[Adopted 7-27-88 as Ord. No. 0-19-88]
All street lights hereinafter constructed in major subdivisions on minor and collector residential streets shall conform to the following minimum standards:
Street lights in residential areas must be installed three hundred fifty (350) feet apart, on center, on alternate sides of the street at cul-de-sac, at all curves with radius less than three hundred fifty (350) feet or internal angle greater than thirty (30°) degrees, as well as at each intersection in accordance with a street light placement plan approved by the Township Planning Board. Luminaires shall be seventy (70) watt high pressure sodium at street intersections.
Street lights in industrial areas must be installed four hundred (400) feet apart, on center, on alternative sides of the street or cul-de-sac as well as at each intersection in accordance with a street light placement plan approved by the Township Planning Board. Luminaires shall be one hundred (100) watt high pressure sodium in line at street intersections.
Luminaires shall be mounted on a standard light pole as approved by the Electric Company. Said luminaires shall be installed in such a manner that said fixtures shall be a twenty-five (25) foot clearance from the roadway surface.
Prior to the installation of any street light in an approved major subdivision, the developer shall have first secured a street light placement plan signed by the Planning Board of the Township of Winslow. The Planning Board may modify the number of required street lights and the required luminaire types in such plan.
No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for a dwelling on any street on an approved major subdivision unless street lighting conforming to the standards of this Article shall first have been installed. Furthermore, it shall be the developers responsibility to pay all installation, maintenance, and usage costs until such time as the roadway is turned over to the Township of Winslow for maintenance purposes.