The provisions of the Cannonsburg Historic Area Overlay District (the "overlay" or "overlay district") are in addition to the provisions of the existing zoning districts in which the lands within the overlay are located. Lands within the overlay are subject to both the provisions of the existing zoning districts and the overlay district; in the case of conflicts between the provisions of the overlay and those of the existing zoning districts, the provisions of the overlay shall control.
The Township hereby determines that the unincorporated settlement of Cannonsburg has historic and cultural significance that is worthy of preservation for the public benefit. Accordingly, the purpose of the overlay district is to preserve, safeguard and enhance the heritage of the Township by promoting the preservation of the Cannonsburg Historic Area, which in its various components reflects the cultural, social, economic and architectural history of the Township.
Further, the purpose of the overlay district is to stabilize and enhance property values within the overlay; to permit flexibility in the arrangement and use of property, consistent with the historic traditions of the overlay; and to preserve the historic identity of the settlement of Cannonsburg.
The overlay district consists of the following described portion of the plat of the Village of Cannonsburg:
That part of the Village of Cannonsburg, a recorded plat, being also part of the East 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4, Section 27, and part of the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4, Section 26, Town 8 North, Range 10 West, described as commencing at the intersection of the center line of Cannonsburg Road (formerly LeGrand Street) and the center line of Bear Avenue (formerly Pine Street), thence Southeasterly along the center line of Cannonsburg Road to its intersection with the center line of Joyce Street, thence Northeasterly to the intersection of said center line with the center line of the Mill Pond in the Village of Cannonsburg, thence Easterly along the center line of the Mill Pond to its intersection with the center line of Sturgis Avenue (formerly Spruce Street) extended Northerly, thence South along the center line of Sturgis Avenue as extended Northerly to its intersection with the center line of Elm Street, thence West along the center line of Elm Street to its intersection with the center line of Honey Creek Avenue (formerly Mill Street), thence North along the center line of Honey Creek Avenue to its intersection with the center line of abandoned West Street extended East, thence West along the center line of abandoned West Street as extended East and as extended West to its intersection with the center line of Bear Avenue, thence Northeasterly along the center line of Bear Avenue to the center line of Cannonsburg Road and the point of beginning, Township of Cannon, County of Kent, Michigan.
The permitted land uses and the special land uses of the lands within the overlay and the minimum requirements for such uses shall be as stated in the existing zoning districts, except as otherwise provided in this section.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to lawful residential uses or to lawful home occupations.
In addition to the land uses permitted by the existing zoning district, the following land uses are permitted:
Bed-and-breakfast establishments.
Dwelling units located above main floor businesses.
All land uses shall be subject to site plan review and approval by the Planning Commission, including determination of permitted building setbacks, permitted lot area, permitted lot width, off-street parking, signage, greenbelts and other site development features, in order to retain the established character of the overlay district. In determining such site plan requirements, the Planning Commission shall consider the following criteria:
The physical context of the site and its surroundings, including scale, building setbacks and the architectural features of nearby buildings and structures.
The compatibility of the proposed building or structure with the established styles and character of nearby buildings and structures.
The historic or architectural significance of nearby buildings and structures.
The off-street parking requirements of the proposed land use, its hours of operation and the availability of off-street parking in reasonable proximity to the site.
Motor vehicle access and traffic visibility.
The availability of or provision for pedestrian connections with other land uses.
Whether the proposed use would comply with applicable construction, safety, and health codes.
An applicant for site plan approval under Subsection D shall submit a site plan in accordance with § 450-22.06, except as to such matters as may be waived by the Commission under § 450-22.06B. If requested, the applicant shall provide additional information concerning the proposed land use to assist the Planning Commission in reviewing the application and site plan.
In considering whether to approve the site plan described in Subsection D, the Planning Commission shall, in addition to the applicable site plan approval standards of § 450-22.08, consider the following:
Whether the site plan and the architecture of the buildings shown therein would be consistent with the historic nature and appearance of other buildings and structures in the overlay.
Whether the components of the land use, as shown on the site plan, would be compatible with the existing and intended land uses of the overlay.
Whether the proposed land use, as shown on the site plan, would adversely affect other lands in the overlay or in the immediate vicinity, including potential adverse effects on groundwater or the Bear Creek or Honey Creek watersheds; or whether the proposed use would diminish the historic value and character of the overlay.
Whether the preservation of an existing building or structure would be contrary to the health, safety or welfare of its occupants as a result of its lack of structural soundness, firesafety or compliance with applicable codes.
Whether a required preservation or renovation of a building or structure would result in an undue financial burden on the property owner.
Whether there may be other factors, identified by the Planning Commission, as to whether the land use, as shown in the site plan, would be generally consistent with the purposes of the overlay district, as stated in § 450-20.01.
The Planning Commission may impose reasonable conditions on the approval of a site plan. Such conditions may, among other matters, relate to the following:
The exterior features and materials of buildings and structures; the placement of buildings and structures and their relationship and proximity to other buildings and structures in the overlay.
The design, size and placement of driveways, parking areas, signs, exterior lighting, pedestrian connections and other land features.
Other matters which may reasonably promote the goal of preserving and enhancing the historic character of the overlay.