[Adopted 6-26-85 as Ord. No. 0-21-85; repealed and replaced 2-19-02 by Ord. No. 0-2-02; amended in entirety 7-17-12 by Ord. No. O-2012-025]
Position created. There is hereby created and established in the Township of Winslow the position of Administrator pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:9-136, et seq.
Appointment; term of office.
The Township Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor and Township Committee.
At the discretion of the Township Committee, the Township Administrator may be appointed to a term of not less than one (1) year but no more than three (3) years.
The Township Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Township Committee. The Administrator may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Mayor and Township Committee. The resolution of removal shall become effective three (3) months after its adoption by the Mayor and Township Committee. The Mayor and Township Committee may provide that the resolution shall have immediate effect; provided, however, that the governing body shall cause to be paid to the Administrator forthwith any unpaid balance of his salary and his salary for the next three (3) calendar months following the adoption of the resolution.
In the event of removal, resignation, absence of disability of the Administrator, the Mayor and Township Committee shall appoint an Acting Administrator to serve for ninety (90) days or until a permanent Administrator is appointed pursuant to Subsection A above, whichever is sooner.
The Township Administrator shall be paid a salary fixed and adopted by the Mayor and Township Committee in the annual salary ordinance. The Administrator shall receive no additional compensation for other positions or titles that may be held but shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses incurred in the performance of the office, subject to approval by the Mayor and Township Committee.
The person appointed to the position of Township Administrator for a term of not less than one (1) nor more than three (3) years, as provided herein, shall be entitled to receive the annual compensation authorized on the date of initial appointment.
Unless otherwise provided, no Acting Administrator shall be paid more than that person's regular salary while serving in that capacity, but shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses incurred in the performance of the office. If the Mayor and Township Committee by resolution increases the compensation of the Acting Administrator during that person's tenure, such increased compensation shall not exceed the minimum salary provided in the salary ordinance for the position of Administrator.
Qualifications. The Township Administrator shall be appointed on the basis of the person's executive and administrator qualifications. Previous experience in local government is essential, and possession of a master's degree in public administration, business administration or municipal management shall be preferred.
General responsibilities. The Township Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Township of Winslow and shall direct and supervise the administration of all departments and officers of the Township government. The authority of the Mayor and Township Committee to supervise the administration of all departments shall be transmitted through the Township Administrator where not prohibited by state statute, and all subordinate employees of the Township shall be responsible to said authority. The Township Administrator shall implement all decisions and orders as directed by the Mayor and Township Committee.
Duties. The Township Administrator shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Township of Winslow and be responsible to the Township Committee for the administration of all Township affairs and have the following powers and duties:
Direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the Township, except as otherwise provided by law.
Supervise the hiring of employees pursuant to Chapter 52 of the Code of the Township of Winslow.
Attend all meetings of the Mayor and Township Committee with the right to take part in the discussion and to receive notice of all regular and special meetings of the Mayor and Township Committee and all advisory committees.
Ensure that all laws and all acts of the Mayor and Township Committee are faithfully executed, subject to enforcement by the Administrator or by officers and employees under the Administrator's direction and supervision.
To serve as the Township's Director of Human Resources with responsibility to oversee the employment practices of the Township's departments and agencies, and where necessary to recommend policies and procedures for approval by the Mayor and Township Committee. In this role, the Administrator shall develop and oversee a comprehensive training program for Township employees as necessary.
To supervise the preparation of and recommend annually to the Mayor and Township Committee an operating budget and a capital budget. The recommended operating budget shall include projections of revenues and expenses and a projected tax rate and the capital budget shall include funding sources. The budgets and capital plan shall be submitted on a schedule approved by the Mayor and Township Committee that meets the schedule requirements of the state.
To take appropriate disciplinary action against Township employees and recommend to the Township Committee, when necessary, the suspension or removal of employees, subject to statutory and contractual rights so afforded to any employee.
