may be approved by DEP in the future it
being the intent of this article to address all such systems.
An individual, association, public or private corporation
for-profit or not-for-profit, partnership, firm, trust, estate, department,
board, bureau or agency of the commonwealth, political subdivision,
municipality, district, authority, or any other legal entity whatsoever
which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties. Whenever
used in any clause prescribing and imposing a penalty or imposing
a fine or imprisonment, the term shall include the members of an association,
partnership or firm, and the officers of any local agency or municipality,
public or private corporation for-profit or not-for-profit.
Work done to modify, alter, repair, enlarge or replace an
existing on-lot sewage disposal system.
Any substance that contains any of the waste products or
excrement or other discharge from the bodies of human beings or animals
and any noxious or deleterious substances being harmful or inimical
to the public health, or to animal or aquatic life, or to the use
of water for domestic water supply or for recreation, or which constitutes
pollution under the Act of June 22, 1937 (P.L. 1987, No 394), known as the "Clean Streams Law," as amended.
The designated official of the municipality certified by
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, who issues and reviews permit applications
and conducts such investigations and inspections as are necessary
to implement Act 537 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder
which includes the WCSC/Council.
Any area or areas of a municipality for which a sewage management
program is recommended by the municipality's adopted Act 537 Official
Sewage Facilities Plan. A sewage management district may, or may not,
encompass the entire municipality.
A comprehensive set of legal and administrative requirements
encompassing the requirements of this article and other administrative
requirements adopted by the municipality to effectively enforce and
administer this article.
From the effective date of this article, its provisions shall
apply to the entire area of the municipality.
This §
233-38 is only when the Township revises its Official Sewage Facilities Plan and is only applicable to the area or areas affected by such revision.
A. Any on-lot sewage disposal system may be inspected by the municipality's
authorized agent at any reasonable time as of the effective date of
this article.
B. The inspection may include a physical tour of the property, the taking
of samples from surface water, wells, other groundwater sources, the
sampling of the contents of the sewage disposal system itself and/or
the introduction of a traceable substance into the interior plumbing
of the structure served to ascertain the path and ultimate destination
of the wastewater generated in the structure.
C. The municipality's authorized agent shall have the right to enter
upon land for purpose of inspection described above.
D. An initial inspection shall be conducted by the municipality's authorized
agent within one year of the effective date of this article for the
purpose of determining the type and functional status of each on-lot
sewage disposal system in the sewage management district. A written
report shall be furnished to the owner of each property inspected
as evidence of said inspection and a copy of said report shall be
maintained in the municipal records.
E. A schedule of routine inspections may be established by the municipality,
if necessary, to assure the proper function of the on-lot sewage disposal
systems in the sewage management district.
F. The municipality and its authorized agent shall inspect systems known
to be, or alleged to be, malfunctioning. Should said inspections reveal
that the system is indeed malfunctioning, the municipality and its
authorized agent shall take action to require the correction of the
malfunction. If total correction is not technically or financially
feasible in the opinion of the authorized agent and a representative
of DEP, then action by the property owner to mitigate the malfunction
shall be required.
G. There may arise geographic areas within the municipality where numerous
on-lot sewage systems are malfunctioning. A resolution of these area-wide
problems may necessitate detailed planning and a municipality-sponsored
revision to the area's Act 537 Official Sewage Facilities Plan. When
a DEP authorized Official Sewage Facilities Plan revision has been
undertaken by the municipality, mandatory repair or replacement of
individual malfunctioning sewage disposal systems within the proposal
area may be delayed, at the discretion of the municipality, pending
the outcome of the plan revision process. However, the municipality
may compel immediate corrective action whenever a malfunction, as
determined by the municipal officials and DEP, represents a serious
public health or environmental threat.
Only normal domestic wastes shall be discharged into any on-lot
sewage disposal system. The following shall not be discharged into
the system:
B. Automobile oil and other nondomestic oil;
C. Toxic or hazardous substances or chemicals, including, but not limited
to, pesticides, disinfectants, acids, paints, paint thinners, herbicides,
gasoline and other solvents; or
D. Clean surface or groundwater, including water from roof or cellar
drains, springs, basement sump pumps and French drains.
If any sentence, clause, section, or part of this article is
for any reason found to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, such
unconstitutionality, illegality or invalidity shall not affect or
impair any of the remaining provisions, sentences, clauses, sections,
or parts of this article.