Any drain or conveyance, whether on the surface or subsurface, that
allows any nonstormwater discharge including sewage, process wastewater,
and wash water to enter a regulated small MS4 or to enter the surface
waters of this Commonwealth is prohibited.
No person shall allow, or cause to allow, discharges into a regulated small MS4, or discharges into waters of this Commonwealth, which are not composed entirely of stormwater, except as provided in Subsection C below and discharges authorized under a state or federal permit.
The following discharges are authorized unless they are determined
to be significant contributors to pollution of a regulated small MS4
or to the waters of this Commonwealth:
Discharges from potable water sources including water line flushing
and fire hydrant flushing, if such discharges do not contain detectable
concentrations of Total Residual Chlorine (TRC).
In the event that the Borough or DEP determines that any of the discharges identified in, Subsection C significantly contribute pollutants to a regulated small MS4 or to the waters of this Commonwealth, the Borough or DEP will notify the responsible person(s) to cease the discharge.
Unless otherwise approved by the Borough, no stormwater from roofs
or driveway drains shall be discharged to the street surface or curb.
No person shall modify, remove, fill, landscape, or alter any
SWM BMPs, facilities, areas, drainage easements, or structures that
were installed as a requirement of this chapter without the written
approval of the Borough.