Keep the Mayor and Township Committee fully advised of the current financial condition and future needs of the Township and make such recommendations to them concerning the affairs of the Township as the Administrator deems appropriate.
To oversee and direct the finances of the Township. Maintain a proper purchasing and requisitioning procedure pursuant to the ordained Township procedure and statutory requirements and to supervise the purchase of materials, supplies and equipment for which funds are provided in the municipal budget in accordance with said procedure.
Review and recommend for approval all bills and vouchers as well as professional contract billings prior to submitting same to the Mayor and Township Committee for final approval of payment.
Authorize any transfer of supplies, materials and equipment between departments and offices and, with the authorization of the Mayor and Township Committee, sell surplus, obsolete, unused or waste supplies, materials and equipment.
Provide for the proper maintenance of inventory records of all equipment, materials, and lands owned by the Township.
Shall be responsible for coordinating the work of all professionals and consultants retained by the Mayor and Township Committee.
Assist in negotiating contracts for the Township, including personnel or labor contracts, as authorized and directed by and subject to the approval of the Mayor and Township Committee and ensure that all terms and conditions favorable to the Township in any statute or contract are faithfully performed; and upon knowledge of any violation of the above to inform the Mayor and Township Committee.
Act as liaison between the Township and various federal, state and county agencies with respect to all applications for funds or services needed or required by the Township.
Supervise all actions associated with the Township's insurance programs and policies, including employee health benefit administration, all areas of liability insurance and worker's compensation.
Receive and review any complaints concerning the functions and obligations of the Township made by any of its residents or taxpayers and maintain a permanent record of all complaints and the disposition of said complaints.
Perform such other duties as may be required by law or ordinance or as directed by the Mayor and Township Committee.
Full-time position. The Township Administrator shall devote full-time to the position and shall not engage in any other occupation or employment which would interfere with performing the duties of Administrator.
Position established. There is hereby created and established in the Township of Winslow the position of Senior Payroll Clerk.
Appointment. The Senior Payroll Clerk shall be appointed by the Appointing Authority, with the approval of the Mayor and Township Committee.
Duties. The duties of the Senior Payroll Clerk shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Review and check payroll or payroll and personnel records, statements, documents, certificates, U.S. Savings Bond registers, or time and attendance records.
Under direction, prepare regular, supplemental, and overtime payrolls; add or delete employees as required; make other appropriate changes including union deductions, taxes, charities, pension, and savings bonds.
Process pension membership applications, beneficiary changes, retirement and loan applications as well as health insurance applications and changes.
Complete unemployment requests for wage and separation information.
Compute overtime, emergency rates, and leaves of absence requiring the interpretation and application of relevant rules and regulations.
Receive regular and supplemental paychecks from Centralized Payroll and separate by payroll and region prior to distribution.
Prepare and process personnel and/or payroll forms with responsibility for ensuring that all pertinent information has been included and is accurate; ensure that all applicable rules, regulations, and procedures are adhered to.
Work with and advise department employees as needed.
Advise supervisor or management of relevant deadlines, changes in rules and regulations, and related information.
Handle special requests for information in accordance with prescribed rules and regulations.
Consult with representatives of the Department of Treasury or other agencies to exchange information and discuss problems related to payroll rules and regulations.
Assist employees in completing and processing forms and applications relating to retirement, insurance, payroll deductions, and record changes.
Compile statistical and other data.
Keep current with changes in rules and regulations.
Prepare payroll-related letters, memoranda and reports.
Assist staff in the development of new and revised personnel and/or payroll policies and procedures.
Receive, review and adjust complaints.
Conduct special studies when requested of certain payroll procedures and reports findings.
Prepare, review, check, and certify reports, applications and other documents when difficult determinations are required.
Assist in the maintenance and ensuring confidentiality of records and files.
Compensation. The Senior Payroll Clerk shall be paid a salary fixed and adopted by the governing body in the annual salary ordinance.
