[R.O. 1957, 14:2-8]
Any property owner (which includes tenant, occupant or contractor) upon his own initiative and without notice may, or in the case of written notice from the City as provided by law, shall, construct, reconstruct, repair and grade a sidewalk and/or curb at the edge of a sidewalk abutting or bordering upon his property, provided that such owner shall first make application to the Director of Public Works or his designee for a permit and shall conform to the requirements of this chapter as to line and grade and as to materials used. Such sidewalk or curb shall be at established grade and shall be maintained in good condition and in perfect alignment and grade so as to freely shed water. Such owner shall also notify the Director or his designee before construction starts and arrange for inspection within two (2) days after completion that such improvement or work has been completed. The Director or his designee shall inspect such improvement or work to determine whether the owner has observed and followed the requirements of this chapter.
In the event that the owner of any real estate fails to construct, reconstruct, repair and grade any required sidewalk and/or curb at the edge of such sidewalk abutting or bordering upon such real estate within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice as provided by law from the Director of Public Works or his designee, then the City shall cause such improvement or repair to be made. No further written notice by the City shall be necessary if the notice of the sidewalk improvement ordinance is given pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:65-2 to 40:65-6, inclusive.
In the event such work is performed by the Director or his designee, the cost thereof shall be certified by the Director or his designee to the Collector of Taxes.
Upon the filing of such certification, the amount of the cost shall be and become a lien upon the abutting lands in front of which such work was done and shall bear interest and be collected in the manner provided by law or the City may bring action to recover such cost against the owner or tenant of such lands.
The City may award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder for all miscellaneous sidewalk improvements the City may desire to make for a period of one (1) year or less.
Such contracts shall be awarded in the same manner as other City contracts.
State law reference: As to City annual contracts for sidewalks, see N.J.S.A. 40:65-11.
The City may provide for the laying of crosswalks and the grading, paving, repaving, or improving of portions of sidewalks lying in the angles of intersection of streets at City expense.
State law reference: As to crosswalks, see N.J.S.A. 40:65-10.
[R.O. 1957, 14:2-1]
There shall be a space devoted to sidewalk on each side of every street.
[R.O. 1957, 14:2-6]
Unless otherwise directed by the Director of Public Works or his designee, a sidewalk shall be located so that the nearer edge of the concrete shall be the following distances from the side lines of the street:
On streets having a width of eighty (80) feet or more, a distance of six (6) feet;
On streets having a width of seventy (70) feet or more, and less than eighty (80) feet, a distance of five (5) feet;
On streets having a width of sixty (60) feet or more, and less than seventy (70) feet, a distance of three (3) feet;
On streets having a width of fifty (50) feet or more, and less than sixty (60) feet, a distance of two (2) feet; and,
On streets having a width of less than fifty (50) feet, a distance of one (1) foot.
The current revised specifications for materials, methods, grade, width and other engineering specifications, prepared by the Director of Public Works or his designee for the construction of sidewalks and curbs and gutters are hereby adopted and by this reference made a part of this Code with the same force and effect as though set out in full herein. At least three (3) copies of the specifications are on file and open for public inspection and use in the offices of the Clerk and Director of Public Works.
[R.O. 1957, 14:2-3, as amended July 2, 1962]
A curb or sidewalk shall be constructed as provided in the specifications of the City Engineer except that a sidewalk now paved with flagstone or bluestone may be relaid or repaired with the same material, provided the sidewalk complies in all other respects with this article. The Council, by resolution at any time, may order a flagstone or bluestone pavement removed and replaced by concrete.
[MC-1971-13 § 1, November 15, 1971]
Where application is made by an owner to discontinue an existing sidewalk in need of repair, the Council may by resolution waive the requirement for a sidewalk under the following conditions:
A sketch is presented to the Department of Public Works showing the location of all sidewalks abutting and within two hundred (200) feet of the subject property.
Evidence is presented that the sidewalk is in need of repair.
There would be no conditions created by the removal that would affect public safety or interfere with normal pedestrian traffic.
That the sidewalk area be graded and seeded subject to approval of the Department of Public Works.
That a recommendation be made to the Council by the City Engineer and the Chief Building Inspector.
