[Amended 2-28-95 by Ord. No. 0-3-95]
There is hereby created the Winslow Township Park and Recreation
Advisory Board. Said Board, beginning in 1995, shall consist of eleven
(11) members, including the Chairperson, all of whom shall be residents
of the Township of Winslow.
Members shall serve for three (3) year terms, provided that
the first members shall be appointed on a staggered basis, as follows:
A. Three (3) shall be appointed for three (3) year terms, three (3)
for two (2) year terms, three (3) for one (1) year terms. Members
of the Board shall be appointed by the Mayor.
(1) The first members filling the tenth and eleventh seats (the two (2)
members appointed in 1995) shall be appointed on a staggered basis.
One (1) member shall be appointed for a one (1) year term and one
(1) member shall be appointed for a two (2) year term. Thereafter,
those seats shall be appointed for three (3) year terms.
[Added 2-28-95 by Ord. No. 0-3-95]
B. In order to achieve maximum participation from all segments of the
Winslow community, the appointees should represent different age groups,
the various sports organizations, potential park and recreation facility
users, concerned and interested citizens.
[Amended 4-23-13 by Ord. No. O-2013-011]
A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. Whether a vacancy has occurred shall be determined in accordance with §
8-6 of Chapter
8 of the Winslow Township Code, entitled "Citizen Service and Leadership."
The Mayor shall designate one of the members of the Board as
Chairperson to serve for a one (1) year period. The Board shall elect
one of its members as secretary to serve for a one (1) year period.
The Board shall keep a correct record of its proceedings and shall
meet at such times as it may determine. These meetings shall be subject
to the New Jersey "Open Public Meetings Act".
It is the declared policy that the Board shall be an advisory
body of the municipality on matters of concern related to park and
recreational facilities including the utilization and evaluation thereof
and the programs therefor. Said Board shall study and make recommendations
to the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Township Committee,
concerning a wide variety of recreational issues, including, but not
limited to the following:
A. Maintenance and replacement policy for parks;
C. Reservations for the use thereof;
E. Protection of the facilities;
G. Coordination of programs in order to reduce duplication and achieve
maximum benefits from limited resources; and
H. Recommending specific facilities and programs for senior citizens,
handicapped individuals, youthful participants.
Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or any two
members, with written notice at least five (5) days before the meeting.
A vote of at least four (4) members shall be required to pass
any measure. Four (4) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.