Position established. There is hereby created and established in the Township of Winslow the position of Personnel Aide.
Appointment. The Personnel Aide shall be appointed by the Appointing Authority, with the approval of the Mayor and Township Committee.
Duties. The duties of the Personnel Aide shall include, but not be limited to, the following;
Perform routine work involved in personnel activities.
Attend formal/informal training sessions and studies local government personnel procedures, regulations, practices, standards, and techniques and the specific work processes and methods of the department or agency concerned.
Perform technical support work in one or more personnel specialty fields, such as labor relations, classification, compensation, benefits, or records.
Assemble, analyze, and record factual data.
Analyze organizational structures.
Learn to prepare position descriptions.
Tabulate and analyze pay data when requested to do so.
Compile material for and prepare formal memoranda and statistical, analytical, and other reports.
Maintain essential records, reports, and files.
Compensation. The Personnel Aide shall be paid a salary fixed and adopted by the governing body in the annual salary ordinance.
Position established. There is hereby created and established in the Township of Winslow the position of Emergency Management Coordinator, who shall be a resident of Winslow Township.
Appointment; term of office.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be appointed by the Mayor, or his designee.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall serve for a term of three (3) years, and must successfully complete all courses as required under state law within one (1) year of appointment to continue for the full term.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall have a minimum of two (2) years' experience in the planning, development, and administration of emergency response activities such as those provided by police, fire, rescue, medical or emergency management units either in the public or private sector or in the military service.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be a resident of the municipality.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall have a good reputation and a sound moral character.
Duties. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be responsible for planning, activating, coordinating and the conduct of emergency management operations within the municipality and his duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Oversee the Township's Emergency Management program administration and program development, encompassing the four (4) phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
Insure that the Municipal Office of Emergency Management is available on a twenty-four-hour basis.
Supervise the day-to-day operations of the Municipal Office of Emergency Management.
Insure that the Township meets all the requirements for the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Emergency Management Assistance Program; including meeting goals agreed to in the annual work plan, maintaining a currently approved Municipal Emergency Operating Plan, and providing the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management with quarterly program status reports, if applicable.
Prepare, submit, and justify the annual Municipal Emergency Management budget, if required to do so.
Secure county, state and federal technical and financial assistance available through the County Office of Emergency Management.
Personally attend at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the scheduled County Office of Emergency Management meetings and assure representation at all other County Emergency Management meetings.
Maintain a continuing knowledge of all municipal, county, state and federal laws and plans concerning emergency management.
Interact with County Emergency Management Coordinator regarding:
Municipal Operations Plans (EOP) review;
All mutual aid agreements;
The approval and scheduling of attendees for state and federally sponsored emergency management courses, etc.
Maintain adequate files, records, and correspondence relating to emergency management activities.
Coordinate with the municipal agencies, departments, and bureaus regarding emergency management responsibilities.
Implement policies and procedures regarding emergency management.
Conduct quarterly staff members, providing advance notice to the County Office of Emergency Management.
Receive and react to weather emergency notifications.
Cooperate with National Warning System (NAWAS) program.
Comply with all directives, rules and regulations issued by the State Office of Emergency Management.
Conduct a minimum of one (1) exercise per year, providing a minimum thirty (30) day advance notice through the County Office of Emergency Management to the State Office of Emergency Management.
Recruit, organize, coordinate and train a staff to administer the following emergency management functions and programs:
Alerting and warning
Damage assessment
Emergency Operations Center
Emergency public information
Fire and rescue
Hazardous materials
Emergency medical
Law enforcement
Public health
Public works
Radiological protection
Resource management
Shelter, reception and care
Social services
Compensation. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be paid a salary fixed and adopted by the governing body in the annual salary ordinance.
Position established. There is hereby created and established in the Township of Winslow the position of Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator.
Appointment. The Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator shall be appointed by the Appointing Authority, with the approval of the Mayor and Township Committee.
