[Adopted 6-27-79 as Ord. No. 0-19-79 as Art. IV of Ch. 72 of the 1970 Code of the Township of Winslow[1]]
Editor's Note: Article V of former Ch. 72 of the 1970 Code of the Township of Winslow, which immediately followed this article and pertained to reserve capacity, was adopted 4-23-80 as Ord. No. 0-11-80 and repealed 4-22-81 by Ord. No. 0-8-81.
On and after the effective date of this article, no individual or public or private corporation shall offer for sale, import or install any sink or faucet or lavatory faucet, shower head or urinal- or toilet-associated flush valve, if any, unless the manufacturer or user of the fixture provides certification and performance specifications which may comply with the standards listed below.
The water-saving performance standards for sink and lavatory faucets, shower heads, urinals and toilets shall be as follows:
For sink and lavatory faucets, at a constant water pressure of sixty (60) pounds per square inch, maximum flow shall not exceed three (3) gallons of water per minute.
For shower heads, at a constant water pressure of sixty (60) pounds per square inch, maximum flow shall not exceed three (3) gallons of water per minute.
For urinals and associated flush valve, if any, such flush shall not exceed one and one-half (1 1/2) gallons of water per flush.
For toilets and associated flush valve, if any, each flush shall not exceed three and one-half (3 1/2) gallons of water per flush.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to fixtures installed prior to the effective date of the adoption which are removed and relocated to another room or area of the same building after the effective date of this article; nor shall they apply to fixtures which have been ordered by or in the inventory of contractors or others before the effective date of this article; nor shall they apply to safety showers and aspirator faucets which, in order to perform a specialized function, cannot meet the standards specified.
Any person, firm or corporation and his respective agents, servants or employees who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof in the Municipal Court of the Township of Winslow, be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.).
Every day that such person, firm or corporation or his respective agents, servants or employees shall fail to comply with the provisions of this article shall constitute a separate and additional offense against the provisions thereof.