The R-2 Suburban District is intended to provide a residential living environment devoted primarily to single-family dwellings within a medium density range while also accommodating certain compatible nonresidential uses which do not overcrowd residential areas, congest local streets, or otherwise adversely affect the character of established residential neighborhoods.
The following uses shall be permitted within the R-2 Suburban Residential District:
Detached single-family and attached two-family dwellings.
Performance subdivisions.
Public and private parks/playgrounds, subject to site development requirements of § 22.01:31.
Adult foster care family homes, foster family homes, and foster family group homes.
Essential public utility service buildings, gas or electric regulator stations or buildings, or radio and television towers, subject to site development requirements of §§ 22.01.36 and 22.01:37.
Accessory uses and structures.
The following uses may be permitted subject to applicable site design standards in Article 22 and subject further to the approval of the City Planning Commission in accordance with processing procedures in Articles 20 and 21:
Home occupations, subject to the requirements of § 22.01:21.
Child care centers or day care centers, family child care homes, group child care homes, or adult foster care small group homes, subject to the applicable requirements of §§ 22.01:2, 22.01:3, 22.01:13, or 22.01:20.
ECHO accessory housing, subject to site development requirements of § 22.01:16.
Religious institutions, including churches, convents, parsonages and other housing for religious personnel.
Funeral homes, subject to site development requirements of § 22.01:26.
Hospitals or medical centers, subject to site development requirements of § 22.01:22.
Planned unit developments (see Article 23).
Site condominium developments (see Article 24).
Educational institutions, including public or private elementary and secondary schools, subject to site development requirements of § 22.01:39.
Private clubs, lodges and meeting places for other organizations, not including any use that is customarily conducted as a gainful business, subject to site development requirements of § 22.01:33.
Accessory buildings incidental to the main building.
Temporary building or trailers used during construction.
Accessory uses and structures (see § 4.05).
The composite schedule of regulations for all districts is identified in Article 26.
Minimum lot size for single-family or two-family residential unit: 20,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width at the front setback line for single-family or two-family residential unit: 100 feet.
Maximum lot coverage: not to exceed 15% for residential development and 40% for all other uses, except public recreation, which may cover up to 100% of the lot.
Maximum height of structure: 35 feet.
Minimum yard setbacks for single-family and two-family residential unit:
Front yard: 35 feet.
Side yard: 15 feet each side; on a corner lot, the minimum side yard setback on the street side shall be 27 feet.
Rear yard: 25 feet.
Minimum floor area per dwelling unit:
Single-family and two-family: 1,200 square feet, provided that, for dwelling units of two or more stories, the minimum floor area of the first floor shall be 960 square feet.
Lots of record in the R-2 District that are smaller than the minimum allowable lot size or whose lot width is less than the minimum allowable lot width and which existed prior to the adoption of this ordinance may be developed, provided the setback of the main structure from either side yard shall be at least five feet and the required front and rear yard setbacks shall be maintained.
For regulations for all other permitted and special uses allowed within the R-2 District, refer to the standards for specific use in Article 22.