In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1990 Code of Ordinances have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1990 Code of Ordinances
Location in 2020 Code
Ch. 1, Administration and Government
Part 1, Officers
A. Mayor
Ch. 83, Art. II
B. Borough Council
Ch. 83, Art. II
C. Borough Manager
Ch. 54, Art. I
D. Independent Auditor
Ch. 7
E. Tax Collector
Ch. 83, Art. I
Part 2, Borough Authority
Ch. 12, Art. I
Part 3, Committees, Agencies, Boards and Commissions
A. Civil Service Commission
Ch. 19, Art. I
B. Planning Commission
Ch. 19, Art. III
C. Park and Recreation Commission
Ch. 19, Art. II
Part 4, Firemen's Relief Association
Ch. 35
Part 5, Police Department
Ch. 67
Part 6, Police Pension Fund
Ch. 60, Art. I
Part 7, Non-Uniformed Employees Pension Plan
Ch. 60, Art. II
Part 8, Fire Loss Claims
Ch. 235
Part 9, Recognizing ire Companies
Ch. 31
Part 10, Schedule of Attorney's Fees
Ch. 307
Ch. 2, Animals
Part 1, Prohibiting Dogs Running at Large
Ch. 136, Art. IV
Part 2, Prohibiting Nuisances Committed by Animals
Ch. 136, Art. II
Part 3, Prohibiting Certain Conduct Against Police Dogs
Ch. 136, Art. III
Part 4, Livestock Running at Large
Ch. 136, Art. I
Ch. 3, Bicycles (Reserved)
Ch. 4, Buildings
Part 1, Real Estate Registry
Ch. 366, Art. II
Part 2, Dangerous Buildings
Ch. 152
Ch. 5, Code Enforcement
Part 1, Uniform Construction Code
Ch. 185, Art. I
Part 2, Property Maintenance
Ch. 350
Ch. 6, Conduct
Part 1, Disorderly Conduct
Ch. 198
Part 2, Curfew Hours for Minors
Part 3, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 125, Art. I
Part 4, Regulations for Protection of Public Property
Ch. 359
Part 5, Prohibition of Discharging a Firearm
Ch. 229
Part 6, Noise Control
Ch. 312, Art. I
Part 7, Engine Brakes
Ch. 312, Art. II
Ch. 7, Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
Part 1, Regulating the Size of Threads for Fire Hose Couplings
Part 2, Dispensing of Gasoline or other Inflammable Liquids
Part 3, Rapid-Entry Key Boxes
Ch. 240, Art. I
Part 4, Wood-Burning Stoves and Outdoor Burning
Ch. 240, Art. II
Ch. 8, Flood Plain Regulations
Ch. 248
Ch. 9, Grading and Excavating (Reserved)
Ch. 10, Health and Safety
Part 1, Restriction on Height of Vegetation
Ch. 263
Part 2, Abatement of Hazardous Accidents
Ch. 210, Art. I
Ch. 11, Housing
Part 1, Owner is Required to Provide Address and Phone Number in Case of an Emergency on Owned Lot
Ch. 366, Art. I
Part 2, Residential Rental Licensing and Inspection
Ch. 371, Art. I
Ch. 12, Libraries (Reserved)
Ch. 13, Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations
Part 1, Regulations for Amusement Devices
Ch. 129, Art. I
Part 2, Permit for Circus, Carnival or Operation of Amusement Rides
Ch. 177
Part 3, Transient Retail Business
Ch. 438
Ch. 14, Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks (Reserved)
Ch. 15, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 450
Ch. 16, Parks and Recreation
Part 1, Regulating Use and Operation of Victory Park
Ch. 330, Art. I
Part 2, Smoking and Tobacco Use
Ch. 330, Art. II
Ch. 17, Planned Residential Development (Reserved)
Ch. 18, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Part 1, Rates and Charges for Sewers
Ch. 382, Art. I
Part 2, Tapping Fees
Ch. 382, Art. II
Ch. 19, Signs and Billboards (Reserved)
Ch. 20, Solid Waste
Part 1, Regulation of Storage, Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste and Licensing of Collectors
Part 2, Collection Charges
Ch. 400, Art. I
Part 3, Municipal Solid Waste Disposal and Joint Cooperation Authority
Ch. 400, Art. II
Part 4, Recycling
Ch. 400, Art. III
Ch. 21, Streets and Sidewalks
Part 1, Street Cuts
Ch. 415, Art. IV
Part 2, Regulating Sidewalk and Curb Construction and Repairs
Ch. 415, Art. II
Part 3, Curb Cut Ramp for the Physically Handicapped
Ch. 415, Art. III
Part 4, Removal of Snow and Ice from Sidewalks
Ch. 415, Art. I
Part 5, Sidewalk Sales; Obstruction of Sidewalks and Building Accessways
Ch. 415, Art. V
Ch. 22, Subdivision and Land Development
Ch. 420
Ch. 23, Swimming Pools (Reserved)
Ch. 24, Taxation; Special
Part 1, Realty Transfer Tax
Ch. 427, Art. V
Part 2, Earned Income Tax
Ch. 427, Art. II
Part 3, Per Capita Tax
Ch. 427, Art. III
Part 4, Local Services Tax
Ch. 427, Art. I
Part 5, Tax Exemptions
Part 6, Local Taxpayers Bill of Rights
Ch. 427, Art. IV
Part 7, Collection of Delinquent Real Estate Taxes
Ch. 427, Art. VI
Part 8, Fire Service Appropriation Tax
Ch. 427, Art. VII
Ch. 25, Trees
Part 1, Trees Planted Along Sidewalks and Curbs
Ch. 443, Art. I
Ch. 26, Water
Part 1, Stormwater Management
Ch. 408
Ch. 27, Zoning
Ch. 475
A. Annexation of Territory
B. Bond Issues and Loans
C. Franchises and Services
D. Governmental and Intergovernmental Affairs
E. Plan Approval (Reserved)
F. Public Property
G. Sewers
H. Streets and Sidewalks
I. Water (Reserved)
J. Zoning; Prior Ordinances