Duties. The duties of the Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Plan, organize, and develop emergency management programs and procedures within the municipality.
Establish and maintain the municipal emergency operations center on a continual basis.
Direct and integrate the practice exercises of the municipality with that of county and state emergency management organizations.
Confer with county and state officials on the development and implementation of mutual aid programs.
Plan and develop a comprehensive training program for municipal staff personnel in accord with federal and state criteria.
Recruit and select volunteer personnel.
Determine financial requirements for the continued operation of the municipal emergency management organization, and prepare the organization's annual budget and other financial statements.
Review and analyze directives and instructions issued by municipal staff personnel to ensure conformity with policies and procedures set forth by the Municipal Emergency Management Director, and by county, state, and federal officials.
Arrange for purchase of equipment and supplies and for storage, inventory, and safeguarding of such property.
When a state of emergency has been declared, work with the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator who alerts, mobilizes, coordinates, and directs activities of the municipal emergency management units with those of other local agencies and the county organization so as to implement emergency management operations.
Prepare periodic reports of municipal operational and organizational programs.
Attend meetings and gives talks before various civic, fraternal, educational, religious, and other groups on the objectives, programs, and significance of emergency management activities.
Establish and maintain needed records and files.
Provide definitive information concerning emergency management programs and policies.
Prepare statistical and other reports.
Work with the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator in conjunction with program administration and program development encompassing the four (4) phases of emergency management - mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
Ensure that the Municipal Office of Emergency Management is available on a twenty-four-hour basis.
Supervise the day-to-day operations of the Municipal Office of Emergency Management.
Ensure that the municipality meets all requirements for the Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Management Assistance Program including meeting goals agreed to in the annual work plan, maintaining a currently approved Municipal Emergency Operations Plan, and providing the NJ Office of Emergency Management with quarterly program status reports, if applicable.
Prepare, submit, and justify the annual municipal emergency management budget.
Secure county, state, and federal technical and financial assistance available through the County Office of Emergency Management.
Coordinate with other municipal agencies, departments, and bureaus their emergency management responsibilities.
Implement policies and procedures regarding emergency management.
Recruit, organize, coordinate, and train staff to administer the following emergency management functions and programs: alerting and warning; communications; damage assessment; emergency operating center; emergency public information; evacuation; fire and rescue; hazardous materials; health and medical; in-place shelter; law enforcement; public works; radiological protection; reception and care; resource management; and social services.
Compensation. The Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator shall be paid a salary fixed and adopted by the governing body in the annual salary ordinance.
Position established. There is hereby created and established in the Township of Winslow the position of Registrar.
Appointment. The Registrar shall be appointed by the Appointing Authority, with the approval of the Mayor and Township Committee,
Duties. The duties of the Registrar shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Develop procedures for obtaining prompt and accurate reports of births, marriages, and deaths.
Pass on the certificates and other forms used in reporting births, marriages, and deaths.
Make statistical compilations and organize such calculations in the form of tables.
Issue various municipal licenses.
Study the reporting of births, marriages, and deaths for the purpose of checking the completeness and accuracy of the reports and the means of improving registrations.
Issue certified copies of birth, marriage, and death records.
Collect fees and account for the money collected.
Answer non-routine inquiries for information within the organization in accord with department policy and regulations.
Determine the manner in which records and files are to be kept.
Address groups interested in the reporting and compilation of births, marriages, and deaths.
Compensation. The Registrar shall be paid a salary fixed and adopted by the governing body in the annual salary ordinance.
[Added 2-25-2020 by Ord. No. O-2020-003[1]]
Position established. There is hereby created and established in the Township of Winslow the position of Administrative Assistant 3.
Appointment. The Administrative Assistant 3 shall be appointed by the appointing authority with the approval of the Mayor and Township Committee.
Duties. The duties of the Administrative Assistant 3 shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Act as principal assistant on administrative matters.
