It shall be unlawful to allow or cause any property to violate the standards promulgated in the portions of the International Property Maintenance Code adopted herein or in this Code.
Fences and walls shall be maintained in a structurally sound condition and in good repair. Fences shall be free from loose or rotting materials and shall have braces and supports attached or fastened in accordance with common building practices.
Premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from grass in excess of 12 inches in height, and from weeds, or uncultivated vegetation except for landscaping, shrubs and flowers that are maintained, cultivated and trimmed.
Any inoperable vehicle which is exposed to public view, unless located on the premises of a lawfully operated junkyard or undergoing repairs in an expeditious manner at a vehicle repair business, shall not be kept, permitted, parked, stored or maintained on any premises or public street right-of-way. Inoperable vehicles shall be promptly removed from the premises or stored within a fully enclosed building or other location not exposed to public view. (See § 9-7.)
All exterior property and premises shall be free from accumulation of rubbish or garbage, including but not limited to refuse, household trash, scrap lumber or metal, inoperable machinery or parts thereof, glass, and unused and inoperable appliances.
All exteriors shall be free of appliances, including indoor stoves and refrigerators, furniture not designed for outdoor use, building materials or rubbish, equipment, garbage, goods, glass, materials, merchandise, rubbish, trash or similar items, except such may be allowed temporarily, i.e., for no more than 48 hours.
Hazardous trees. Dead trees shall not be allowed to exist or to be maintained on any premises which are hazardous to persons on adjacent property or to adjacent property.
Tree stumps. Tree stumps greater than 12 inches in height above ground level shall not be permitted or maintained on any premises for more than 14 days after the tree has been cut.
Tree debris. Felled trees, slash, or removed tree limbs shall not be permitted or maintained on the ground on any premises for more than 14 days.
Open or untreated stagnant water conductive to the breeding or harboring of mosquitoes or other insects shall not be permitted or maintained on any exterior premises.
Mud, dirt, gravel or other debris or matter, deposited upon public property in a quantity judged by an enforcement officer to be a threat to public safety or to cause pollution, obstruction, or siltation of drainage systems shall be promptly removed, upon notice, within 48 hours.
Flow of silt, dirt, mud, etc., onto public property. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, homeowners or owners, tenant or tenants, firm or corporation to cause or allow to flow any dirt, earth, mud or silt upon any of the sidewalks, streets, roads, highways, avenues, alleys, gutters, ditches, parks or other public space within the corporate limits of the Town.
Compost systems. It shall be lawful for any person or entity to keep or allow to be kept on any property within the Town a compost system only if the compost system conforms to the provisions of this chapter. Compost systems that do not conform to the provisions of this chapter are hereby deemed to be both unlawful and a public nuisance.
An open air compost bin shall contain no edible waste and its contents shall be limited to the materials listed in this subsection, except for Subsection B(1)(e) below. The contents of a contained compost system shall be limited to the following materials:
Yard waste, such as grass clippings and tree leaves;
Wood and branches (chipped or cut so that their longest dimension is no more than three inches);
Lime; and
Raw (uncooked), unprocessed vegetable and fruit waste.
All compost bins shall be properly maintained so that the composting process is controlled, active and free of obnoxious odor. Such maintenance is to include, but not be limited to:
Turning the entire compost material frequently so as to avoid unpleasant odors and keep the composting process active.
Adding one inch of dirt per six inches of the above-specified materials.
Adding lime sufficient to reduce any noxious odors.
Using all composted materials within one year.
All structures and premises, yards, and all exteriors shall be kept free from insect and rodent infestation. All places in which insects or rodents are found shall be promptly exterminated by approved processes that will not be injurious to human health. After extermination, the proper precautions shall be taken to prevent reinfestation.
It shall be unlawful to park or store any motor vehicle, or allow such, on any unpaved area on a lot zoned for residential use.
An unpaved area shall be any area not covered either completely or along parking strips, by asphalt, brick, block and/or concrete. The area covered must extend for at least the length of any vehicle parked on it and all the wheels of the vehicle must be in contact with the asphalt, brick, block and/or concrete.
Gravel shall only be acceptable as paving if the owner can prove that such covering on that site predated January 1, 2007 and further proves that such covering has been continuously maintained up to the date of enforcement of this section.