[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of West Pike Run as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-1-1984 by Ord. No. 1984-1]
This article shall be deemed to be an exercise of the police power of the Township of West Pike Run, for the general welfare of the people of the Township, by providing for the conservation and improvement of areas of land affected in the surface mining of bituminous coal and metallic and nonmetallic minerals, and for the transportation of materials; to aid thereby in the protection of wildlife, to enhance the value of such land for taxation, to decrease soil erosion, to aid in the prevention of pollution of rivers and streams, and, generally, to improve the use and enjoyment of said lands.
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Ordinance of West Pike Run Township."
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An operation where no mineral has been produced or overburden removed for a period of one year, verified by monthly reports submitted to the Department by the operator, and by inspections made by mine conservation inspectors, as hereinafter constituted, unless an operator, within 30 days after receipt of notification by the Secretary terming an operation abandoned, submits sufficient evidence to the Secretary that the operation is in fact not abandoned and submits a timetable satisfactory to the Secretary regarding plans for the reactivation of the operation.
The State Soil and Water Conservation Commission.
Reclamation achieved by beginning at or beyond the top of the highwall sloped to the toe of the spoil bank at a maximum angle not to exceed the approximate original contour of the land with no depressions to accumulate water.
From the horizontal and in each case shall be subject to a tolerance of 5°.
The Department of Environmental Resources of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The surface of the land upon which surface mining is conducted.
The land from which the minerals or materials is or are removed and also that land occupied by the spoil piles.
The person, firm, corporation or partnership, or the persons, firms, corporations, or partnerships in whom the legal or equitable title to the land is vested.
The pit located upon a single tract of land or a continuous tract embracing or extending upon two or more contiguous tracts of land.
A person, firm, corporation or partnership engaged in surface mining, as a principal as distinguished from an agent or independent contractor, and, who is or becomes the owner, legal or equitable, of the minerals as a result of such mining, but such operator shall also be responsible for all agents or independent contractors with whom he had any relationship.
The strata or material overlying a mineral deposit or in between mineral deposits in its natural state and shall mean such material before or after its removal by surface mining.
The place where any coal or metallic and nonmetallic minerals are being mined by the surface mining method.
The Secretary of the Department of Environmental Resources of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The overburden and reject minerals as piled or deposited in surface mining.
The mining or recovery of coal from any and/or all veins and metallic and nonmetallic minerals or any combination of the above by removing the strata or material which overlies or is above or in between the materials listed above in its natural condition or the mining or recovery of the entire mineral body requiring by the breaching of the surface for business or commercial purposes, and shall include mining by drilling under the surface if part of a surface mining operation.
Grading where the steepest contour of the highwall shall not be greater than 45° from the horizontal, with the table portion of the restored area a flat terrace, unless otherwise approved by the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission.
A single parcel of land or two or more contiguous parcels of land with common ownership and/or use.
After this article has been enacted by the Township Supervisors, it shall be unlawful for any person to proceed to mine minerals by the surface mining method as an operator within this Township without first obtaining a license as a surface mining operator from the Township. Applications for licensure as surface mining operators shall be made in writing to the Township, upon forms prepared and furnished by the Township, and shall contain such information as to the applicant, or when the application is made by a corporation partnership or association as to its officers, directors and owners, as the Township shall require. The application for licensure shall be accompanied by a fee of $500. It shall be the duty of all persons licensed as surface mining operators to renew such license annually, and pay for each such license renewal the sum of $500. The application for renewal of a license as a surface mining operator shall be made annually on or before January 1 of the next succeeding year.
The Township shall not issue any new surface mining operator's license or renew any existing surface mining operator's license to any person or operator if it finds, after investigation that the applicant for licensure or renewal has previously failed and continues to fail to comply with any of the provisions of this article. Where the applicant is a corporation, partnership, or association, the Township shall not issue such license or renewal if, after investigation, it finds that any officer or director or owner of such corporation, partnership or association has previously failed and/or continues to fail to comply with any of the provisions of this article, or if any such officer or director or owner of any other corporation, partnership or association, which has previously failed and/or continues to fail to comply with any of the provisions of this article.