Review inquiries and respond with the necessary technical information and assistance in a prompt manner.
Maintain liaison with other organizational units providing support services such as data processing, accounting, purchasing, printing and personnel.
Participate in data gathering activities and other assignments involving the research and collection of information.
Verify completeness of information in any of the following: applications, reports, files, returns, claims, proposals, forms, and/or listings, and their accuracy before entry into automated systems and files.
Assist in preparation of requests for appropriate actions, prepare/process related forms, and initiate follow-up action when necessary.
Perform research for various projects.
Coordinate fiscal procedures within the organizational unit including budget implementation and control, making sure that expenditures are in accordance with the allocation of funds.
Keep currently informed of new and revised personnel policy statements, regulations, directives, and other communications published by the departmental personnel office, and develop plans and procedures for implementation of such communications.
Coordinate the collection of data, and preparation of administrative and informative reports on support of program activities, time and attendance records, leaves, terminations, new employees, transfers, fiscal expenditures, and statistical records of performance data.
Investigate administrative problems and make recommendations for solutions.
Assist in planning and implementing administrative improvements, including organizational changes, and work systems.
Expedite and coordinate services such as maintenance, repairs, supplies, and mail.
Direct and/or make special studies.
Interpret administrative regulations and policies as required.
Coordinate office operations including clerical work, internal reporting systems, forms, space, and office equipment; and suggest methods for office improvements.
Plan, schedule and/or attend meetings and conferences, and prepare reports thereon.
Review and/or prepare routine correspondence.
Compile and interpret data.
Assist in updating and maintaining the Township's tracking system and/or database.
Prepare statistical or other needed reports.
Supervise the maintenance of records and files.
Education: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's degree.
Experience: One year of experience in a business or government agency providing administrative support services and/or coordinating work activities.
Knowledges and abilities:
Knowledge of the principles and procedures of public administration problems including personnel and fiscal management; and
Knowledge of government budget and administrative practice and procedures.
Compensation. The Administrative Assistant 3 shall be paid a salary fixed and adopted by the governing body in the annual salary ordinance.
Editor's Note: This section, adopted as § 46-25, was renumbered for organizational purposes.
[Added 2-13-2024 by Ord. No. O-2024-001]
Position established. There is hereby created and established in the Township of Winslow the position of Special Events Program Coordinator.
Appointment. The Special Events Program Coordinator shall be appointed by the appointing authority with the approval of the Mayor and Township Committee.
Duties. The duties of the Special Events Program Coordinator shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Responsible for coordinating, promoting, scheduling and supervising special event programs designed specifically for the community.
Responsible for designing advertisement and/or promotional items such as brochures, flyers, posters, etc.
May provide assignments and instructions to individuals and to heads of several units involved in the cleaning, setup and maintenance of buildings and grounds where special events and activities are held.
Obtain permits necessary to hold special events and programs, of buildings and grounds where events are held, if necessary.
Interfaces with government and educational organizations to promote special events appropriate and beneficial to the community, agency or facility.
Maintain relationships with various service organizations, churches, business organizations and others.
Establishes and maintains essential records and files.
Prepares reports and correspondence.
May formulate and execute plans for effective utilization of available funds, equipment and supplies.
Education: graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelor's degree.
Experience: Two years of experience in planning, development and supervising special events, recreational, education or social services program in a community, agency or facility setting preferred.
Knowledge and abilities: a) knowledge of methods and techniques involved in developing community event program in community, agency or facility; b) ability to organize, develop, coordinate and promote special event programs; c) ability to provide assignment and instruction to subordinates and supervise their work; d) ability to enlist the interest of concerned people and encourage their participation in organized programs; e) ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with associates and the public; f) ability to prepare report and correspondence; g) ability to establish and maintain essential records and files.
Compensation. The Special Events Program Coordinator shall be paid a salary fixed and adopted by the governing body in the annual salary ordinance.