[Adopted as Ch. 8, § 8.040, of the 1982 General Bylaws]
Residents on property or owners of property where there exists a sidewalk in front of or abutting a traveled way constructed of concrete, cement, brick, stone or other hard matter lying between the property lines and the traveled way, designated by the Town Manager or designee under Town control, shall clear said walks of ice and snow within 24 hours after the snow ceases to fall. Should the sidewalks become covered with ice that cannot be readily removed, the abutters or residents shall be required to place sand or salt or other material thereon to render said walks safe for pedestrians.
[Added 4-12-2022]
Police officers are authorized to issue citations of $50 per day for violations of this bylaw.
If sidewalks are not cleared within 72 hours, the Department of Public Works may clear the snow or ice and charge the owner for the costs of said removal.