Whenever any Minor subdivision is proposed, and before any contract for the sale of, or any offer to sell any lot in such subdivision is made, and before any permit for the erection of a structure in such subdivision shall be granted, the subdivider, shall apply in writing for approval of such subdivision in accordance with the applicable provisions of this article.
Purpose. The subdivider shall meet with the Planning Department to discuss subdivision of the property and conformity, to the maximum extent practicable, with the Town of Dryden Residential and/or Commercial Development Design Guidelines, as the case may be.
Condition precedent. The pre-application meeting is required prior to submission of a plat for approval.
Submission of sketch plan. Two copies of a sketch plan and a Short Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) shall be filed at the pre-application meeting.
Discussion of requirements. The subdivider shall meet with the Planning Department to discuss the sketch plan, the requirements of this chapter, including the manner in which water service and sewer service will be provided, the availability of existing utility services, and conformance, to the maximum extent practicable, with the Residential and/or Commercial Development Design Guidelines, as the case may be.
approval of sketch plan. The Planning Department shall determine whether the sketch plan meets the requirements of this chapter and shall provide in writing its determination of what, if any, modifications are necessary for approval of the sketch plan, or if a revised sketch plan is not required, on the final plat.
Full EAF may be required. Based on its review of the Short EAF, the Planning Department may require that a Full EAF be filed, and in the case of a minor subdivision in a Conservation District (CV), or in the optional use of the conservation subdivision procedure (Article IX) in a Rural Agricultural District (RA), Rural Residential District (RR), Varna Hamlet Mixed Use District (VHMU), Varna Hamlet Residential District (VHR) or Varna Hamlet Traditional District (VHT) shall require that a Full EAF be filed.
[Amended 12-15-2016 by L.L. No. 4-2016]
Compliance with SEQR, lead agency.
The Planning Department shall determine whether the EAF filed is complete, and provided that no major impacts are determined to result from the proposed subdivision, the Planning Department shall be the lead agency for purposes of SEQR.
If the Planning Department determines that a potentially large impact may result, the Planning Board shall be the lead agency for purposes of SEQR, and the provisions of Article VII, Major Subdivisions, shall govern the procedure and approval of the subdivision.
Fee. There is no fee for a pre-application meeting.
No preliminary plat approval required.
Minor subdivisions do not require preliminary plat approval. Upon Planning Department approval of a sketch plan without modifications, the subdivider may treat the approved sketch plan as preliminary plat approval.
Modifications to the sketch plan. If the Planning Department approval of the sketch plan requires modifications, the Planning Department may, when in its opinion the modifications are minor and not substantial, and the public interest will not be served by the submission of a revised sketch plan, permit the submission of a final plat without the subdivider filing a revised sketch plan.
Revised sketch plan may be required. If the Planning Department approval of the sketch plan requires modifications, in the absence of an express approval to file a final plat, the subdivider shall file a revised sketch plan in accordance with the provisions of § 240-8.2C above.
Application. After sketch plan approval, the applicant may file an application for final plat approval. sketch plan approval by the Planning Department shall expire 180 days after such approval unless the final plat has been approved within that time. The Planning Department may extend for up to two periods of 90 days each, the time in which the sketch plan approval shall expire if, in the Planning Department's opinion, such extension is warranted by the particular circumstances.
Number of copies. Two copies of the final plat and one digital copy shall be filed.
Review of final plat. The Planning Department shall review the final plat and its conformity with the approved sketch plan, and if it otherwise complies with the requirements of this chapter and other applicable local laws, including Chapter 270, Zoning, the final plat shall be approved.
Fee. The application fee for final plat approval shall be paid at the time the final plat is filed.