Before any person licensed as a surface mining operator shall hereafter proceed to mine minerals by the surface mining method, he shall obtain from all federal and state agencies such permits as may from time to time be then required for all such agencies.
Each application for a license shall be accompanied by a detailed proposal showing the manner by which the operator plans to return the land to some useful purpose after the operation is completed, together with a time schedule for same. If, in the mining operation, overburden is produced, this overburden must be returned so that the surface is returned to its approximate original contour as defined in this article, or if the original contour has a slope greater than 15° the overburden may be returned so that a terracing type of contour will be obtained, provided that the permission of the Township to do so has been obtained. In such cases, the detailed proposal of restoration must show the time and distance for backfilling, the manner in which the operator plans to divert surface water from draining into the pit and the manner in which he plans to prevent water from accumulating in the pit. If the above contour or terracing reclamation information is obtained to satisfaction of the Township, it may approve the application or it may refer it to any relevant body or agency or agent to act on behalf of the Township. The Township may approve terracing; provided, however, that approval for this type of contouring shall not be granted unless the steepest contour of the highwall shall be no greater than 45° and there be no depressions to hold water which may percolate through the soil and produce acid drainage. The approval of such contouring shall in no way be construed as reducing the responsibilities of the operator to prevent stream pollution; but such approval shall be a responsibility in addition thereto.
The Township shall not issue any additional license to any operator who has failed, and/or continues to fail to comply with the provisions of this article under any license previously issued and shall suspend or terminate all existing licenses until compliance.
When the requirements of this article are met and no claims are outstanding under this article against the operator, or in the case of any corporation, partnership or association against any officer, director or owner thereto, a permit shall issue forthwith.
If the Township does not approve the application for a permit, or an amended permit, they shall promptly notify the operator by registered mail setting forth their reasons therefor. The operator may then take such steps as are required to remove the objections.
Prior to commencing surface mining, the operator shall file with the Township a bond for each operation, on a form to be prescribed and furnished by the Township, payable to the Township and conditioned that the operator shall faithfully perform all of the requirements of this article. The amount of the bond required for each operation shall be dependent upon the overburden and the contour, the depth of the pit and the type of land reclamation approved and shall be as determined by the Township but such bond shall not be less than $1,500 for each acre up to 30 feet cover, nor more than $30,000 per acre for 30 feet or more cover based upon the number of acres of land in each operation (which will be affected by surface mining during the following year), provided that no bond shall be filed for less than $10,000. Liability under such bond shall be for the duration of surface mining at each operation, and for a period of two years thereafter, unless released prior thereto as hereinafter provided. Such bond shall be executed by the operator and a corporate surety licensed to do business in the commonwealth; provided, however, that the operator may elect to deposit cash or negotiable bonds of the United States Government or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, the General State Authority, the State Public School Building Authority, or any municipality within the commonwealth, with the Township in lieu of a corporate surety. The cash deposit or market value of such securities shall be equal at least to the sum of the bond. The Township shall, upon receipt of any such deposit of cash or securities, immediately place the same with the Township Treasurer, whose duty it shall be to receive and hold the same in the name of the Township, in trust, for the purposes for which such deposit is made. The Township Treasurer shall at all times be responsible for the custody and safekeeping of such deposits. The operator making the deposit shall be entitled from time to time to demand and receive from the Township Treasurer, on the written order of the Township, the whole or any portion of any securities so deposited, upon depositing with the Treasurer, in lieu thereof, other negotiable securities of the classes herein specified having a market value at least equal to the sum of the bond, and also to demand, receive and recover the interest and income from said securities, as the same become due and payable; provided, however, that where securities deposited as aforesaid mature or are called, the Township Treasurer, at the request of the operator shall convert such securities into such other negotiable securities of the classes herein specified as may be designated by the operator.
