[R.O. 1957, 5:12-1, adopted Dec. 1, 1969]
An employee who is injured in the performance of his duties shall immediately report the accident to his supervisor, and shall complete a form provided for such reports.
The completed accident report form shall be submitted to the Department Director and a copy sent to the City Administrator.
[R.O. 1957, 5:12-2, adopted Dec. 1, 1969]
Employees shall not accept outside employment or engage in outside business activities without the prior and continued approval of the Department Director. Applications for permission to accept outside employment shall be made in writing to the employee's division head who shall forward the same with his recommendation to the Department Director.
The application shall set forth pertinent information concerning the type of employment to be engaged in, the name and address of the prospective employer, and the hours of such employment.
No application for permission to accept outside employment or engage in outside business activities shall be approved by the Department Director if, in his judgment, there is any reasonable probability that:
Such outside employment will interfere with an employee's performance or compromise an employee's position with the City through a conflict of interest; or,
If such employment shall exceed twenty (20) hours per week.
In the case of members or employees of the Fire and Police Divisions, outside employment shall be governed by the manual of Rules and Regulations for such Division.[1]
Cross reference: As to outside employment relating to Police Division, see Police Division Manual, Number 149 of rules and regulations, § § 380.22 and 380.28, effective Feb. 15, 1968. As to outside employment relating to Fire Division, see Fire Division rules and regulations, §§ 14.50 and 14.51, effective Aug. 1, 1970.
[R.O. 1957, 5:12-3, adopted Dec. 1, 1969]
Subject to the approval of the Mayor, the Department Directors may, from time to time, establish, amend and supplement rules and regulations for governing the internal operations of any Department and the conduct and department of its personnel. Such departmental rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of any statute of this State, this chapter, or other City ordinance.
The rules and regulations shall be in writing, approved by the City Administrator, signed by the Mayor, and filed in the office of the Clerk. They shall be binding on all persons subject to the jurisdiction of the Department.
A written copy of such rules and regulations shall be distributed to the personnel of the Department affected thereby and shall be posted in the headquarters of the Department.
Cross reference: As to the Police and Fire Divisions' rules and regulations, see Sections 2:7-9 and 2:7-16 of this Code. As to Department Directors powers, see Section 2:5-9.
[R.O. 1957, 5:12-4, adopted Dec. 1, 1969]
The City Administrator shall provide that adequate personnel records are maintained for each employee of the City.
The records should include dates of appointments and promotions, job titles, salaries, commendations, disciplinary actions, leave of any type taken and accumulated, merit ratings, and any related matters.
Cross reference: As to the Personnel Division, see Section 2:6-13 of this Code.