[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Williams Bay as Ch. 14 of the 2011 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
As is stated in § 145.01(10), Wis. Stats.
The construction, connection to or alteration of any drain, soil or waste pipe to carry domestic sewage, stormwater, or industrial waste from a point three feet outside of the foundation walls of any building to the sewer lateral at the curb or other disposal terminal including the private sewage disposal or treatment plant. This definition does not include minor repairs to faucets and the removal of stoppages in soil or waste pipes.
The provisions and regulations of Chapter 145, Plumbing and Fire Protection Systems, of the Wisconsin Statutes and Chapter SPS 305, Licenses, Certifications and Registrations, and Chapters SPS 381 to SPS 384, Wisconsin State Plumbing Code, of the Wisconsin Administrative Code are hereby made a part of this chapter by reference and shall extend over and govern the installation of all plumbing installed, altered or repaired in the Village.
The Plumbing Inspector shall be the Building Inspector and appointed by the Village Board. He shall perform such duties as are provided for in § 145.05(1), Wis. Stats., and shall make monthly and annual permit reports to the appointing body.
The Plumbing Inspector shall be permitted access to all premises during reasonable hours to make those inspections as deemed necessary by him to ensure compliance with this chapter. If, however, he is refused entry after presentation of his identification, he may procure a special inspection warrant in accordance with § 66.0119, Wis. Stats.
The Plumbing Inspector may withhold approval of an application for a plumbing permit from any person who has not complied with a lawful order of the Plumbing Inspector. The person refused such a permit may appeal within 10 days to the Village Board.
The plumber in charge shall notify the Plumbing Inspector whenever any work is ready for inspection (i.e., soil, vent, waste, underground drain, final inspection). All plumbing work shall be left exposed until such time as the Plumbing Inspector has completed his examination and inspection. When in the opinion of the Plumbing Inspector a test in addition to requisites of § SPS 382.21, Wis. Adm. Code, is necessary, he may require a water or air test on any part of or the entire installation.
No plumbing shall be installed in the Village without first filing an application and receiving a permit from the Building Inspector. Under no circumstances shall a permit be granted for connection to the Village sewer and water system from any structure located outside Village corporate boundaries. Each application shall be approved by the local Plumbing Inspector before a permit to install plumbing is issued. Only licensed master plumbers may receive permits, except a permit may be issued to a property owner to install plumbing in a single-family residence owned and occupied by such owner as his home, as long as the work complies with the aforementioned codes.
A permit shall be applied for and received before excavating in any street, alley or other public way to repair, alter or install plumbing and the applicant shall furnish a bond as provided for in § 270-7.
Plumbing permit fees shall be as follows and must be paid at the time the permit is issued:
The plumbing permit fee and inspection fee is updated annually and is on file at the Village Clerk's office.
All connections to the sanitary sewer: in such amount as provided in Village Fee Schedule plus those residential equivalency charges of the Walworth County Metropolitan Sewerage District in effect at the time of such connection.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Before a permit may be issued for excavating for plumbing in any public street, way or alley, the person applying shall execute to the Village and deposit with the Village Clerk a corporate surety bond, approved by the Village Attorney, in the sum of $2,000, conditioned that he will perform faithfully all work with due care and skill in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of plumbing. The bond shall state the person will indemnify and save harmless the Village and the owner of the premises against all damages, costs, expenses, outlays and claims of every nature and kind arising out of unskillfulness or negligence on his part in connection with plumbing or excavating for plumbing as prescribed in this chapter. Such bond shall be executed and remain in force for one year, except on expiration it shall remain in force as to all penalties, claims and demands accrued thereunder prior to expiration.
No openings in streets, alleys or other public ways to install plumbing will be permitted when the ground is frozen, except when necessary. In opening any street or other public way, all materials for paving or ballasting shall be removed with the least possible injury or loss and together with the excavated material from the trenches shall be placed where the least practicable inconvenience to the public will be caused, and permit free passage of water along the gutters.
All openings made in the public streets or alleys in accordance with permission given pursuant hereto shall be enclosed with sufficient barriers and flashing amber lamps shall be maintained upon the same at night and all other necessary precautions shall be taken to guard the public against accidents from the beginning to the completion of the work. Sewers and drains may be laid only on condition that the excavator or plumber is bonded as hereinbefore mentioned for all damages that may result from his neglect of necessary precaution against all accidents to persons or property of others.
In opening a trench on any street, lot or sidewalk, the sidewalk materials, sand, gravel and earth, or whatever material is removed or penetrated, must be replaced in precisely the same condition and relation to the remainder as it was before. All rubbish must be removed at once, leaving the street or sidewalk in perfect repair and must be so maintained for a period of one year thereafter. All gas, water and electric lines or conduits must be protected from injury or settling in a manner approved by the Plumbing Inspector.
When any excavation is made in a permanently paved road or street, or in any road, street or sidewalk which is to be permanently paved, all clay or hard pan must be removed and the excavation entirely backfilled with sand or gravel thoroughly wet and consolidated. Any tunnel dug in a road or street shall be backfilled with concrete in a manner approved by the Plumbing Inspector.
See also § 314-7, Underground transmission lines, of this Code.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Sewer laterals shall be PVC, ABS, vitrified or concrete pipe with approved type joints of either pre-moulded slip-on or compression gaskets as set forth in the Village standard specifications for main sewer pipe and installation. All flexible compression joints shall conform with the latest revision of ASTM Specification C-425. Laterals may be four-inch cast-iron pipe of "service weight" or better with lead or flexible compression joints. All adapters connecting the lateral to the sanitary sewer shall be four by six PVC, ABS, clay or cast iron.
Whenever it becomes necessary to tap an existing pipe, such connection shall be made with approved type saddle fitting, and whenever a transition is made from one type of material to another or a change in size is made, it shall be done with proper approved adapter fittings.
Connections can be made in two different manners:
An in-line "Y" or "T" can be placed by removal of an existing section of pipe, insertion of a "Y" or "T" and reconnection by means of Fernco fitting or equal, then encasement in concrete.
A saddle connection, either a "Y" or "T," can be placed over a carefully cut opening centered in the upper quadrant of the sewer, then bonded with stainless steel straps, "Sealtite" or equal.
Under no circumstances shall any connection be made allowing any protrusion of the lateral pipe into the sanitary sewer main.
Except as otherwise provided, any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter or any order, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-4 of this Code.