Any owner, occupant, tenant, guests or person otherwise having any possessory control, individually or jointly, of any personal or real property who either sponsors, conducts, hosts, invites, or permits a social gathering or party which is or during the course thereof becomes a nuisance party which is either the intentional result of or within the reasonable expectations of the person or persons having such possessory control is hereby deemed to have committed a violation of this article. In any prosecution for a violation of this section or the section prohibiting persons from attending nuisance parties, proof of specific intent shall not be required as a necessary element, but proof of general criminal intent shall be a necessary element.
Any person who is in attendance at a nuisance party whether or not such person has any possessory control over the personal or real property, shall be deemed to have committed a violation of this article.
A violation of this article is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and/or a maximum fine of $500.