[R.O. 1957, 14:2-3 (10)]
All fills shall be made in a manner satisfactory to the Director of Public Works or his designee, and in accordance with his specifications.
[R.O. 1957, 14:2-3 (11) and 14:2-4]
A sidewalk in the following named streets and portions thereof, shall be paved with Portland cement concrete from each side of the street to the nearer curb line thereof:
The northwesterly side of Front Street, East and West, from Westervelt Avenue to Washington Avenue, and the southeasterly side of Front Street, from Westervelt Avenue to Liberty Street; Second Street, East and West, from Roosevelt Avenue to Liberty Street; North Avenue, from Park Avenue to Watchung Avenue; East Third Street, from Watchung Avenue to Richmond Street; West Third Street, from Madison Avenue to Plainfield Avenue; East and West Fourth Street, from Roosevelt Avenue to Plainfield Avenue; East and West Fifth Street, from Richmond Street to Madison Avenue; South Avenue, from Richmond Street to Berckman Street; Richmond Street, from East Second Street to East Fifth Street; Church Street, from East Front Street to East Third Street; Watchung Avenue, from Green Brook to East Sixth Street; Gavett Place, from East Second Street to North Avenue; Cleveland Avenue, from East Fourth Street to East Sixth Street; Park Avenue, from Front Street to Seventh Street; Somerset Street, from Front Street to Green Brook; Madison Avenue, from Green Brook to West Fifth Street; Grove Street, from West Front Street to Green Brook; Central Avenue, from West Front Street to West Fourth Street; New Street, from West Front Street to Central Railroad of New Jersey; Liberty Street, from West Front Street to West Fifth Street; Plainfield Avenue, from West Front Street to West Fifth Street; Court Place from Watchung Avenue to Roosevelt Avenue; Roosevelt Avenue from Orange Place to East Seventh Street;
Full width paving shall not be required on portions of the following named streets: the southeasterly side of West Third Street, from Liberty Street to Plainfield Avenue; the northwesterly side of West Fourth Street from Liberty Street to Plainfield Avenue; the southwesterly side of Liberty Street from West Third Street to West Fourth Street; and the northeasterly side of Plainfield Avenue from West Third Street to West Fourth Street.
The Council, by ordinance, may require the installation of full width sidewalks on streets or portions of streets other than those designated in Subsections (a) and (b).
Paving may be omitted on a portion of the space devoted to sidewalks which may be occupied by telephone or electric poles, other utilities or installations lawfully standing therein, any portion which may be occupied by trunks of trees growing therein, and an additional space not exceeding twenty-five (25) square feet in area around each tree.
On sections of streets named in Subsections (a) and (b) where storm sewers or drains now exist, or hereafter are constructed, a suitable system of underdrains using pipes and materials of a type approved by the Director of Public Works or his designee, shall be installed and connected with such storm sewers or drains wherever required by the Director of Public Works or his designee.
[R.O. 1957, 14:2-9]
The space devoted to sidewalks shall be kept free from long grass, weeds, shrubs or other things or substances likely to interfere with safe and easy travel by pedestrians or persons lawfully using the space.[2]
Cross reference: As to the maintenance, appearance, condition, and occupancy of residential and nonresidential premises, see Property Maintenance Code.
Upon the failure of the owner or the occupant of land abutting or bouldering on the sidewalks of public streets to remove grass, weeds, shrubs, or other things or substances likely to interfere with safe and easy travel by pedestrians or persons lawfully using the sidewalks within three (3) days after notice is given by the Director of Public Works or his designee, the grass, weeds, shrubs, or other things or substances shall be removed by the Department of Public Works.[3]
Cross reference: As to trees, etc., see Chapter 15 of this Code.
In the event of removal by such Department, the cost thereof shall be paid by the City. The cost shall then be certified by the Director of Public Works or his designee to the Collector of Taxes.
Upon filing of the certificate, the amount of the cost shall be and become a lien upon the abutting lands in front of which such work was done, and shall bear interest and be collected in the manner provided by law, or the City may bring an action to recover such cost from the owner and/or occupant of such land.
State law reference: As to removal of grass and weeds, see N.J.S.A. 40:65-12.