[Ord. No. 6-2018, 10/23/2018]
Easements shall be established to accommodate the existence of drainageways.
Easements shall be established for all on-site stormwater management or drainage facilities, including, but not limited to: detention facilitates (above or below ground), infiltration facilities, all stormwater BMPs, drainage swales, and drainage facilities (inlets, manholes, pipes, etc.).
Easements are required for all areas used for off-site stormwater control.
All easements shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide.
Easements shall provide ingress to and egress from a public right-of-way. In lieu of providing an easement to the public right-of-way, a note may be added to the plan granting South Hanover Township or its designee access to all easements via the nearest public right-of-way.
Where possible, easements shall be centered on side and/or rear lot lines.
The following note shall be placed on the recorded plan, "Nothing shall be planted or placed within the easement which would adversely affect the function of the easement or conflict with any conditions associated with such easement."
A note shall be placed on the SWM site plan identifying the party responsible for assuring the continued functionality and required maintenance of any easement.