[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of East Longmeadow 12-13-2022. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Compensation Review Committee shall consist of five registered voters, and no more than two members can be current Town Councilors. The Town Council President or a selected designee shall sit on the committee as ex-officio.
No multiple-member body of the Town shall receive compensation for its services, except as recommended by the Town Manager and approved by the Town Council after hearing the recommendations made by the Compensation Review Committee. Any compensation shall be appropriated in the budget by a majority vote of the Town Council.
Every five years, starting in 2023, a Compensation Review Committee shall be formed by the Town Council to review compensation of multiple-member bodies. The Compensation Review Committee will be formed in January. A final report recommending the amount of compensation, if any, to each multiple-member body, along with a breakdown of how the compensation will be distributed within the multiple-member body, will be submitted to the Town Manager and president of the Town Council by April 1 of the year in which the review committee is formed. The Compensation Review Committee will be charged with looking at compensation paid to similar bodies in other like-size communities, looking at the impact the board has within the Town, and determining how much, if any, compensation is appropriate.
The Compensation Review Committee will also be charged with looking at the compensation paid to the Town Council as referred to in § 37-3.
Notwithstanding the above, the Town Manager reserves the right to review and set compensation for multiple-member bodies at any time, as set forth in Article 3 of the Charter.