[Code 1968, § 8-401]
No person shall burn any trash upon any premises within the City unless such burning shall take place in a furnace, fireplace, stove or incinerator within a dwelling or other building.
[Code 1968, § 8-404]
Trash or garbage may be burned in an incinerator within a building, provided the combustion chamber is completely enclosed and vented through an approved chimney or stack, and the incinerator is designed and constructed to prevent emission of noxious odors and will not emit smoke, fly ash or other air contaminants in unreasonable quantity or to such an extent as to be detrimental to the health or welfare of the City.
[Code 1968, § 8-405]
It shall be lawful to burn leaves during the months of October, November, April and May, and other special times as determined by the City Council, if such burning is done on the premises and not on a hard surfaced street, alley or public sidewalk, and such burning shall be under the control of a responsible person and shall not in any way endanger surrounding property, trees, shrubs, etc.
[Code 1968, § 8-406]
This article shall not apply to the burning of any material which, for certain reasons, should be burned instead of disposed of by the means provided by the City for disposal of waste material; provided, however, that any person who believes he has waste material of such a type which should be burned shall first make application to the City Council for approval to burn such waste material. The application shall specify the circumstances or reasons for the need to burn, the type of materials to be burned, the location of the spot that the burning shall take place, the approximate distance in feet of the nearest building and the approximate distance in feet of the nearest City fire hydrant. Such applicant shall also cause the location that the burning is intended to take place to be inspected by a member of the fire department, and a written inspection report shall be submitted to the City Council. The report shall include matters concerning safety and possible pollution of the air or ground.