Prior to commencing any surface mining, the operator shall obtain upon an approved application, a permit authorizing transportation of any coal, minerals, metallic and nonmetallic materials, or other matter or material over Township roads. This permit shall be issued only upon a clear showing that no damage whatsoever of any nature or kind shall occur to the Township roads and/or bridges as a result of transporting said materials. In the event the Township, at its sole discretion, determines that damage could occur to said roadways, then by resolution the Township shall secure a bond from the operator in an amount sufficient to cover said roadways and to cover any bridges affected thereby from any and all possible damage. The Township shall determine the amount of bond upon each and every application, taking into consideration construction, design and materials of the highways and bridges affected, and the Township shall be the sole judge of the amount of the bond subject only to the test of being reasonable under the circumstances.
All blasting shall be conducted in compliance with rules and regulations of any and all state and federal regulatory agencies, as well as any regulations of the Township which are presently in effect or which may be in effect at the time of the blasting.
Any authorized agent of the Township shall have the right to enter upon and inspect all surface mining operations, whether or not at the time anyone else is on the property, for the purpose of determining compliance with the provisions of this article, including, but not limited to, compliance with the rules and regulations aforementioned regulating blasting.
Within six months after the operation is completed or abandoned, the operator shall reclaim all land in accordance with the plan previously approved by the Township. An operator may, with the written approval of the landowner, propose alternative plans for reclamation wherein the land can be used for suitable purposes consistent with the exercise of the police power as set forth in § 203-1 of this article. Such plans are to first be submitted to the Township, and, if such plans are approved by the Township, and complied with within the times herein prescribed for reclamation and planting, or such other time limits as may be agreed upon as being reasonable for carrying out such plans, the reclamation and planting requirements will be waived by the Township. Whenever reasonable and practicable, the Township shall require reclamation and planting as the surface mining progresses. All reclamation shall be completed before any equipment used in reclamation is moved from the operation. Within three months after the reclamation is completed, the operator shall file with the Township a completion form on a form prescribed and furnished by the Township.
Within one year after the operation has been reclaimed in compliance with the plan earlier submitted, or sooner if necessity by a requirement made by the Township in accordance with the provisions of § 203-8 aforesaid, the operator shall plant trees, shrubs or grasses upon the land affected by surface mining, and take whatever steps are necessary to insure natural growth.
If the operator fails or refuses to comply with the requirements of the article in any respect for which liability has been charged on the bond, the Township shall declare such portion of the bond forfeited, and shall certify the same to the Township Solicitor, who shall proceed to enforce and collect the amount of liability forfeited thereon, and, where the operator has deposited cash or securities as collateral in lieu of a corporate surety, the Township shall declare such portion of said collateral forfeited, and shall direct the Township Treasurer to pay said funds into a Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Fund established by the Township as hereinafter provided or to proceed to sell said securities to the extent forfeited and pay the proceeds thereof into said Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Fund.
All funds received by the Township from forfeiture of bonds, and of cash deposits and securities, shall be held by the Township Treasurer in a special fund, separate and apart from all other monies in the Township Treasury, to be known as the "Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Fund," and shall be used by the Township for the purpose of enforcement of this article or the foresting and/or reclaiming of land affected by surface mining of any coal or metallic and nonmetallic minerals, or for any other conservation purposes.
Any person who proceeds to mine by the surface mining method as an operator without having applied for and received a license as herein provided shall be guilty of a violation of this article and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $1,000, and not exceeding $5,000, or to undergo imprisonment not exceeding 30 days or both. The fine shall be payable to the Township Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Fund. Each and every day that the operator continues to be in violation of any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed to be a separate violation for which a separate sentence shall be imposed.
In lieu of the forms that an operator is required to submit to the Township, the Township may at its sole discretion accept similar-type forms as may be required to be filed with the Department of Environmental Resources of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the Secretary of that Department or with any other department or agency of the state or federal government.