[R.O. 2001 § 500.120; CC 1990 § 5-96; Code 1977 § 20.010; Ord. No. 03-02 §§ 1 – 2, 2-4-2003]
All buildings and structures erected in the City shall conform to certain minimum architectural standards of appearance and conformity with surrounding existing structures in order to maintain and encourage stability of values of surrounding property and structures and to promote and protect the general welfare and happiness of the City and its inhabitants.
[R.O. 2001 § 500.130; CC 1990 § 5-97; Code 1977 § 20.020; Ord. No. 03-02 §§ 1 – 2, 2-4-2003]
The Architectural Board which is established pursuant to this Article shall hold meetings at the call of the Chairman of the Architectural Board and at such other times as the Board may determine. Two (2) members of the Architectural Board shall constitute a quorum. Meetings of the Architectural Board may be called by the Mayor. All meetings shall be open to the public. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member upon each question or, if failing to vote, indicating that fact. A majority vote is required to recommend approval. A majority of the Architectural Board members may adopt rules and regulations to govern the procedure before the Board.
[R.O. 2001 § 500.140; CC 1990 § 5-98; Code 1977 § 20.030; Ord. No. 03-02 §§ 1 – 2, 2-4-2003]
Prior to any excavation, land disturbance or the commencement of any construction, excavation or alteration of any structure, the property owner or his agent shall apply for a building permit. Every application for a building permit, except minor repairs not affecting the outward appearance of a building, shall be filed with the City Clerk along with the detail drawings and specifications of the improvements. Applications related to exterior alterations, excavation, grading or other land disturbance shall contain the information required by this Section, including the plans, elevations and a plat of the lot containing lot and building lines, easements, proposed improvements, existing and finished grades and a topography plot of the building lot. The Building Commissioner may waive the supporting document requirements of this Section for applications requesting a permit for minor excavation, minor grading, landscape repair or maintenance, or other minor non-structural exterior maintenance. The City Clerk shall affix the date of receipt and within five (5) days submit such application and accompanying documents to the Architectural Board before the Building Commissioner may approve and issue a building permit. The application for a building permit and accompanying documents shall be submitted to the Architectural Board within five (5) days of the filing of such application and documents with the City pursuant to Article I of this Chapter. For purposes of this Section, the term "minor repair" is defined as any repair that:
Does not affect the structural support elements of any structure; and
Does not require a plumbing, electrical, mechanical or other building permit under the St. Louis County Code as adopted by the City of Clarkson Valley.
[R.O. 2001 § 500.150; CC 1990 § 5-99; Code 1977 § 20.040; Ord. No. 03-02 §§ 1 – 2, 2-4-2003]
Within seven (7) days after an application shall have been submitted to the Architectural Board, the Chairman or the designated member shall examine same and shall determine whether the proposed structure will conform to proper architectural standards in appearance and design and will be in general conformity with the style and design of surrounding structures and conducive to the proper architectural development of the City. If, in his/her opinion, the proposed structure will so conform, he/she shall issue a recommendation for approval of the application and return same to the Building Commissioner forthwith.
If, in the opinion of the Chairman or a designated member of the Architectural Board, the proposed structure will not so conform, or if the Chairman or the designated member of the Architectural Board has a doubt concerning the subject, he/she shall call a meeting of the Architectural Board, and notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be given to the applicant within fourteen (14) days of the date that the application was submitted to the Architectural Board. At the meeting the Architectural Board shall examine the application and accompanying documents required by Section 500.140, hear the applicant in reference thereto, and any other evidence that may be pertinent.
At the conclusion of any meeting of the Architectural Board, the Architectural Board shall proceed in the following manner:
If, in the opinion of the Architectural Board, the proposed structure will conform to proper architectural standards of appearance and design and will be in general conformity with the style and design of surrounding structures and conducive to the proper architectural development of the City, it shall issue a recommendation for approval of a building permit for the proposed structure.
If, in the opinion of the Architectural Board, the proposed structure will constitute an unsightly, grotesque or unsuitable structure in appearance or detrimental to the welfare of surrounding property or residents, it shall issue a recommendation for disapproval of a building permit for the proposed structure, but the Board may make recommendations in regard to such application if it sees fit.
If the Architectural Board returns the application to the Building Commissioner with a recommendation for approval, the Building Commissioner may issue the permit if he/she determines that the application complies with all City codes, ordinances and building codes.
If the Architectural Board shall return the application to the Building Commissioner with a recommendation for disapproval of the application and recommendations, the Building Commissioner may issue the permit, provided that the applicant shall make appropriate changes in the documents submitted with the application and shall agree to comply with the recommendations of the Board.
If the Architectural Board shall return the application to the Building Commissioner either with its recommendation for disapproval and without recommendations, or with its recommendation for disapproval with recommendations and the applicant shall refuse to comply with the recommendations, the Building Commissioner shall refuse to issue a building permit.
The City Clerk shall give written notice to the applicant of the disposition of his/her application under this Section within five (5) days after disposition by the Architectural Board as provided in this Section. Notice shall be sent by registered or certified mail to applicant at the address appearing on the application.
[R.O. 2001 § 500.160; CC 1990 § 5-100; Code 1977 § 20.050; Ord. No. 03-02 §§ 1 – 2, 2-4-2003]
In the event an applicant shall be aggrieved by any decision of the Architectural Board or the Building Commissioner under the provisions of this Article, the applicant may appeal to the Board of Adjustment.
[R.O. 2001 § 500.170; CC 1990 § 5-101; Code 1977 § 20.060; Ord. No. 03-02 §§ 1 – 2, 2-4-2003]
The provisions contained in this Article are independent of the provisions in Article I of this Chapter, and no provision herein shall in any way be construed or interpreted to be a substitute for or a replacement of any provision in such Article I.
[R.O. 2001 § 500.180; CC 1990 § 5-116; Code 1977 § 5.060(1-2); Ord. No. 00-02 §§ 1 – 3, 2-1-2000; Ord. No. 03-02 §§ 1 – 2, 2-4-2003]
Creation — Appointment — Composition. There shall be an Architectural Board appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Board of Aldermen. This Board shall consist of two (2) members, at least one (1) of whom shall be a resident of the City and at least one (1) of whom shall be a licensed architect. One (1) of such members shall be appointed by the Mayor as Chairman of the Architectural Board. At the discretion of the Mayor, the President of the Board of Aldermen shall serve as an alternate member of the Architectural Board in the event that the Chairman or any member is unable to serve due to illness, absence or other reason.
Powers And Duties. The Architectural Board shall inspect and study all plans and specifications for structures accompanying the applications for building permits, and it shall determine whether the proposed structure will conform in styling and architecture with other existing buildings in the area in which it is proposed to be located. The duties and functions of the Board are contained in Article IV of this Chapter.