[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Doylestown 6-4-2019 by Ord. No. 395. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 76.
This chapter shall be identified at the "Green Points Program Ordinance."
The purpose of this chapter is to protect the public health, safety and welfare of Township residents by encouraging the use of cost-effective and sustainable building materials that conserve fossil fuels, water and other natural resources, and also to promote the reuse and recycling of construction materials, and reducing solid waste.
[Amended 5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 416]
The green points initiative is a voluntary program intended to offer financial incentives in the form of reduced building permit fees for new commercial and residential construction, additions and interior remodeling. In order to qualify for green points and the consequential permit fee reduction, the applicant will be required to meet the requirements for green points. Intent to apply for the green points initiative will be indicated on the construction permit application form. Each "green point" is equivalent to a 1% reduction in the applicable permit fee. In no event, however, may a building project qualify for more than 25 green points. Applicants shall be required to pay the full amount of the required permit fee to the Township at the time of application. Before a final inspection is requested a green points application will be submitted to the Township for review on a form provided by the Township. Any approved credit for green points shall be applied in the form of a refund once the final certificate of occupancy has been issued and all applicable fees have been paid to the Township. Applications for the green points initiative credit will not be accepted after a final inspection or certificate of occupancy has been issued. The following identify the means to secure green points and the number of points attributed to each effort. If any item listed becomes a PA UCC requirement it will no longer be eligible for green points.
Nonresidential projects. All nonresidential projects shall be required to comply with the United States Green Building Council requirements for a certified LEED project. Points shall be awarded as follows, once certification has been received and documentation has been submitted to the Township:
Platinum: 25 points.
Gold: 20 points.
Silver: 15 points.
Certified: 10 points.
Residential projects.
Construction/demolition and use of recycled materials:
Use reclaimed lumber for more than 50% of wood products: five points.
Construction debris separated and recycled: five points.
Recycled plastic in deck material: two points.
Compact land use and water conservation:
Appropriate use of native plants, unless otherwise required per the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance,[1] or any other ordinance of the Township: one point.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 153, Subdivision and Land Development.
Use of rain gardens or engineered swales to filter stormwater runoff, unless otherwise required per the Stormwater Management Ordinance,[2] the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, or required of any other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the project (these points are awarded only if swale is not required by site plan conditions): three points.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 148, Stormwater Management.
Planting additional trees beyond required street trees or other trees required by the Zoning Ordinance,[3] the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance, the Stormwater Management Ordinance, or required of any other governmental agency having jurisdiction over the project: 1/3 point for each additional tree to a maximum of two total points (six trees).
Editor's Note: See Ch. 175, Zoning.
Oriented strand board (OSB) subfloors: one point.
Oriented strand board (OSB) wall sheathing: one point.
Engineered lumber used to replace solid wood beams: two points.
Structural insulated panels used for exterior walls: four points.
Energy code measures: The Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code requires certain minimum measures of energy conservation for new buildings, additions, and remodels. This subsection specifies how points are to be awarded under this section for incremental increase in energy efficiency above the required minimum in each of the categories specified in the table. The information shall be provided on a Township approved form.
Insulated assembly:
Windows (as labeled by the NFRC):
ENERGY STAR® labeled: two points.
0.30 (meets 2021 IECC): four points.
0.20 or less: six points.
Remodeling projects, per single-pane window replace by ENERGY STAR® window: one point.
ENERGY STAR® labeled: two points.
Wall insulation:
R-20+5 or 13+10: six points.
Ceiling insulation:
Greater than R-49: four points.
Floor insulation:
R-25: two points.
R-30: four points.
Insulation on the interior of foundation wall insulation:
Greater than R-19: two points.
Slab insulation:
Greater than R-10, four feet: two points.
Heating equipment (furnace and boilers):
ENERGY STAR® labeled: two points.
Air source heat pump or dual-fuel heat pump: six points.
Ground source heat pump: eight points.
Air conditioning:
ENERGY STAR® labeled: two points.
Heat recovery ventilation (HRV): eight points.
Tankless domestic hot-water heaters: one point.
"On demand" hot-water pump system: one point.
Waterless urinals (each): two points.
Air source heat pump water heater: two points.
Composting toilet: two points.
ENERGY STAR® appliances:
Dishwasher installed: one point.
Clothes washer installed: one point.
Refrigerator installed: one point.
Freezer installed: one point.
LED lightbulbs installed:
LED lightbulbs for 100% of the project's lighting installed: two points.
Electric vehicle chargers (verify electricity used is from renewable source):
Level 1 charger: three points.
Level 2 or higher charger: six points.
Passive solar potential preservation and solar space heating on a wall surface equal to 10% of the unit's floor area or 150 square feet whichever is greater and located on the more southerly side of the unit: five points.
Glazing of the south wall surface adequate to provide at least 20% passive solar heating: six points.
Glazing of the south wall surface adequate to provide at least 40% passive solar heating but only if designed in conjunction with an appropriately sized thermal mass so as not to adversely affect cooling loads: 12 points.
Glazing of the south wall surface adequate to provide at least 60% passive solar heating but only if designed in conjunction with an appropriately sized thermal mass so as not to adversely affect cooling loads: 20 points.
Solar hot-water heating: 10 points.
Active solar space heating with calculated savings fraction of:
Thirty percent: eight points.
Forty percent: 12 points.
Fifty percent: 16 points.
Sixty percent: 20 points.
Active solar preplumbing: two points.
Solar-generated electricity with a savings fraction of at least 25%: 20 points.
Innovation points:
Install infrastructure to support current or future alternative fuel vehicle use: five points.
Innovative product or design points (to be awarded based on demonstrated energy or resource conservation savings): up to 10 points.
The aforementioned lists and point eligibility criteria may be amended from time to time by resolution from the Township Board of Supervisors.
Any applicant who has an interest in pursuing the green point initiative may request an interpretation from the Township Director of Code Enforcement as to the number of green points the project may be eligible to receive. The request for an interpretation shall be filed on a form prepared by the Township.
In order to receive green points and thus a reduction in building permit fees, the applicant shall provide additional third-party certifications, if required by the Building Code Official, from qualified third-party professionals appropriately certified in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, certifying that the project is eligible for certain green points. All costs for the third-party certifications shall be borne by the applicant.
In the event a court of competent jurisdiction shall declare any portion of this chapter invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the chapter in its entirety, as it was the intent of the Board of Supervisors that the chapter would have been adopted, even if the offending provision had not been included.
This chapter shall be effective five (5) days after enactment.